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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. They're still giving away stunning, top if its class DLC vehicles over 16 months after its launch. For free. That takes alot of class
  2. I love how he is still fuming. 12 years ago, 6 years, and today. You know what they all have in common? You failing to do anything against me.
  3. You apparently condoned it 12 years ago.
  4. I love how you are admitting that you can't do anything to me. I love how you didn't do what you said you would (multiple times in this thread, actually)
  5. LOL, i got no problem with you abandoning ghostz. you just helped me embarrass him more than at any other point, right now thanks for the assist.
  6. hey @McWicked these guys definitely didn't lose their shit.........at all. Just made them take a hard turn and derail the thread to talking about racism, and pulling up posts that I typed 12 years ago. That's all.
  7. you sure don't. Thanks for admitting.
  8. I said you should forward your posts to him. Guess you didn't. Hey, whether or not you wanted to pull the trigger is your deal. You said you were gonna do something............you didn't do it. Too bad.
  9. Yup, you didn't get me banned because of a 12 year old post.
  10. and he doesn't want to answer it. That's what I thought
  11. Maybe the person who brought up black people first...........should explain themselves. I really wonder if @Cookester15 wants to see ghost answer that question.
  12. he's actually getting madder and madder, and I'm not doing anything.. Except posting in 2012. LOL I wonder if @Cookester15 wants to see where ghosts ends up with the current slope that he's on. Did ghostz just compare me to black people???
  13. Actually you just called him that.
  14. Y'know, you're actually ended up being right on that one, in a way.
  15. Sorry bro.............show them to @Cookester15 Also let him know that you just called me a spic
  16. No, you're pretty much done, it appears.
  17. Ghostz just volunteered to derail @Cookester15 thread.
  18. Show them to cooke. As for why i call people faggot..........that's because a faggot isn't the same as a gay man. In fact the South Park episode covered this subject quite succinctly.
  19. Looks like he's turned on the stove again. If he's losing his shit over 12 year old posts..........I potentially have enough material to keep him mad for the rest of his natural life. Hell, he'll probably leave my posts from 2014-2018 in his will to force his next of kin to get on here and continue his meltdown.
  20. Nah, they don't try and hide from something they already admitted to because they realized how embarrassed it makes them look. And they also don't get butthurt into trying to find 12 year old posts.
  21. The great part is after I made fun of them losing their shit, they did the most predictable thing they could do and pretend to try and act non-chalant and laugh it off. Observe: But they're still losing their shit, and they know it.
  22. What???? Gilette made this ad................to attract people to its brand????? Those deceitful, two-faced sons of bitches!
  23. I would love to know the context of that post from 12 years ago.
  24. Those liberals are definitely the ones that lost their shit. Mos'Definitely. I left for 5 minutes, and this is what happened.
  25. Little too late to project your brown streaks onto others. We already made fun of you losing your shit.
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