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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. G.A.Y.S. Gyro Activated Yammer System. https://i.imgur.com/Sd4my6J.png
  2. He ran away........yet again Its easy to tell when ghost loses because he will try to reset the argument again. Observe:
  3. If I was a homophobe, I wouldn't said thank you for the invite. Maybe its because I'm leading you on..........whenever i call you guys "sweeite"
  4. People STATE that they are offended. So that means in the future, if you post quotes or videos of women complaining about something.............as long as they don't explicitly state that they are offended, then by your logic..........they aren't offended? I love it when ghost commits to an even-worse position
  5. He just ran away when he realized that he was in a Catch-22. if you're not offended, then you just proved me correct. Thank you.
  6. I don't participate in gay orgies. But thanks anyway.
  7. LOL, i like how he omits the second part of my posts where I said that all I need to prove you are triggered is to just show your posts. Which, ironically, he couldn't do.
  8. Which means that you lose the argument. If you agree with me that the commercial is not offensive...........then your and Cooke's entire thread is rendered moot. If you are offended, then me and MC are correct. You are in a Catch-22.Did you not understand the part where I had you either way? LOL
  9. Dude........these guys are 600% madder on Page 9 of this thread than they were on Page 1. Good Lord. They need the calming presence of a Man to bring them down.
  10. I don't need logic. I just need to show your posts. LOL
  11. Would explain their inverted penises. Blaming it on the women, obviously. They literally pushed their shit in.
  12. Or maybe you should explain yourself. See with the multiple posts you've spent avoiding explaining yourself...........you could've explained yourself several posts ago.
  13. You guys have lost the right to ever claim that other people are "triggered" or "REEEEEEEEEEE-ing" ever again Wow. The meltdown is R-E-A-L
  14. He's now running away from his claim that I couldn't explain my argument. He's now trying to shift over to ANOTHER argument. Second time this has happened today with ghost
  15. Uh......it was in the first sentence He's trying to find a way out.
  16. I love how you keep on saying we don't understand stuff. ...........and then proceed to not explain anything, and actually try to run away. Why do you make things so complicated for yourself? My guess??????? Because you got nothing, and are trying to bullshit your way out.
  17. That you should be offended, and any man who is--is doing it for an obvious agenda. You just admitted that you aren't ACTUALLY offended. Thank you.
  18. Then why are you offended? Oh, that's right..........we specifically said you shouldn't have been offended at an ad that says comment sense stuff. Cooke, ghosts just did you one better.............he inadvertently ADMITTED defeat and said I was right.
  19. Says the person who responds to questions using 20 year-old George Carlin clips.
  20. In other words..........you know you're losing the main argument, so you're trying to discredit through other ways. Thank you.
  21. Its LITERALLY suppressed male genitalia. Fucking social-engineering, is what it is, I'll tell you hwat!!
  22. except these guys will lose a week's worth of hanes underwear by shitting themselves every day. you can only imagine how they're react when they find out that underwear was invented by a woman.
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