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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. So in other words, you intentionally misrepresent what other people say. And can't respond to them. Guess you can't even hang with your own thread discussion.
  2. Except you just said so yourself by listing hermaphrodites. It came out that way........which makes it biologically possible. Its not common in terms of statistics, because you don't see hermaphrodites breeding, increasing the chances of that genealogy being passed on. But its there.
  3. In RDR2, there's actually a dipshit guy who left his family to go join the KKK, and his letter talked about Eugenics. Sounded like something written by Dynocrap, himself. He killed himself because he lit himself on fire from the burning cross during his initiation. Which would have also happened to Dynocrap.
  4. Lemmings ended up taking a shit in their thread? Why does this keep on happening to them?
  5. Notice how he's trying to throw in as many technical terms to make himself sound smart, whike he is just talking in circles. complex controlls present ddificulty in competent fashion. convolution complexity. Sounds like that Damon Wayans self-taught prison philosopher sketch from In Living Color He's losing all of his shit because Metroid Prime uses lock-on for the majority of its shooting, which isn't the main part of the game.
  6. And runs away again. I even highlighted the key points of the argument in red...........and he tries to play dumb and pretend to not see them. LOL Yup, he is done, alright.
  7. So are lemmings recycling through all of their old content? Playing old games, and being butthurt about 15 year old topics?
  8. You responded to make a specific argument about climate change. Last chance..........are you going to answer it? Or run away?
  9. Yes, you clearly did. You're backing out because you already know trying to make that argument wasn't going to fly. Don't take your bitterness out on me. Best the best a Saucer can get. lol
  10. And you just tried changing the subject from the argument you started with me. Too bad, you're not getting out of it. If you want to change subjects...........go plead to @Cookester15
  11. well, it would explain you trying to mimic me every 5th post.
  12. I love how they're trying to keep this thread alive. This should be able to give them a couple of pages worth.
  13. you're right. I should've known better than to assume he was a man based on his posts.
  14. LOL, he sounds like someone who realized that their troll didn't work
  15. now he's trying to play stupid to get out of this. ....................play stupid is a completely different way, I meant.
  16. I bet I could get an alt-right to jump off a cliff if I go around saying how much I enjoy being right in my decision to not jump off cliffs. Because that's what its starting to feel like these days.
  17. Sure. George Carlin.........if you can believe it.........is not an expert in Environmental Sciences. For a regular person, that would enough to not take what he says as a source of education on a subject. .....for a regular person. I have a question............were trying to troll people by posting this? I really can't tell. LOL
  18. His give no fuck attitude about things like that directly stem from his anti-theist comedy act. Dude.......Dennis Miller is a direct descendant of his comedy, practically copying it. It definitely became right-wing attitude comedy. Which is fine.............for a comedy act. Because that is what it is..............anybody STUPID enough to consider it a reference-point for how they should think is nothing more than a weak person who thinks they're cool, but actually comes off looking sadder.
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