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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. You know what I love the most, about all of this. Your average 20-something, internet-browsing, cargo-short wearing, American guy LOOOOOOOOVES conspiracy theories. This is undeniable. These guys are responsible to helping spread most conspiracy theories. Every little small bit of information, they will run to it. And now we have the biggest conspiracy of our time. And UNLIKE other conspiracy theories...........we have names, dates, locations, MONEY-trails, intelligence reports that state basic events and conclusions. We have actual, real crimina
  2. you think ads are primarily meant to convey masculinity?
  3. The mistake here is that Gillette ads, like most shaving ads, have a history of being shallow and silly. Usually involving fighter jet planes to advertise their Mach 3 razor, or some futuristic laboratory where they invent the next space-age razor, and there's a female lady in a lab coat who is eyeing the cleanly-shaven scientist guy. All of a sudden, Gillette wants to be all heavy like Nike? Somebody was taking their long-time slogan-- "The Best a Man Can Get"-- way too seriously. No one pays that much attention to those commercials, and now they are going to pay atte
  4. The only thing missing, at this point, are weekly groups at the local YMCA of all of these limp-dicked incels sitting in a circle and going "rabble rabble!" about things that triggered them during the past week. But then again..........it appears that this forum is turning into a virtual self-help group for the helplessly flaccccccccid.
  5. Not only is it hilarious that weak men are threatened by a goddamn shaving commercial.........but I like how there's a line in the commercial that completely debunks a thread from this past weekend regarding the use of a word.
  6. Guess which games must have had the free time to take the test.
  7. They intentionally built it on an MMO engine, so I don't think it uses Gamebryo.
  8. I think it has both single player quests and MMO-like quests.
  9. I wonder if Bethesda can fix Fallout 76 like how they sorta fixed Elder Scrolls online. It could very well be the reason why they thought they could release a shallow video game for full price, and let people subsidize future content so that they can create DLC add-ons.
  10. no, you got pretty mad because I was making fun of you about a cropped film ratio. Think about how sad that is. LOL
  11. LOL, here comes butthurts anonymous. AND ANOTHER ONE!! It doesn't surprise me that this is the only subject saucer wants to even come within distance anymore.
  12. LOL says the person watching a Pan & Scan version of Indiana Jones on a 20 inch tube television You kinda lost that claim before you made it. Talk about getting GOTTEN to.
  13. You paid $.80 for a movie that is worthless. And that was your BEST EXAMPLE.........think about that. LOL I almost want to make fun of you into spending more money to find those other versions. I want to build the hype up in your moronic head that its going to be cool, and start spending the money.
  14. "original release form" You bought a Pan & Scan version. Its fucking embarassing, and a film-buff would rather watch the version on TBS than that. LOL
  15. "artifacts" and fuzziness, as you just typed in your previous post, especially in the horizontal lines are signs of disc-rot and disc-warp. If you're buying laserdiscs at unbelievably cheap prices, then you are getting the crappier versions of major movies.
  16. LOL you bought CROPPED copies of movies. Fucking Pan & Scan? Oh my god, anybody who's remotely a film-buff knows that you choose Letterbox over Pan & Scan. And it also looks like there's signs of cross-talk in your picture. Expect that to get worse.
  17. Ah yes......that old TRICK I use. You claim something.................I ask you to prove it...........suddenly your brain can't perform the memory operations that they could just a few seconds ago. How dastardly of me.
  18. So you can see. Now show it to me. Tons of restera posts....................go find it and show them to me.
  19. Are you guys serious? So............you have examples of obvious SJWs on Instagram, or a youtube channel.........in which they're saying alot, right? "Sweetie" "Yikes" "gross" Are you sure you guys just aren't imagining this and looking for any reason to think that SJWs are "NPC'ing." I'm giving you guys the opportunity to not commit to this incredibly stupid accusation. I mean, you're not really going to respond with "Yes I truly believe this" ..............right?
  20. [Looks at all of your other posts] ...........yes you do. Its only your integrity and credibility, that's all.
  21. This is what I want to see. I want people to see me GIVE YOU a chance. I want them to see that I gave you the floor to make your claim and prove. And I want them to see you run away from it. The great part about this is that you PRETENDING to laugh and act confident doesn't really work.........because you know that you ran away. And if you know..........I already know, as well.
  22. Slander is a legal term. It means the media is making things up. They are lying. Great...........we've now come full circle to my first response to you. Show me the receipts. Show where they are lying. You're not getting out of this..........IF YOU CAN"T PROVE YOUR CLAIM.......THEN AREN'T YOU DOING THE SAME THING (THAT YOU CLAIM) THE MEDIA IS????????
  23. LOL you have more in common with feminists that I thought. Good thing I call you guys sweetie.
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