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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. This is what I want to see. I want people to see me GIVE YOU a chance. I want them to see that I gave you the floor to make your claim and prove. And I want them to see you run away from it. The great part about this is that you PRETENDING to laugh and act confident doesn't really work.........because you know that you ran away. And if you know..........I already know, as well.
  2. Slander is a legal term. It means the media is making things up. They are lying. Great...........we've now come full circle to my first response to you. Show me the receipts. Show where they are lying. You're not getting out of this..........IF YOU CAN"T PROVE YOUR CLAIM.......THEN AREN'T YOU DOING THE SAME THING (THAT YOU CLAIM) THE MEDIA IS????????
  3. LOL you have more in common with feminists that I thought. Good thing I call you guys sweetie.
  4. I used the smiley because it would piss you off. I........did think of that, actually. lol So let me get this straight, you think that the mainstream media following everything a President does, everything a President says, every single potential scandal that occurs from people that work for the President. .........you think this is all OUT OF THE ORDINARY for Trump, and this doesn't happen to previous Presidents? I understand that Trump is getting the most press. DId it ever occur to you that he gets MORE press than previous president because he
  5. yeah, you're right. i'm almost like he's the head of a state or something.
  6. The kind-hearted part of me wants to believe that DavidP doesn't actually believe this, that he's doing this because he just wants to provoke "da libruls". I'm giving them a strategic out, when a couple of years pass and they have to decide whether to double-down on their beliefs or accept the hit their ego. Since I know they not mentally big enough to take the hit to their ego, I'm giving them a side-exit. I'm genuinely a nice guy, like that.
  7. Really, how are they "making up shit"? Notice how you're not to answer that question. So much so, that you'll claim that I'm playing a trick on you.
  8. LOL i got you saying meme appropriation you're gonna end up having to change out your bulb soon.
  9. yeah.........that propaganda. Were they say stuff that ends up being corroborated through criminal charges, and indictments........and then guilty pleas. Pretty effective propaganda to even get the accused to join in and allow themselves to go through all that and plead guilty. Like I have a question.........when you're 50-60 years old, are you going to tell people that you were going around saying that all of this was fake, and everybody was tricked because CNN, NYT, NBC were all feeding people propaganda?
  10. LOL, I got all 4 of them pissed off. And they are trying to say I'm the NPC.
  11. Wait a minute............you really think this word, "sweetie" is NEW slang? And every single time you've heard the word "sweetie" it just so happened to have come from an SJW? Is that really what you are saying?
  12. Pretty sure making fun of men by inferring to them as women is a universal known taunt. But maybe you live in "South Manchester" if you know what I mean.
  13. They're trying really hard to mask their butthurt. I like how one of them tried playing dumb, the other one tried the racist strategy, and the last one tried the gay strategy. LOL
  14. [Whoosh] ......because they call women that.
  15. No. Actually, especially here in Texas, John Wayne-types who look down on women call them sweetie. I know you guys don't know that................you..........don't have much experience in that area of behavior. If someone is calling you sweetie, they are talking down to you like Don Draper does to a woman on Mad Men.
  16. Target his Russian bots in certain regions of the country. Start posting on social media sites in those locations so that people from that area may be influenced by it. Because they can't hit all 50 states, and its be a completely inefficient endeavor to try and do so. They'd also want updated polling to see if their tactics have been working. Because Russian bots is something they started doing well before 2016.
  17. i pissed him off that he went back to his old routine.
  18. Yikes. He's referencing from the perspective of a South Park episode. Whereas the original reference is about him fucking another guy's girl.
  19. R Kelly rapes people. If you were trying to imply that I'm gay, maybe you should've used a different person, instead of one that isn't known for rapin'.
  20. [slow, deep inhale] [slow exhale] Where did I talk about him being asian?
  21. TO answer your NATO question, that's the easiest: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-nato-putin/putin-warns-nato-against-closer-ties-with-ukraine-and-georgia-idUSKBN1K92KA It is.......without a doubt, one of Putin's core policies and part of his longtime goal towards reclaiming ex-Soviet states. And now time to start getting into Ukrainian politics. You notice how Lyovochkin is now under a newly formed political party just beginning sin
  22. Well, rape isn't something to be proud about.
  23. Hmmmm. they want Russia as the national language. They want Ukraine to be decentralized And they want to stay out of NATO, which is specifically a Putin goal to maintain ex-Soviet states to stay out of the west: See...........that's a how a question gets answered, Saucer. Maybe you can do that someday.
  24. Looks like he's done. I went and I TOOK his own subject from him. Just went up and grabbed it. Like a stale pie sitting on a window-sill
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