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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Serhiy Lovochkin current political affiliation as an elected member of Parliament in Ukraine: Political party Opposition Platform-For life 2018–present Opposition Bloc 2014–2018 Party of Regions 2007–2014 I love how I just have you throwing blind punches at this point. CMON Saucer....don't slow down on me!!
  2. Its a good thing that somebody bought me measuring cups for Christmas. But I'm going to need alot of them to measure the massive amounts of butthurt-juice in this thread.
  3. Nope.........point out where she voted for compelled speech. What part of her opinion specifically implies that. Point out the opinion where they banned the private ownership of guns. And you are saying that CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE?????? Yes or No question........you're being asked for a third time. There's a reason why I also asked "are you man enough" to answer the question. (BTW, you don't to answer that supplemental question.......already got the answer).
  4. No.........those WERE the Ukrainians that were at Trump's inagurations. They included Lyovochkin, who was one of the two people who received the internal campaign polling data from Paul Manafort. ...............through a Russian operative. C'mon Saucer......c'mon buddy.......don't slow down.....push forward
  5. You know...........its odd. I never got into a situation in which I've said "No........wait.........its that.....you twisted my words..........thats YOUR FAULT!!" Notice how its only certain people who end up making that claim?
  6. LOL, did you just try and type a DOUBLE NEGATIVE to correct yourself. You said "she voted for them" Citizens United v FEC was majority in favor for Citizens United. What do you think saying "she voted for them" means????????? So..........you think that Corporations ARE PEOPLE, that's a Yes????????
  7. I love when you are so pissed and ESPECIALLY tired that you start getting really sloppy. It makes it so easy for me. I can literally see you slowing down and getting tired in your typing. And yes........I am baiting you. The best part is how I can tell you that I am bating you, and then you getting pissed off and taking the bait.
  8. She is listed in the Dissent opinion against the majority opinion of Citizens United v FEC
  9. Point to me in her Supreme Court opinion on those cases where she says those things. Still waiting. You think Corporations should own the same rights as people????????????????? That's a Yes or No question..........can you answer that? Are you man enough to answer that? ("True Centrist" Saucer, folks)
  10. Its great seeing you have nothing. I think I'll make you start doing personal attacks within 15 minutes............and within 45 minutes I'll get you to start making racist-attacks. Hopefully I can beat those estimates. Anyways...............what the name of one of those Ukranians that the New York Times made a correction yesterday???????? Lyovochkin????????????????/ So...........Michael Cohen sends internal polling data to Lyovochkin. And Lyovochkin send money back the other way???????? Those Ukrainians, and their exhorbitant
  11. So you got nothing, huh?? I love how you're trying to get out of this. Even better is how all I need to do is type this post, and you can't.
  12. Nope. Explain where she is committing the judicial activism and she is clearly not following the rule of law. I'm still waiting.
  13. So............Saucer's bold strategy was to try and shift the entire argument into focusing exclusively on Ukrainians, and whether Trump is in cahoots with Ukrainians, and whether those Ukranians are pro-Russia. Well.............he picked a HELL of a time to bring that argument, literally two hours ago. The timing couldn't be better: Because, this was just posted right now: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/10/us/politics/ukraine-donald-trump-inauguration.html#click=https://t.co/WStJUzZk0I Now...........................WHY w
  14. Ah, so you've completely destroyed the liberals accusation that Trump colluded with Ukraine. Darn. I guess we'll just have to settle with Trump's Campaign Manager meeting with a Russian Operative with obvious ties to Russian GRU.
  15. Funny, how you only seem to find the "judicial activism" occuring solely from the left. Give me examples of RBG being a judicial activist and disregarded the rule of law. I'll wait. And no..........you getting mad, or attempting to change the topic isn't going to work, either. lol
  16. his butthurt is literally spilling into other threads. Saucer, the self-proclaimed "true centrist" folks. LOL
  17. LOL he's doesn't know what to do. I love how he's trying to bait other people even though he melted his own self down. After he tried to get us to forget that Paul Manafort handed over Trump documents to a Russian operative.
  18. Bungie is not going to turn around and chain-down the Destiny IP all over again. I think that brand name is hot enough that Bungie can go to venture capitalists and gather the funding on their own (Probably $50-$60 million to develop it, and another $50 million to market it) and they make one bigass Destiny game. PS4/XBO/PC, cross-play between all platforms. They'll pay back their investors and make themselves a generous amount of money and sell plenty of DLC content and have a nice long tail. This is a rare situation for an independent developer to be in.
  19. NNNnnnnnnnnah. Trump's shtick is already running old. We don't need 100% of Trump's 2016 voters to flip or just fall out of favor and not vote. We've already had election in America since Trump's election. The Democrats are doing just fine. And Elizabeth Warren's message is pretty much Bernie's message, and as long as they keep on hitting the fact that middle-class people are even worse off under Trump, those handful of states that barely slipped out of Hillary's grasp will go back to Democrats. Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana.
  20. One of my favorite bars. Think of it this way. You ever been to a Flying Saucer bar before? They have plates on the wall for people who have registered HUNDREDS of beers that they've drank there. That's the same number of posts from Saucer in which he's losing his shit and screaming me. That's what I'm going to picture when I sit there and drink my beers from now on.
  21. I want to make my Victory Lap to the sound of Saucer screaming this, again and again
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