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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. He's trying to change the subject, and thinks personal racist attacks are going to work. He really is mad that he got his ass-handed to him regarding Manafort directly working with a Russian operative, and proving that there is direct collusion between Trump and Russia.
  2. Little too late to try and pretend that you aren't the one who was livid pissed. Border entry points exists...............you can't do anything about that. And physical barriers can't detect where the drugs are at...........only technology upgrades can. Ergo..............No Wall. Thanks for agreeing with me.
  3. Yes he is. Mueller has already submitted documentation in which he labels him as such.
  4. I love it. he did run away.First smart thing he's done in this entire thread.
  5. Nope, you are still going to have border entry points, no matter what. You're racist opinions are largely irrelevant. I love seeing you so pissed
  6. He WANT YOU to focus the argument on nothing BUT the Ukrainians. The argument begins and ENDS with Konstantijn Kilminik. Full-stop.
  7. Response time quicker in those smaller countries with smaller borders. I love how Saucer is now trying to transition to this argument, and hopes that we don't see the fact that he RAN AWAY from his ass-raping. And yes..........I am clearly typing this so that he gets pissed off and tries to argue it some more........I mean, free ass-rapin'. Why not?
  8. Which already exist..............we call those Border Entry Point. Which is where the majority of drugs sneak through our country through cars. You see, a WALL isn't smart enough to detect the drugs. That's why money on the wall is pointless. The other reason why you don't need a wall is because there's a desert there that already deters immigrants.
  9. Therefore, NYT explicitly claims that Paul Manafort knows a Russian operative and passes Trump's campaign documents THROUGH a Russian Operative. Speaking of walls.................you're not going to pass that simple wall that i constructed from that simple fact.
  10. Which doesn't work when the respond time is HOURS. Even DAYS. Oh, and by the way.............do you know that Congress had authorized $1.7 billion dollars in fence repairs for EXISTING fence throughout 2017-2018. Democrats voted along with Republicans. Trump's administration has only fixed 24 miles of fence...........and has only used 6% of that budget. That means they haven't even used the other 94% allocated for reinforcing existing border security. Trump is the one who has been dropping the ball.
  11. Nope, it still maintains that the documents were given to Konstantijn Kilminik. And Konstantijn Kilminik has been............and shall always continue to be.............a Russian operative.
  12. Even Dynocrap's government policies fail just as badly as his video game predictions.
  13. The Russian operative didn't give info to Russia, huh? That's where we've gotten you down to, eh?
  14. He's trying to run away.........LOL, oh man he knows he messed up really big. From this point forward, Saucer is going to be going around saying "I knew Mueller was never going to prove collusion between Trump and Ukraine!!!"
  15. The best part is how Saucer is asking something I already proved several pages ago in this very thread.
  16. Nope: Trump to Russia.............I don't need to prove anything to you regarding the Ukrainian aspect. And you know it. Thank you. You Are Done.
  17. He's trying to gloss over that and try to get an argument exclusively about the Ukrainians. Its hilarious, you can genuinely tell that he's panicking and is trying to get out of it. He KNOWS. That's why he's trying to pretend that the Ukranian detail is supposedly to be a vital piece. he thinks that if we can't overwhelmingly prove that the Ukranians are "pro-Russian" then ALL aspects of the story are discredited. LOL
  18. Sorry, projecting isn't going to help you either. Wow. you are getting pissed. I can tell. Fusion GPS is an American company. Oh and by the way..............the Republican party actually spoke to Fusion GPS first before Democrats did.
  19. Sweetie. The evidence is between Trump and Russia, and its already proven with Kristian Kilminik. You're not going to deviate this thread with us having to prove about the Ukrainians.............because all we need to prove is Trump to Russia.
  20. No they didn't. Sorry, you're attempt at a topic change isn't going to work. Paul Manafort............Russian operative. I love how you now want to change the subject as to whether we have to prove tha tthese Ukranians are pro-Russian..........is this your attempt to try and get us to gloss over Step #2 already being proof of contact between Trump and Russia?????????? lol
  21. Of course. You forgot the part of your sentence when you mentioned yourself.
  22. Saucer is hanging on to dear life because he knows he messed up. He's now going to tell us that just because Konstantijn Kilminik is a Russian operative handing the papers off to Ukrainian politicians, doesn't mean that those are pro-Russian Ukraianian politicians. You see............Manafort must've handed the papers to Kilminik because he was gonna be DRIVING AROUND THAT AREA, and though it would be easiest to drop it off in their mailbox. LOL And of-course...........Konstantijn Kilminik, the Russian operative, surely wouldn't share this Paul Manafort info
  23. Because they are interacting with a literal Russian operative. Guess you forgot that last part, eh?
  24. No, he handed the documents to Kilminik...........a Russian operative who specifically has ties to Russian intelligence. He is Russian. Once again, Manafort handed these documents to Konstantijn Kilminik, who is Russian.
  25. I love it when Saucer knows he's got nothing, so he tries to sound confidence while typing a sentence that trails off. LOL
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