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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Hmmmmm, something that you are interested in as a niche, collector hobby.......is being sold away by other hobbyists at cheap prices, "frequently", according to you. That SHOULD be a sign........ .......is something I would say if I were speaking to a person capable of such situational awareness.
  2. LOL I love how he's trying to spin Trump's pleading downwards into something to boast about. So if he likes the downward bargaining, he'll be absolutely estatic when he realizes its going to get pleaded down to "no wall built at all" Republicans are now willing to allow an immigration deal to grant Amnesty in exchange for the wall. So.........guess the wall will be keeping them IN America.
  3. So you want DVD-like quality..............but worse, because Laserdisc is not a true digital format like DVD, its still analog. And it doesn't even get to DVD's 720 x 480 resolution, instead only being 425p. And you want to flip the disc in order to watch certain long movies, because it can't fit it on one side. 60 minutes max per side And chances are your laserdisc is going to break down or require alignment, because if its not properly aligned when reading the disc, you will begin having "crosstalk" when playing the disc. I inaugurate you that you will not
  4. The new story today is that somebody found video of Trump talking about getting over walls. No. Seriously. No...seriously. And they've been making fun of it all morning, including making new commercials:
  5. Its universally agreed upon by scientists that we should just listen, but never respond. You don't give away your position when you don't know what's out there.
  6. Just the laserdisc media and its covers, right? You didn't buy a laserdisc like a fucking moron and connect it to your 19" "converged" tCRT television, did you? I don't buy vinyl to look at the cover, I buy it to listen to the music (on vinyl).
  7. I literally referenced you guys as the three stooges pages ago. Dynocrap even knows that I called him Curly when I quoted his post and said "here comes Curly" LOL The subconscious reciprocation of words is quite telling. Bhyte is Shemp...............in that he's a much shittier, 3rd world version of Curly.
  8. Wow, McWicked was right. Victimhood Vini . "Its your fault I follow racist news that posts false information!" I love how you are trying to introduce your alt-right slang in the hope that it becomes widespread.
  9. Yeah. Something that looks like a dock, but its completely closed and houses all the hardware inside, and one Pro Controller. Probably around $250.
  10. Holy shit, jonb got DROP-KICKED RIGHT IN THE ANUS
  11. If it has a USB-C port, then it will always be able to output to a tv. Nintendo is not saving any money by design something as handheld. Also, I believe Pachter's prediction is that the Joycons will be attached to the handheld unit. This is definitely something Nintendo would not do. You can't even play some of their local multiplayer games if you can't detach the joycons fron the handheld. Its required. I think they'd probably through one with a smaller screen, and I think they would revise it to have a bigger screen that almost eliminates the bezel entirel
  12. LOL you are literally impersonating Vini at this point. Yes.............just another one of those instances where a random person comes by bashing Democrats and they just so happen to bring up right-wing talking points ALL the time. Gee golly, just one coincidence after another. I think what i enjoy the most is how you guys are governed MORE by what you hate. A sign of a weak personal constitution.
  13. lol XCUCK. We know certain people around these forums who specifically use that argument, repeatedly.
  14. They stopped talking about that a few pages ago. And actually the original reporting is still that Manafort handed the information to Konstantin Kilminik, he never handed anything directly to Derpiska or directly to Ukranians.........he handed the internal polling data to Kilminik. That reporting never change. These guys are literally arguing the color of OJ's Bronco to get him out of it.
  15. The funny part is that, because of the nature of your ban bet.........you essentially called yourself a Trump-supporter. See, your punishment was that you would have to act like me. Which effectively means that my punishment was that I was supposed to act like you. You......did think that one through, did ya? Aw well, just another good deed from me.
  16. LOL, didn't I say that you were more entertaining the way your are right now? And you then proceed to go ahead and prove me correct on that.
  17. That's useless. Seeing you act like a pissed right-winger posting right-wing articles is infinitely more hilarious. Why would I want you to be LESS entertaining??????
  18. I actually got him to run away from his own tangential topic. LOL That was quick. There you go Dyno, Sub isn't as stupid as you are. I like how he's attempting to make fun of me in that post, yet he comes off sounding even more bitter. LOL _____________ So Dyno, let's talk about that ban bet. If the Democrats "buckle" that means that they are GIVING Trump his $5.6 Billion dollars for funding the wall. Remember, Democrats had already offered $1 billion, but this shutdown is over $5.6 billion. So, I lose if Trump specifically gets a MINIM
  19. LOL he's trying so hard. And he also didn't commit to the ban bet. Even though Dyno thinks he did. He's spending alot of time thinking about my name I made for him..........coming from the guy that typed how many EEEE's ????
  20. Ooooooooooooh. I love to make a ban bet on that. And, I'm pretty sure NEITHER syblymbecile or vini will join you. LOL You literally look like you gave up typing that sentence about halfway through. LOL
  21. Coming from the guy who is actively supporting a right-wing facist white house because he hates Democrats that badly. I love it when Vini tries to pretend he's a "True Democrat", when he's just a simple Anti-Democrat. The best thing in the world to ever happen to him is to promote the narrative that the Democratic party has radically shifted to the extreme left, because he though it created open space in the middle to PRETEND that is where his ideology lies. he'll change his position 2-3 years from now.
  22. You couldn't have picked a worse time to claim that I'm the one currently losing their shit right now. LOL
  23. This guy is melting down like as if he were to do it any harder..........he's going to win something.
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