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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Looks like he already contradicted his previous post. He genuinely is trying ANYTHING he can. I'm having trouble keeping up with his changing attempts are pretending to not look pissed.
  2. While you currently have Jerry Derange Syndrome. Apparently, it spread faster. LOL
  3. They are thinking about me, now. Vini found somebody to share his Hopes and Dreams with. I love it when he commits to more promises about the future.
  4. They are actually running away from their own (supposed) ownage. And I got them to do it in under an hour. That's gotta be a record.
  5. They're trying so hard. Vini is running on pure Hopes and Dreams, you can tell he's desperate for anything resembling a victory for his belief-system. LOL
  6. I guess I was wrong. He got mad again in just one post. Sweetie...........Paul Manafort STILL took the internal polling data and gave it to a foreign state, did he not????? You do understand that is still the crime, right? And the people he gave it to are STILL working for Putin, right? You know you can't win this argument, you're trying to find a way out on a technicality. It isn't going to work.
  7. So, they aren't improving as much on the GPU front as they are with their CPUs? Aw well.
  8. I love it when I point out how they get mad.......they start to pretend to play it cool. Just watch them get mad again less than 3-4 posts later. Observe:
  9. They're getting madder. And madder. And he knows he messed up his last link so he panicked to try and find another. And its not even about Trump-Russia but about a Climate Change report.
  10. Uh............did you read the article? It only listed NYT once...........and it was regarding them getting information wrong on the Gabby Giffords shooting back in 2011. He literally posted this in a panic
  11. They genuinely don't know what to do, so their trying to feign confidence together. And it isn't working in the slightest. You can notice by how quickly they TRIED to get this thread to close and run off.
  12. Then pick another one. Sorry...........but you're attempting to talk about ME, which means you're running away from the arguement. Find me examples of NYT messing up articles. How many articles about the Trump-Russia scandal has NYT done? Like at least 2 per week for the past two years. 200 articles? So clearly they must have DOZENS of articles with errors and corrections on them right????? Show them to me.
  13. They're trying so hard, and you can tell that even they know that its not working.
  14. Post right-wing website. Symptoms Include: Attempting to change the subject a second time.
  15. Really post examples. You're saying that this happens all the time, you should be able to find several. Right?
  16. Symptoms include: Random attempts to change the subject
  17. He's getting madder and madder and trying to flame harder. Observe:
  18. He doesn't know what to do, and he isn't smart enough to argue back. he's hoping to flame his way out. And it isn't going to work. LOL
  19. They legitimately thought that NYT getting a name wrong (yet everything else correct) was their ticket to declare that the WHOLE case is debunked. "I didn't murder my wife at Steve's house..................I murdered her at Eric's house.....HA, case closed."
  20. These are people who were literally running the pro-Russia political party in the Ukraine. Called the Opposition Bloc party:
  21. Except they are pro-Russian Ukranians. You do understand that Paul Manafort had received $10 million dollars from the Ukraine to help with their re-election campaign (that didn't work, because they were thrown out). I love it.............you guys are actually trying to find a way out and FAST. You're not going to be able to argue against what I'm saying, aren't you?LOL
  22. LOL Lyovochkin and Akhmetov were part the pro-Russian Ukrainian government that was overthrown. They are specifically pro-Putin oligarchs and were supported by Putin. This is really the best thing you have? So............pro-Russian Ukranian Collusion. Oh, that's right........the Trump Tower meeting with the Female Lawyer who directly works for Oleg Deripaska, and sat down with Manafort, Kushner, Donald Jr. because they had emailed about having Hillary Clinton emails. I love how you guys thought you Colombo'd your way out of this. LOL
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