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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. He has not paid those loans. because..........they're not actual loans. They're funneling money through Trump. I love how you conveniently pretended to not read the final part of my post that goes into detail about money laundering through real estate transactions. Which, Russia having knowledge of Trump doing that (because they're he's doing the laundering WITH Russia) would serve as Kompramat. Russia literally has the ability to provide financial evidence of Trump breaking U.S. law. They can ruin him and his family whene
  2. By your logic, money that Bill and Hillary Clinton received through their Clinton Foundation shouldn't matter because they got it BEFORE she ran for President. She also got those $200,000 speech gigs before she ran for President. I love how I am making you committ to even stupider arguments. Donald Trump has not gotten a single loan from a bank on this side of the Atlantic in over 10 years. He is completely burnt in this country. Russia has been funding him for years, and wouldn't you know it............Russian Oligarchs would buy his properties
  3. In other words........you know you're peddling a bullshit argument. Don't say I didn't give you an out, twice. You made a stupid argument, that's all there is to it. I'll somehow endure the pain it takes to move my mouse cursor half an inch to the right to select the Epic Games Store if I ever want to play this game. LOL
  4. Yes, he is. He got over $500 million dollars in loans from a bank that funnels Russian money. He was compromised in the election the moment he lied and he said that he had no current or ongoing business dealings with Russia. Legal experts agree that Russia now had leverage to DAMAGE Trump's campaign because they had a signed letter of intent (for the Trump Tower Moscow Project) from September 2016 that they could've brought to the media at any point to hurt his campaign. That is the very definition of Kompramat.
  5. So, by your logic.........your own cell phone is fragmented because in order to access everything you want.......you have to go into [gasp] different apps. That's not real fragmentation. Especially not in the way people complain about Android's fragmentation. Different OS can be a real problem for content developers. But different store fronts is not a real problem if all of that is running off of Windows 10. Even you know you are making a stretch of an argument. That's why its not smart to try and make the same argument Dynocrap is making. I can spend all
  6. How is having multiple game stores the equivalent of "being fragmented"? Android is fragmented by ardware having different OS versions. And you're comparing it with different Game Store apps that would be on one OS on Windows PC?????
  7. Division probably has a more devoted following on the PC than Assassin's Creed. This is a smart get for Epic. I wonder how they make these deals. Do they offer Ubisoft a higher cut of the money when somebody purchases the game on the Epic Store? Or maybe Epic eats the cost for hosting and selling the game for X period of time, and for Ubisoft its a no-brainer deal. PC gamers will play Division for a long time, and they'll keep returning to the Epic store to buy the DLC seasons.
  8. LOL, you're actually trying to make Dynocrap's argument? Not a good strategy in the long run, unless you want to end up looking like Dynocrap.
  9. Notice how the same people who initially wanted to dismiss the whole Trump-Russia thing way back in 2016/2017.........have been steadily moving the goalposts ever since more and more information has come in. I hope people understand that this story was a genuine accident in leaking. Nobody outside of that courtroom knew this information. Manafort's lawyers accidentally uploaded a Word Document with redactions to the Court, and the press realized that they could open up the Word file and REMOVE the black redaction to see the text underneath. This is the type of informati
  10. This sounds like a conspiracy theory you'd hear at a Tea Party newsletter. I have a question, if these SJW developers are able to stop investors and pull their money from this guys game.......how come these SJW gaming developers left their own jobs and developed their own indie games with that investor money that they--apparently--control? And are you Rough n' Rowdy Men seemingly unable to support this developer on Indiegogo or some other crowd-funding website? What I'm hearing is.................you guys are having a "little trouble" with getting things of
  11. Sony is more capable. Let's be honest. All they need to do is have Yamauchi design the next Gran Turismo game for the PS5 to be VR-capable in all of their modes.........and Sony has easily created the best Racing game for VR. They have existing studios to spare and move them into the VR space. Facebook has money........but Sony already has years of established studio talent. Not only that, but its becoming obvious that they are sharing their development tools across their studios. Sony already has organization. Which money can't buy you. That on
  12. If you say so. Saying Facebook's stock is being affected because of their security regarding users' data, and their userbase shrinking is kind of like saying McDonalds is having a downturn because their food has gotten poisoned and many people are abandoning eating meat and becoming vegetarians. A side-business venture is not going to save them from their main source of revenue falling precipitously. At the tail end of 2019, I better see a sizeable lineup of Facebook-funded games.
  13. Have you seen Facebook stock from the past 6 months? LOL Facebook is facing serious questions about its future. There isn't a single top executive at Facebook that currently gives a shit about investing in VR right now to stop the bleeding.
  14. What does this have to do with PSVR? This is clearly talking about stand-alone high-end VR not taking off for the PC market. PSVR has an actual foundation of support that is keeping it alive. Something that high-end PC VR does not have.
  15. why do you think I keep on poking dynocrap again and again. I want him to keep talking and committing to more bullshit.
  16. I wonder if people know Robert Mueller's resume. I mean..............I don't even NEED to list his resume past 1990. Everything that Robert Mueller has accomplished from his adult life up to the year 1990 is more badass and more American than basically 99.5% of the American population. It is genuinely not an exaggeration to say that he is our nation's best cop, and our nation's best prosecutor. 18 of the best lawyers in the world, who run their OWN law firms, multi-million dollar law firms and have money out the ass, and will never not be in-demand from clie
  17. I believe it was during the Game Awards, or right around that time, Phil Spencer was talking about Game Pass subscriptions. Actually it may have been their X018 conference. They said they had "multiple millions" of Game Pass subscribers. Big red flag, right there. If they had double-digit millions they would've said "we have more than 10 million people on Game Pass." The program has been going on for 18 months, and they've had multiple promotional period where they offer it for $1, or were selling 6 months for $20-$30. And I don't think they've broken 10 mil
  18. This post works perfectly for the other thread. LOL
  19. He has memos, which in the court system, an FBI agent's memos are treated as legally admissible evidence in court cases. And James Comey notified 3 people of each of his interactions with Donald Trump immediately after it occurring.........thus building his credibility. You literally TRIED EQUATING Comey's credibility with Trump's???????????????? I'm asking you a Yes or No question................please answer it.
  20. Lemmings had to buy a new console to get their games to not look like complete shit. I don't know if you watched the recent Digital Foundry video, third parties have abandoned optimizing their games on the XBO launch model. The biggest optimization being the on-die ESRAM. If you're a $500 launch owner.....what kind of bullshit is that? They got bamboozled on Kinect, Microsoft straight-up swindled them. $250 Wii U + $300 Switch = $550 since Nov 2012 $500 Xbox One Launch Model = $500 since Nov 2013. Not even counting things like Online costs,
  21. Can I play exclusives across the $500 XBO launch model? $400 revision? or $500 re-revision? Switch justifies itself with its own exclusives. You seem to have trouble understanding that as a unit of value.
  22. LOL Microsoft sold lemmings a $500 Xbox One at launch, and they abandoned Kinect. And then they sold them another $400 Xbox One that is meant to fix the crippling weakness of the launch hardware. And then they said "we'll sell you a THIRD [$500] Xbox if you actually want the games to look good on it." And you think Nintendo fucked over people with a $250 Wii U..............that actually had exclusives?
  23. Xbox is losing to the Switch, you say? Good enough for me. Good thing the Wii U had exclusives. Whereas Xbox One has none of that. Once again. Thanks
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