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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Nationalist party? Uh..........................................yeah. I didn't say neo-nazis, I said they were xenophobes. But ALL neo-nazis are in right-wing political parties, that is true. No.........I am talking about TWO issues. And they involve two groups who promote those issues. You're the one who decided to mix it together. You have no one but yourself to blame for getting busted.
  2. Posts foxnews link Post your link regarding the claim that "Mueller's team withheld information from the court" Its a right-wing website, isn't it. LOL I got another one pegged.
  3. You can't fire an FBI director with the intention of blocking an investigation. That IS Obstruction of Justice. A crime is committed when you attempt to do that. Dude.............I absolutely love that I have gotten you to shed your camoflouge. Non-partisan my ass, you are repeating POINT-BY-POINT right-wing talking points..............gee, funny how you have a perfect recollection of previous excuses that Trump and Fox news pundits have been making this past year.
  4. Tell that to the people who plead guilty. The manuscripts from the courtroom are pretty fascinating. The judge goes through so many questions with the defendant to ask them if they are absolutely sure of what they are doing, are they being unfairly prosecuted against, are they being properly represented by their lawyers, are they of sound mind and thinking clearly about what they are doing by pleading guilty. The judge almost sounds like a caring parent asking the child if they are absolutely positively sure about what they are doing by pleading guilty. And
  5. Holy shit Are you getting this stuff from right-wing news? Post your link on this. This is DEFINITELY a story that has exclusively been coming out from right-wing websites. LOL I just nailed another "non-partisan" who just so happens to get all their info from right-wing websites. What a shock.
  6. Actually Michael Cohen was compaign finance fraud............and he personally named Donald Trump as having directed him to commit the crime, effectively naming him as a unindicted co-conspirator. Its very much a crime he committed while campaign for President.........its not some "old crime". I'm pretty sure when Robert Mueller and James Comey were nailing the New York Mob and Enron..........they got people to cooperate by nailing them on other crimes that aren't directly related to the main guys at the top. Did you honestly think that would work with me? L
  7. No........a legal opinion that is submitted to the SECOND-MOST important federal court in the entire land (D.C. Circuit Court is usually considered the most important Federal Court outside of the Supreme Court).............counts for something, sweetie. Clinton wasn't indicted because they only thing they had him was a frivolous perjury claim in which he claims he didn't have intercourse. No prosecutor would attempt to try and nail him on something so frivolous. Whereas Mueller has some REAL crimes. Obstructing Justice in the form of firing the FBI Director is real.
  8. "Apparently" Bitch, you were outright saying that you support Marie La Pen in France, what do you mean "apparently" in a sarcastic fashion? LOL I'd say its pretty apparent. Actually read my first post again: I'm making an analogy of one issue attracting xenophobes........and the other issue (SJWs and feminists) attracting limp-dicked 20-somethings. I didn't mix the two together..........you did. Congratulations on Rorschach'ing yourself for me. LOL
  9. You're right. Rick Gates didn't fight the charges and plead guilty. Michael Cohen didn't fight the charges and plead guilty...........WITHOUT a plea deal. George Papadapolous didn't fight the charges and plead guilty. Michael Flynn didn't fight the charges and plead guilty. So you ARE CORRECT...........you didn't get a phone call to be on a jury for those criminal charges, because the defendant didn't want to face a trial by jury and instead started pleading for plea bargains, or just went straight to admitting guilt.
  10. LOL he's got guilty pleas, and for some of them, he's even gotten all the way to the SENTENCING part. I mean, seriously? Are you really trying to play ignorant this badly, on purpose?
  11. Ken Starr was appointed as an independent counsel by the D.C. Federal District Court. His legal analysis on indicting a sitting president is a court memo for a federal court. Do..........you.............think I'm just quoting some guys opinion that he said on a talk show? or some Op-ed in a newspaper? This is something that would be admissible as a piece of evidence when submitting a case to the Supreme Court. it went unchallenged, which helps its credibility.
  12. You just tried to hide behind a podcast.............when its obvious that you alt-righters use this to try and promote your agenda. I just made fun of you for failing to act like an adult man who takes responsibility for the things he says........ .......and you then proceeded to deflect the accusation onto somebody else. Geez.You're doing my work for me, son.
  13. Vini trying so hard. LOL He thinks people were able to derail the thread.
  14. The memo is the legal position of the Department of Justice. It interprets the law. It can most DEFINITELY be used as a reference document should the constitutionality of indicting a sitting president be challenged in court.
  15. Fatass Trumptards aren't going to do jackshit. They will do what they have ALREADY been doing. Whining and complaining that everybody is out to get them. Here's a bit of news for you. There are only a handful of people who have not been interviewed by the Mueller investigation: -Trump jr -Ivanka -Eric -Jared Kushner -and Mike Pence. Paul Manafort is single-handedly responsible for having Mike Pence meet with Trump to get him as his running mate. And Mike Pence is responsible for the overseeing the entire Transition Team,
  16. Yes, he can. And nobody has challenged the Starr memo. In fact, i think that Mueller's office had petitioned that the memo be released because it serves their court case.
  17. No, I'd say that's a textbook takedown of a mob family. Mueller's investigation and prosecution through the court system originally was given 18 months. We've just reached that 18 month limit last week. They asked for an extension, with the max extension allowable being 6 months. ...............he asked for 6 months. He's got that much more to prosecute.
  18. Yes they can Shockingly enough, legal memos drafted by Republicans during the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal support this very concept. And the DoJ during Nixon's years help establish this as well. President CAN be indicted. And chances are Mueller already has an indictment on Trump under-seal, submitted to a federal court.
  19. You think Mueller has been indicted and getting guilty charges from all of these other people working underneath Trump.................using NO EVIDENCE whatsoever????? Damn, Mueller must be the best prosecutor in history in order to achieve that.
  20. You have no idea how intentional certain people in this country (and outside of this country) want that to be. There are people who want an America full of dumb people who have no ideals, and can be manipulated on what they perceive to "hate the most" That IS the plan. And i can't lie. It has worked to perfection.
  21. They're trying to be pedantic ON PURPOSE. Think about that for a second. They have come to the conclusion that the best way to ARGUE against the opposing position is to try and play stupid and pretend that they have lost their ability to clearly infer logical observations. We're talking about 3 different people..........TOGETHER.........and that's the best strategy they could come up with.
  22. Just asking a question! Every other day, for the past 3 years. Pretty sure you guys are losing sleep over it. I'm doing you a favor by embarrassing you into acting more like a fucking man, for goodness sakes.
  23. lol these guys are starting to sound like lemmings when they attempt to try the "its actually cows who don't have games to play" card. LOL
  24. Trump's campaign manager, not a staffer, not a sub-manager, the OVERALL campaign manager.............was taking the Trump campaigns internal polling data (which comes directly from the GOP)..............and giving it directly to an active Russian spy. How's that for a connection?
  25. There's a reason why N64 games dried up after 97/98. They were pretty much only releasing first party games, because those were the only N64 games that could hold their $60-$70 price
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