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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. LOL Vini is pissed. The great thing about all of this is that I know that Aza is NOT a Russian bot. he's been doing pretty fantastic this past year (only annoying us with the PS5 2019 stuff). Vini, on the other hand..........is offering to do it for free, even Aza would laugh. LOL
  2. Just to clarify, Konstantin Kiliminik isn't just some rank-and-file Russian GRU guy. He is one of the head guys there, and the Mueller team had identified him as being the main person who coordinated the Russian hacking effort on the DNC servers, if I remember correctly. This is definite collusion. Conspiracy to commit fraud.
  3. Except that looking at a specific period where one CD format was competing against cartridges is not a valid comparison. During that time, Sony had the incentive to over price their CD-based games if they wanted to because they looked good against cartrdiges. Its not exactly a stable market, back then. Probably shouldn't base it until from 1998 onwards, when video games became a product you'd see in all brick and mortar retailers.
  4. It'd be a hell of alot more than what you are doing. Rhymes with spoon. Its a moon!!!...........but a moon from where?!?!?!?!?!? [gasp] You are pretty much re-enacting this scene:
  5. This is just a sad state of affairs if this is the main thing you are looking out for as a fanboy. Fucking tweets "hinting" at shit. People need information that badly that they can't even wait for boring press releases, but trying to decipher tweet rhymes.
  6. I'd say.......and I hope Elon Musk implements this with his vision at Free Internet. Free internet should be provided, and in exchange for the free public service, you have to register for the service with a valid ID (which means it has to be adults, or people over 16). And paid internet should offer the ability to have some anonymity. I remember a couple of years ago Blizzard tried making Battle.net into full name ID, and removing anonymity. People lost their shit, big time. They're a business, so the customers have that leverage over them. But
  7. Dude........what exactly is your definition of somebody demanding a "safe space"........and HAVE YOU SEEN IT HAPPEN? Like...........what exactly are you even complaining about? And how outraged are you supposed to be, exactly? This is what "men" are complaining about? I mean, seriously?
  8. I was looking up old websites that I used to go to read news. For video games, I used to read joystiq.com, I used to read Consumerist.com My web browsing habits from 3-4 years ago are significantly different than they are today. And almost completely different from about 10 years ago. The internet is now becoming "Public space". When you are at a major website, it should be considered the same as being as a "major public space." And in that sense, YES, we do need to get rid of anonymity. If you were standing in the middle of a Walmart, or a football stadium
  9. LOL try reading the thread's topic before you go accusing others of half-assed labeling of people.
  10. I like it when they know their first post didn't work out all too well, so they need to go in a second time. LOL
  11. LOL Is that why you guys created that "3rd wave feminism" bullshit. LOL No, son. Its still the same. Hell, you'd probably be more enraged at 70's feminists than you would with today's feminist.
  12. Take a good look at who got triggered in this thread and felt threatened enough to start calling people names. I mean we should start calling these people "Movie Theaters" ...........because you already know what time they're going to be turning on their projectors.
  13. I think they have to. Go up to $70. And the worst part is going to be the fucking indies thinking that they now have the opportunity to have their games climb over $30.
  14. they aren't a new thing. see, you're proving me right. By you acting like its a NEW threat effectively means that the thing that changed were those who become threatened. Its LITERALLY BEEN MADE FUN 30 years ago. Look at that scene, its got EVERYTHING you claim is "new". The SJW is literally there in the middle. The ANONYMITY among the males who are bitter is there. In fact the only thing that's different is that those men are already married and had gotten pussy in their life..............and in today's case, the bitter m
  15. No, you're seriously just posted that you get your information about children and younger generations between a 60 year old explaining a 40 year old podcaster on youtube. You ARE in that other world. You consuming as much internet as possible............is not a proper substitute for knowing how life is in this world. It just isn't.
  16. And, once again you just proved that the XBO barely scrapped 4 million...................and still reaches short of 40 million.
  17. The observable one. I don't get my picture of reality from somebody telling another person on a video podcast.
  18. I signed up for a SEPARATE Sony account just for my music, dawg!
  19. LOL then how can you have 2 million over 10 months if its BARELY SCRAPPING OVER 200,000 in October?????????? That means that it definitely failed to meet 200k in many months during January through the dead of Summer. You went back and proved an EARLIER claim of mine correct. Thank you, I guess? LOL
  20. Mind you, he's struggling to get the Xbox One number OVER 40 million. He can't even get to 45 million, which would be just UNDER half of PS4's numbers.
  21. LOL, October is estimated at over 800K units. That would mean that Jan-Sep was 1.2 million. Which is absolutely dismal. Just how BIG do you think Europe and South America is???????????? In fact, the American numbers kind of prove that the vast majority of Xbox sales only occur in America.
  22. You don't have actual NPD numbers for the rest of the year. THe vast majority of its 2018 sales would have come in Octo-Dec. And that puts it at around 3 million. Really doubtful that the other 9 months did more than a combined million. And once again....................35 million + 4.4 million EQUALS..............under 40 million.How do you keep on forgetting the fact that you are PROVING me correct on this.
  23. LOL no it isn't. Europe and South America sells as much as North America? Nope.
  24. LOL ts not selling shit anywhere else. And 4 million would mean an average of 380K per month. or 200K for 10 months (which it DIDN'T achieve), and then it would magically have to do 1 million for November and December. Not happening.
  25. That means that they will grow up in harsher circumstances and have to learn more rules about social risks than people from previous generations. If anything, this is a failure on the people who created the environment and they now have to go through it. But, it also means that they will probably come out tougher and smarter. I mean, alot of adults lose their shit because somebody trashed them in a facebook post. There's going to be a day where we laugh at somebody being that thin-skinned.
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