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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. LOL, so you just confirmed that if the 35 million estimate at the end of 2017 is correct, then my estimate of under 40 million by the end of 2018. You keep on corroborating what I am saying. LOL
  2. LOL thinking it sold over 4 million in 3 months. The 35 million estimate would mean that it struggled to meet 40 million by the end of 2018. Thanks for confirming what I said.
  3. Kind of like how the immigration crisis started. ..................when xenophobes started trying to make a push for power and relevancy. Same thing with this "SJW culture war" It started when the common American young adult male started internally feeling like they were inadequate, and they needed somebody to blame.
  4. Nope. Estimates from analyst put it at around 35 million as of Fall of 2018. And you couldn't debunk those numbers either. If Microsoft crossed 40 million, they would've announced it by now. They can't even announce TEN MILLION Xbox Game Pass subscriptions. They have only announced it as "multiple millions" That should be the biggest red flag that the console has come to stop.
  5. I seriously don't think Xbox One has sold more than 40 million consoles through the end of 2018. And Xbox hides Xbox Live subscription numbers because Windows 10 users can get an XBL account for free. PS4 has grown to more than 2-to-1 on the XBO. And the Switch will beat XBO userbase during 2019.
  6. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeet, I told Remij about Gsync eventually coming to the HDMI standard probably over a year ago. Except my hope was that there be an upgraded HDMI standard that allows the Variable Refresh Rate to be almost as capable as Gsync. It was also one of my reasons for not buying a 4K tv about 18-24 months ago because I expected other standards might be updated within the next 3-4 years. HDR immediately came in after 2016, and now hopefully HDMI will be updated.
  7. [1996] In other news, Michael Jordan is getting into movies... "OMG. Jordan knows he sucks as basketball now!!!"
  8. in other words: "We'll have a section to sell music and movies on the PSN store" (which they already do)
  9. Dynocrap is literally deluding himself to read whatever he wishes to read from Nintendo's statements. LOL.
  10. Let's be fair........Russia didn't "make" Dynocrap become a petulant racist, white nationalist. That resides deep in Dynocrap and all of his ancestors. Always has. Russia just tapped into it and amplified it. Because triggering pro-white nationalism is one of the most effective tactics for creating division in ANY country. That and religion. Putin has definitely been using those tactics in Russia since the mid-2000's.
  11. What do you think Obama failed to "uphold" ? The Executive Branch enforces existing law as they see fit. Maybe there was a national security risk in allowing Ukraine to obtain such weapons, maybe they'd fall into the wrong hands. Maybe they wouldn't sell such weapons unless Ukraine met certain requirements. You don't have a point..........you have an empty comparison, AND you may be omitting other information that completely debunks the point you were attempting to make. It could be a simple pay for play deal involving Trump and Kushner where Ukraine gives those guys mo
  12. I love how you posted two scenarios.....................that DON'T contradict each other. All of my explanations that debunk your list of foreign policy achievements, the vast majority of those points give credit to either Congress or Jim Mattis...........so who called Trump a genius at any point in this conversation?: LOL Vini..........you're not arguing with yourself........you're gonna need to raise the bar and make arguments that make actual sense. LOL
  13. No. He allowed Ukrainians to PURCHASE lethal military weapons. PURCHASE, sweetie. It was an arms deal. Knowing Trump, it probably involved the same type of greasing that they did with Saudia Arabia.
  14. Oh, and your article link is basically an op-ed rather than a news article. There goes that.
  15. Dynocrap is trying so, so hard to try and bring down the PS4 with the criticisms being levied at Xbox One development. Oh, and by the way..........I called this way back when the Xbox One X was announced during Summer 2016. Developers are going from a Xbox One devkit and PS4 dev kit, to now having to make their multiplat game on an Xbox One OG Devkit, PS4 OG devkit, PS4pro devkit, and XBX dev kit.........they're not going to develop 4 different versions, they are not going to optimize their game across 4 devkits, certain platforms are going to get lazy development. I a
  16. The fact that you're asking now in 2019 makes the question harder to answer. if you found a Pro for about $300-$320, and you could get money back by selling your OG PS4, then I'd say that's a fairly easy upgrade decision. Yes, playing PS4pro on a 1080p is nice, but its also nice because you ensure more stable performance in games. And I'd be leery having a Playstation running for 4-5 years, it might crap out on you and you'd end up having to buy another one anyway. If Sony does introduce a PS5, then that would definitely have backwards compatibility, and you
  17. LOL trying too hard responding to that one. But keep on, keepin' on!
  18. Smell that???????????? [big inhale] FRESH NEW BATCH of Jerry fanfic from Saucer. Must be the first Friday of the month.
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