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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. The auto-posting bot would be consistent and stay on message, at least. I like what I'm hearing........................IMPROVING the quality of people that I'm arguing with on this forum.
  2. The problem was thinking that Xbox gaming was "manly" to begin with. How can you take one LOOK at Gears of War and not immediately come to the conclusion that this game was designed by people with 4 inch penises??? They literally had a reloading mini-game mechanic that is the greatest visual metaphor for ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. They got it awfully correct from the very beginning........wonder why? I mean, c'mon It doesn't get much more obvious than that.
  3. I bought some generic looking 10,000 mAH battery for like $20, the most important thing is that it has to be a 5w battery in order to properly charge the Switch, and I remember reading something back in 2017 about batteries that could potentially damage the Switch. I bought a 3-pack of nice well-reinforced USB-C cables at different lengths, 6", 24" and 6 ft for like $15, it was worth it.
  4. Even if the next Switch had significant GPU upgrades, chances are they are still based on ARM CPUs (they pretty much have to be), but nVidia architecture from the Tegra X1 falls in line with their Maxwell/Pascal architecture. You'd imagine that nVidia development tools, which Nintendo licenses to make their games on the Switch, would be able to help make the development easier across different hardware specs.
  5. I kind of wished they would get to 38-40 million with the original hardware, just to drive home the fact that the original Switch put the Xbox One into 3rd place in under 2.5 years. However, Nintendo would LOVE to be in a position in which they re-introduce themselves as a console and handheld hardware seller, yet again. Why wouldn't they want that? But this time, it has to require that all games run on all hardware. Or, at the very least their first party games. Michael Pachter is stupid, Nintendo is not going to have joycons permanently attached to any pie
  6. They already hinted that there isn't going to be a numbered sequel to Forza 7 this year. LOL They are going to "update" Forza 7 for 2019, because they are going to move "Forza 8" to the next console. That'll be another $500-$600, pwease.
  7. I think Teh Diplo actually wanted to see the extent of ghostz butthurt, and he got to saw it.
  8. LOL i got him to derail his own thread...........and he's trying to pass it off as if he planned it all along. And he just tried to cover up the fact that he is melting down because Apple just lost a quarter of its value, in one day.
  9. And ghost is having his SECOND meltdown.I'm literally responsible for giving him a coronary. LOL.
  10. He doesn't know what to do. He though he could ressurect this thread because he just got ASS-RAPED out of his own Phone Thread. And now he's turned this into Phone Thread #2 @Cookester15
  11. He's literally running away from it.
  12. He got so butthurt in the Phone thread that he RAN back there. Because Apple just lost 25% of its entire value in ONE DAY
  13. SO let me get this straight: -The developer claims that Resetera people caused his funding to be stopped? -He claims that developers working at AAA formed an "activist group" to stop his funding. -He can't NAME those people (even though he's an independent developer) And the people at neogaf (which Dynocrap happens to be posting in that thread) are saying that the reason why can't "reveal" stuff is probably because his lawyers are recommending that he not talk about it. And those guys at neogaf are eating it up, wholesale. And look who's eating it
  14. Did you know that Bob Einstein is Albert Brooks' brother? And Albert Brooks' name is a stage name, because his real name would be Albert Einstein. LOL That is one fucking funny family.
  15. Good stuff, and in the Comedians in Cars episode, Jerry says that they kept in that laugh because it was authentic. Jerry didn't know that Marty Funkhouser was going to make a joke, and Larry did know but he didn't know what type of joke. This is a quick snippet of comments in his two episodes. The one where they are sitting in the table is fantastic, because he's actually telling the story of his father, Larry Einstein, having his big showbiz moment doing a routine in a huge gathering of stars honoring Lucille Ball back in 1956, and his dad absolutely nailed it, and he then proce
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