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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Mean Gene and Super Dave gone on the same day. For the longest time, I didn't know that his name was not Dave Osborne. He was always Super Dave. I saw him on Arrested Development, the voice is unmistakable, but I never knew his real name in the credits. It was only during Curb that I realized that the Dave Osborne was a character. Just last month, I started skimming through episodes of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee (never really watched those), and I saw that he was in two episodes. So I watched those. Fucking hilarious. I like the second episode, he st
  2. he now trying to introduce a new gimmick for his failed thread
  3. Dynocrap is immediately going to talk about "the gap" (in which Xbox loses) is actually very small, and he will then start to compare gap sizes, and do a YoY gap comparison, and declare that the YoY gap percentages are the best of any of the 3 consoles = Xbox is looking good!!!
  4. LOL he's literally repeating his posts, word for word, he doesn't know what else to do.
  5. He thinks he accomplished anything other than looking monumentally butthurt in this thread..............but NOPE
  6. Tep Dip and MC are right on the money. I love how ghostz is now trying to act like he INTENTIONALLY wanted to derail his own thread. Apparently, thats the best strategy that he's got. LOL He actually thinks that he's accomplishing something by letting his Phone Thread butthurt spill into another thread. LOL
  7. Poor bastard is literally reading the back of the box to try and convince us about Sea of Turds.
  8. The best part is how I got ghostz's very own Post Like jerry thread........to be officially derailed...........by ghostz himself. he even drove away the people who WANTED to post like jerry.
  9. Its good to see that you have retracted your claim.
  10. They could do a game during Sam's years. And then they could do a Drake's Daughter game, with either Drake or Sam as the old guy. I think the franchise. They could even do an Uncharted Chronicles and simply have short mini-adventures involving all of these people in different years. Younger Scully, really young Nathan Drake, young Chloe, young Sam, etc.
  11. So any word on your claim? Looks like this is your sign for giving up.
  12. So, we can get back to the issue at hand. You claimed that Democrats in Broward county are known for committing election fraud, Correct?
  13. Sunshine Moon Star Trek The Motion Picture Director's Cut (or Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country) Bladerunner The Matrix The Thing Robocop Alien Akira Minority Report I usually think of movies set in space and in a definite future-setting when I think of the genre of sci-fi. I understand that Jurassic Park qualifies as sci-fi. In which case, I'd consider movies like Back to the Future and Inception to be sci-fi. Star Wars is space fantasy. Its not sci-fi. I haven't seen Gattaca, but I have been aware of it being a great
  14. The best part will be when he won't be able to maintain that.
  15. and he just double-posted.....look at where I have him. In his OWN thread, no less.
  16. The great thing about not having any ideas is that people naturally end up allowing you to have lower standards. Not me, however, I still expect you to answer your claim about democrats in Broward county being known for committing election fraud, its not my mistake you tried to pretended to give an adult opinion once.............and failed.
  17. Whereas you are RUNNING away perfectly, every time, from your own claim that you made about me. aaaand sinkuh!
  18. Otherwise known as "Regularly scheduled programming"
  19. It makes perfect sense.............for a platform holder who will be DESIGNING their games for streaming at 1080p. I already predicted this. The fact that Microsoft was going to rely on streaming as their main source of selling cheaper $100-$200 hardware means that there is no point in 4K, because you can't successfully stream at 4K. Its barely dependable at 1080p right now, so the CPU/GPU power might as well be used for something else. More characters on-screen, more physics, bigger draw distance. No point in getting a beefier GPU just for rendering at a higher resolut
  20. I see, so just an all-around schedule. Got it.
  21. So, I've been told that annual flu shots are potentially bad for you? That it actually increases your chance of getting the flu? Now, this is a claim that is different than the regular anti-vaxxer crowd, because that's in regards of children. This claim I hear is specifically regharding adults taking the annual flu shot. For many years I never got a shot, because I would rarely get sick (maybe twice during my 20's I got the flu, aches and all). I did get a shot last year, and I felt like I might get something for the two days afterwards, but I recovered. This year, I h
  22. so do you want to set up a schedule on when you can be butthurt, and I can remind you of the claim you continually avoid? Or are you still playing it by, uh... cheek?
  23. He can't even segue his butthurt back into his original tangent properly.
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