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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. lol, trying to power his way through it. that'll end like the other times he tried it.
  2. Welp, looks like you'll still be avoiding into the next year. I've never had anybody avoid a topic for yearS, plural. lol
  3. So anyways, now that you've decided to restart this thread.......we can get back to the very reason why you are avoiding at every turn. You claimed that Democrats in Broward County were committing election fraud. So where's your proof to backup that claim??????????? That question will always be asked as long as your claim exists.
  4. Says the person who just created a thread entirely devoted to me. Who is the second person to do so. And then proceeds to call me self-centered. LOL Oh man, I got him melting down good.
  5. You're done Thanks for admitting you can't prove the VERY THING you created this thread for. Thank you
  6. Did you get a flu shot recently? I haven't gotten a flu shot this season, I got one last year, and I felt the effects of the flu coming on for a couple of days until is went away.
  7. You ready to post where I said "60 days" or "minimum" months? That's where your claim begins..........so prove it. I mean, you already lost that argument. But, this isn't moving anywhere until you admit that.
  8. Now he's trying to mimic me. Which is all part of The Loop. The great part is how he completely abandons his phone argument. Everytime.
  9. you know, you actually are embarrassing me. In the most indirect way possible.
  10. [hates SJWs and feminists and their political correctness] [also thinks that acting like those very same people is the best strategy in an argument] I swear, I didn't make him type that.
  11. Then prove it. Sorry, that's isn't going to do it. Unfortunately, it also proves you're butthurt because you're spending more time doing that than.........y'lnow actually proving and WINNING the argument. Wonder why.
  12. LOL, they literally posted this same video and same response in another thread. They don't know what to do.
  13. the great part is that only one of us is running on pure butthurt. An endless well of butthurt........why WOULDN'T i keep tapping into it?
  14. oh my god, there are people still complaining about this. "bu-buh what about baby strollers?!" You are basically saying that you have no adductor muscles, or you're too fat in your belly and thighs that it literally pushes your legs out. lol Please don't tell me you say this shit out loud in public places, right?
  15. Holy shjt, he got pissed off. And @Remij_@Cookester15 it appears as if this has turned this into a "Post like its the Phone Thread" Even ghostz decided to stop posting like me
  16. wow, that's alot of jerry fanfic tied together into one post. that took alot of bitter resentment and cumulation of time to put all that together. LOL
  17. You just made a big deal about a fucking subway sign. And modern-day incels like you are the definition of cowards. Who are you to judge others on that subject?
  18. And now he's entered The Loop. In his own thread no less. Guess he doesn't want to post like Jerry anymore.
  19. aaaaand he's done. In his own thread, no less.
  20. LOL the fact that you immediately try to respond like as if you're a man is quite telling. You ask too much of the Earth's gravity.
  21. Just got busted trying to change the subject. Ghostz..........I'm going to ask you again. What........did........I..........claim? Did I claim "60 days"...............or "minimum" months? Last time..........show me my posts that prove what you just claimed.
  22. Wait a minute, is Dynocrap trying to imply that the people on this forum have no experience with CRT gaming?????? LOL Basically, he thinks nobody here has played video games prior to 2005. Absolutely fabulous. Anyways, I have my Sony Trinitron 34XBR970 television in the corner of a room, I've been meaning to find time to clear some space so that I can open it up and work on its power supply to get it back on again. Probably need to replace the transformers on that power supply board. Since my friend is finally giving me back my Gamecube, I'll probably set
  23. well, i imagine that they are showing the seat besides the person to imply to not spread your legs in front of the space of other seats. let me clink the link Yup. the message, at least from the transit system, is strictly regarding the issue of taking up space on a public subway. Y'know, the first that comes to mind when I see guys who are taking offense, and are somehow threatened by this is that they are failing at the concept of being an adult man. There's a word for this.
  24. uh oh..........i think he's trying to stare in an aggressive manner. i might've pissed him off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIWs5VDF6ZA
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