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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Is he now saying 120 days? Where is S-I-X-T-Y days?????????? He's really butthurt about this. And he doesn't know what to do because he created this universe where I said something that I didn't. Poor guy.
  2. Who was going around on this forum including Below as one of the many AAA games hitting the Xbox, along with Ashen? LOL #andBelow
  3. He abandoned his entire argument, completely. He's saying I double post, because I made sure to post his claim that I said 60 days, just to ensure that he completely failed. best jerry thread ever............let's do it again on an annual basis!!!
  4. I got him running out of his OWN thread. This is the best thread about me, it had a fitting conclusion. Ghostz shitting his pants when nobody was trying to make him.
  5. Posting it here, just in case he tries to retroactively change it. he messed up in his OWN thread
  6. Did you just try to CHANGE THE SUBJECT???????????????? Where's the 60 days remark And now ghostz is saying "what was the dev talking about?" 60 days, ghostz. Find the quote about 60 days. He already knows he messed up.
  7. Sorry........you made the claim. Let's see it. Count: 1
  8. Asking it again............where............was.........the..........subject..............change. And also.............was it me that claimed that????? Find the post where I said that. lol
  9. How did I change the subject??????????????? He doesn't know what to do now. LOL
  10. Except I didn't bring the subject of my changing subjects. LOL Another fail from Ol Faithful.
  11. No. I actually made fun of rufflesselfpwndez in the election thread for three weeks for trying to run away from his own claim that he made, and I literally typed his claim for three stragith weeks while he tried to get away from it. You see that...........that was an example. I named the person, and I named the thread. Go ahead, post your example. I'll wait.
  12. sure, point out an example. post a thread where I do that? or are you going to claim that to be a mind game?
  13. LOL this is the best zinger he could come up with. YEAH, I'm boring!
  14. Holy shit, the lemmings absolutely, positively CLEARED OUT of this thread.
  15. lol, you're saying that I veer conversations off-topic? Well, I'm more interesting in your mind than I am in real life.
  16. Don't need to imagine when we can just look at the Forza franchise for reference. And that's a driving game, for godssakes. Start, Accelerate, Brake, Finish Line, try to finish first place, try doing that on every track for every tournament, upgrade to better cars. Its every single game, there's less variety than playing through an entire Regular Season of Madden every year.
  17. Did you mean to type "like Sunset Overdrive MINUS Saints Row" perhaps?
  18. So, wait a minute......the only character model that they put any effort into was Terry Crews'?????? That's just an insult to consumers.
  19. I like how they balance the game out. Since the online mode has physics and destruction, their single player has absolutely none of that. So they provide about 4 minutes of footage, half of it isn't even gameplay footage, but rather menus and viewing the map, and then the remaining two minutes aren't even uninterrupted footage, its actually a collection of 15 second clips. This game is going to be absolutely steaming.
  20. I haven't anybody fail as consistently and thoroughly as Dynocrap since Wile E Coyote.
  21. Didn't I just say that silicon valley employees would be liberal? Do you think the firing is meant to appease the OWNERS of the company, or the EMPLOYEES? Wow, did both you and Saucer try making that same argument? Two birds, one stone.
  22. Can they shrink base-PS4 hardware into a tablet? Then maybe. I think we can safely say that indie games don't really need hardware specs of next-gen consoles, so they should continue developing for PS4/XBO. That gives the PS4 tablet some games. Depends if Sony first party will create PS4 and PS5 versions of their first-party games.
  23. Part tribute thread. Part butthurt therapy session.
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