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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. LOL, I love how he really doesn't want to be in an argument against me, but thinks he can just dingleberry off of others.
  2. Why wouldn't you? Apparently, I had read that that kung fu guy in the third Matrix movie, that was going to be Jet Li. But the movie studio said that they wanted Jet Li to do mo-cap of all of those moves, and would therefore own the rights to that mo-cap. Jet Li refused and he backed out of the movie. So if you ever see a famous celebrity of a movie or tv show have a scene in which a guytakes off his pants and drawers, lays on his back and raises his legs up, and then clenches his nutsack tighly, and the parts that is bulging out he proceeds to slap it with
  3. Because they talk about 6 districts, I have the sneaking suspicion that this is how they can design it for current-gen consoles, by not having it be completely open world and having load times. And having tricks to help reduce draw distance. And this actually helps their GOG platform by releasing a PC version that is not gimped and it causes people to prefer the PC version, and then they work on an enhanced edition for next-gen that is similar to the PC version. Even then, I don't think it'll be content complete until 2020.
  4. LOL now he's making fun of people who have single player content in their games. He really just said that. LOL
  5. Giving up more than what you are maintaining. I'll never understand why people continually do this.
  6. No.........I actually talked about Smash single player campaign in extensive detail and even posted articles describing what it is right at launch. All I did this weekend was talk about playing the game for 5 minutes, and then playing the game for 1 hour to get a free copy of the game so that I could play it much later down the road. Looks like you got that wrong.
  7. Listen, you don't have to respond. But you have lost all credibility to tell me that I argue in a disingenuous way. When you tried that little sentence by sentence breakdown into 6-7 mini-arguments........you are essentially GishGalluping. You know this. And now you're trying to lecture me about how to be intellectually honest when arguing something? If you don't want to admit it, that's fine. But it doesn't stop the fact that it happened, and I noticed. Yes, I know another blank smiley is coming.
  8. Full on retreat. All because I caught him saying that he talks about other games. Its very simple, you said that we DO NOT talk about the games that we are supposedly playing. I used that logic against you.............if you are talking about Switch games, then you must be playing those and NOT Xbox. SeeNow tell me again how you think this "definitely works".
  9. Because whatever holier-than-thou attitude you have when trying to argue against me, just flew out the window. ......and for what? because you got peeved that I made a snide comment about Sam Harris not really being the martyr he was trying to make himself to believe. I already know that you were attempting a forced argument from this moment: If anything my response (which was a fair response, and letting you off the hook easily) caused you to expand into more forced arguments. At that point, I had to shut those down.
  10. Sorry, trying to change the subject to me isn't going to work. LOL
  11. So you just admitted that you don't play your OWN games, and talk about games from other systems?????? Wow
  12. No, you are trying to use that as a way out of the argument and dismiss everything else I typed. And let me explain to you why that is the WORSE CASE SCENARIO, Hot Sauce. Because you attempting to avoid admitting where you are wrong, and simply point to one thing and declare everything invalid is essentially the same dishonesty you are accusing me of. For someone who clearly likes to think that they are "above" me in these respects...............you are doing the very thing you THINK I do. .............and...........I'm............noticing. (That
  13. Cool calendar quote, bro. Maybe you should've been thinking about that when your typed your post in the politics thread last night that was purely meant to make yourself feel better. lol
  14. Did he patent the dance? If so, he's got a shot. Even if he didn't, he can cause enough PR to make Epic give him a settlement. Everybody knows that is his dance.
  15. Apparently, he's making the rounds on podcasts and other video sites because he's trying to advertise some "lifestyle" website of his called bunnyears? Its like an ironic lifestyle website that's actually a comedy website. Reading the About Us section was pleasantly funny. Website will probably be dead in under a year, but its pretty interesting seeing somebody launch a small-scope website. This is like something somebody would've done 10 years ago.
  16. You weren't responding to a post that was a wall of text. You were responding to this: Well............"respond" isn't the proper nomenclature. You were pathetically trying to dismiss.
  17. Oh man, the lemmings come rushing in these threads like a desperate SWAT team, trying to fire in any direction. I'm going to love the multiple times in which Dynocrap will declare Smash Bros will "stop selling....starting now!"
  18. There's a reason why that's the best criticism you can come up with.
  19. lol i love how these guys have now trying to say that they've "won" the battle of ideas because they're being "de-platformed" lol It is pretty funny when you have liberals have to explain to other people how free-market capitalism and privately owned networks work. of course.......liberals don't really need to explain that, these people already know these principles, they're just trying to play dumb and pretend to be victims. Its their preferred state.
  20. Nah, you bounced when I debunked your theory of where his main source of revenue comes from. Its not my fault that you thought you were trying to look clever attempting to debunk what you thought was low-hanging fruit. Which seems to be your M.O. here most of the time.
  21. lemmings are literally making threads about games from other platforms. LOL
  22. If it does like the other switch games, then it will do fantastic. You have NO metric or credibility for telling how a game SHOULD or SHOULD NOT sell with a userbase of 27 million. There are many people buying the Switch, and they are buying it for Pokemon first, and they won't get around to buy Smash until later. There are many people buying the Switch, and they are buying BOTW and Mario Odyssey or Mario Kart 8 (because the game is like an exclusive to them since they never had a Wii U)...............they haven't bought Smash yet, but they will.
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