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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Yeah, because if its one thing we know about Nintendo games is that they definitely aren't "evergreen" or something like that. And I love how you are trying to frame Smash Bros as a failure by only comparing it to a Rockstar game. The best thing about Dynocrap is that he makes the ABSOLUTE STATEMENTS............and gouko is definitely going to post them and throw them in his face, and Dynocrap proceeds to try and re-contextualize his previous bullshit. it happens every time. Smash Bros sells more than Zelda............and we CLEARLY didn't see BO
  2. I got no problem with you volunteering to make yourself look stupid again. Make as many of those proclamations as you want. lol
  3. In other words, RDR2 went on sale in the UK last week, and people are picking it up at a christmas present.
  4. Actually watching that clip reminds me of late December 1991. We unboxed a Super Nintendo, played the first couple of levels of SMW for about 30 minutes and then we watched SNL in the living room and saw that sketch and laughed our asses off, and then after midnight, we went back to playing SMW until late. A very happy moment.
  5. Isn't Forza 2019 being not-all-that-revamped so that Microsoft can charge money and provide some content for lemmings in 2019 because they are moving Forza development for the next console?
  6. I use sentences, type statements that have beginnings and endings, like properly paced thoughts. Let me know when you can prove otherwise, instead of pathetically finding the laziest path to trying to discredit someone.
  7. Well..........I guess its a matter of perspective in how lemming want to frame this.
  8. Which, one again.........has no bearing on what my statement is implying? Doesn't it? I don't think attempting to reset the argument is going to change the basic facts that we've repeated about 3 times already. and you are assuming that Sam Harris charges people two separate times a month during his website like they would on Patreon? Not necessarily: Which would not apply if all you are selling is a podcast. Profile information can be substantially different than a credit card, or it simply may not have information f
  9. I bet they'll also offer payment plans for all of those skus, as well. Can you imagine a parent thinking of buying their kids a video game system, and they get shown all those skus, and then are pushing to sign up for a payment, and then they have to signup for Game Pass, and then they are push on buying Xbox Live Gold at the store or when they first turn on the console. Or may the store clerk will try to make it "easy" on the customer and say "its simply, you just need to make 24 months payments of $50 a month!!" And the parent will say something like "so..
  10. Very odd that you acknowledge this since it......... IMMEDIATELY undermines what you proceed to type in your next sentence. Do I need to go over that point again?????? It seems you figured it out by inadvertently. Its NOT a sacrifice if he already has a method for getting subscriptions to podcasts. .................So................you somehow think Patreon performs these services for free for Sam Harris? Patron and taxes and transaction fees take away 10%. I wasn't expecting to dismantle your attempt at math that easily, then again I wasn
  11. So.........my comment still applies no matter HOW you would interpret it? And yes it does matter. He doesn't perform his publicity stunt if he were really sacrificing something. This is marketing, and the attention and new subscriptions gained from this was probably worth it to him. Podcasting revenue isn't his only revenue stream. He's a public speaker, he's a writer who sells books. I suppose I should be asking you: DID YOU consider giving this enough thought when reading my post?
  12. Yeah, that was also part of my prediction from almost a year ago. They could stream almost all the games, but, it would make sense to provide the $200-$300 box with SOME CPU/GPU power and simply sell arcade games to download directly. It will probably be able to relieve them of having to spend bandwidth to stream those indie games. Since I think the mid-tier box is just a repackaged Xbox One X in 2020, Microsoft would tell indie devs to just develop for that sku. Microsoft would also developer their major games for the "middle" console.
  13. Very close to my prediction. I think there's a $99-$149 Small Box with Xbox controller sku. Then there could be a $299-$399 Console that has sufficient hard drive space to download games digitally, and is backwards compatible with XBO and Xbox One X level games. Maybe play the new next-gen games via streaming, but still play XBO games at XBX natively. Basically another version of XBX. And then the actual "new" hardware that plays everything, $599.
  14. So.......my comment still applies?Would he have left Patreon if he didn't have any other payment acceptance method?
  15. So the publicity stunt worked to direct more people to sign up for subscriptions. Its amazing how he had the payment subscription service already set up at his own website when he made that announcement. And its such an attention-grabbing announcement, you are literally here distributing his message for him.
  16. Damn, the Switch is getting dem real good game. Gonna get this.
  17. Poor lemmings are complaining about me when I'm not even here????? Oh man, they're getting raw
  18. Perennially butthurt. ............I said perennial, so don't take it another way.
  19. Oh man, imagine how much worse he's going to take it in the second week of January when December NPD numbers come out. LOL They continually gloss over the fact that RDR2 helped both the PS4 and XBO, and no such game of ridiculous hype and marketing is going to drop in December for either console.
  20. Yeah, I was hoping to see that. Roma is playing in only one theater, near downtown. Hopefully I will try to catch that next weekend or over Christmas. Apparently reviewers are saying to try and watch it in the theater instead of Netflix. I think I'm going to rent Leave No Trace from Redbox (only place its available besides digital), supposedly that is a really good movie, oscar worthy. It stars Ben Foster.
  21. I pissed him off so bad he posted twice, because he wasn't confident in his first post.
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