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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. he got absolutely butt-griddled that he doesn't know how to respond.
  2. is he crying to the mods now? i knew that would backfire, eventually.
  3. he doesn't what to do, so he's hitting his NPC mode on loop. lol he's so mad.
  4. those seem like retailer bundles. best buy has totally different deals on xbox. which means that the retailer is trying to do anything they can to just get them out the door. that's clearance.
  5. imagine trying to imagine the lives of other people on an internet forum because you're that butthurt.
  6. You owe it to yourself to play Brotherhood. AC2 still has plenty of flaws. Brotherhood is just right. And they have some fun side missions. I still need to play Black Flag, Unity, Rogue, Syndicate, Origins, and Odyssey. And I think there's a Freedom Cry expansion somewhere between Rogue and Black Flag that I hear is also good.
  7. you have to play for an hour between now and Jan 15 If you sign up for and participate in Project Stream — Google’s foray into a streaming video game service, which launched a test back in October — you can get a free copy of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey to keep, on PC. Ubisoft is dangling the freebie, and some free Helix Credits (the series’ in-game currency) to get folks to participate. Project Stream is currently only compatible with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, which testers can already fool around with at will just by launching the service. But if they spend at least an hour pla
  8. imagine how pathetic it would be if i were trying to get information like that from you.
  9. Thanks for admitting what I just typed. Its not every day a person admits that they are a casual hypocrite.
  10. OH MY Gawd. Those two poor bastards are literally shitting blood, look how livid they are. It went from "Switch has no chance in November" to "y'know the Xbox being pretty close behind the switch is actually good news." I mean, they do honestly believe that the Smash Bros is only going to affect hardware sale in November, and they expect a sharp downturn in December? Like they know that's not going to happen, what's their excuse going to be in mid-January? RDR2, a game that has almost two years of anticipation, is the only thing
  11. LOL you just got butthurt 20 hours later over that post when you are writing fan-fiction about another person life over the internet......i'd say that qualifies for butthurt.
  12. [jerry yesterday]: you're clearly trying to exaggerate the NMH games on Wii [DavidP]: No, I'm not over-exaggerating describing the game. [24 hours later] [Davidp]: You're raising your arms like a retard!!!
  13. The ironic part is that if Nintendo released a cartridge of Star Fox 2 for $60-$70 for the Switch, Aza would buy it immediately.
  14. Using motion for finishers was satisfying. What did the PS3 use? Analog sticks? The game would slow down and show two arrows down, and you'd just push both analog sticks downwards? The gameplay was quite barebones, that the motion finishers helps masquerade that. The analog sticks actually makes it look more trivial. Also, you gotta jerk it to recharge your weapon.
  15. I like how the lemmings are forgetting one important thing: They had a promotion in which they were selling Xbox One X for $400 AND they were giving away the biggest releease for PS4/XB, RDR2, for free. Microsoft was literally THROWING as many discounts as possible along with a free game, and it was the BIGGEST hyped game of 2018. And it still couldn't get them out of third place. What do yo think that gap between #2 and #3 is going to look like in December when they AREN'T giving away RDR2, and they have no real discounts on the hardware?
  16. Talking like Dynocrap and simply repeating something without proof isn't going to help you. The entire game is on that youtube video, let me know when you have a timestamp of those supposedly superior looking graphics. I'll wait.
  17. I like how you attempted to make a comment about how a game looks. And then posted a youtube video.................................that doesn't show visuals. If you see anything that looks better, be sure to point out the timestamp for me. MMMMMkay?
  18. I didn't say that the game was a graphics stunning. I even said that the level with rain textures and reflections and neon signs is the best looking environment from ANY No More Heroes game. I'm kinda make it known what the graphics expectation is when I point that out.
  19. You're comment doesn't seem logical. Have you played Let it Die on PS4???????? It look SHITTIER than this game. Suda simply isn't interested in high-polygon character models. Yet I didn't see go out of your way to complain that much when that game came out.
  20. LOL I like how you're trying the "I was playing around" excuse. But you hate Nintendo so much............and you hate that Nintendo will eventually get NMH as an exclusive so much, that you STILL want to try and make that ridiculous dig. One foot in, one foot out. This Switch game clearly has better looking graphics, and its meant to be a indie-like game.
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