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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No.........your EXACT WORDING are games that have DIFFERENT CONTENT. Contant was not REVISED in MK8 Deluxe.......it has different content that is not on MK8 on Wii U. Therefore it is a separate game, and therefore exclusive. The wording is on CONTENT. Nice try.
  2. I love how this entire post relies on him PRETENDING to feign confidence.......and it absolutely fails. I directly to him to his face that he would evade, and he did just that. He knows that his EXACT wording proves that MK8 on Switch is exclusive. He knows he can't clarify it in a way that will work. lol
  3. I love how he doesn't offer any clarification. He just claims that he doesn't contradict himself and then wants to shift it over to talking about other people. All the while we keep hammering him on his EXACT WORDING, repeatedly. He won't do that. Not even ONCE.
  4. You must have a condition in which you automatically fail the read the first sentence of people's posts. This idea comes entirely from Dynocrap.........its HIS IDEA, and he introduced it last week.
  5. Not as stupid as you attempting to argue........the inverse of that. LOL Think about it.........your hatred of Nintendo MADE YOU want to argue something that silly. That's the part that makes me laugh my ass off.
  6. I doubt you arguing that looking at low-poky environmental assets UP-close is going be better graphics is going to work. lol
  7. actually it looks like the same exact NMH gameplay, but from a simplified overhead view. Also nice to see that you moved onto a different argument.
  8. Its going to be a Dock upgrade. The only change to the Switch Handheld may be a smaller screen and smaller form-factor, or a bigger screen with the same form-factor. Either the dock contains an APU inside of it, or the handheld, when placed into the "Pro" Dock, performs CPU functions, and it works in conjunction with the Dock, which houses the GPU, and then outputs it to the TV. nVidia 1060 GT, 8 GB of RAM, $300 because it requires you to have an existing Switch handheld.
  9. No it doesn't, the close-ups of Travis when he is taking a shit or eating food, his character model looks significantly better, and clearly has better textures. And those levels look very clean, and that rain level with water reflections and neon lights is easily the best looking level from any NMH game. Suda had already hinted that he is working towards NMH3 for the Switch, this game is meant to be a side-story.
  10. People haven't even seen the real upside of Nintendo teaming up with nVidia. Things are going to be getting a hell of alot more interesting after 2020. This is just rumor, but nVidia executives were trying to find a partner to help get sell their Tegra processors, and Nintendo got a sweet deal. But, its also a 10-year manufacturing deal. And, more importantly, nVidia has gotten Nintendo to use their software development tools, essentially guaranteeing them that they have to develop for nVidia GPUs in the future. Nintendo is going to be as rich as
  11. Is that the only sub-game that they've showed? Aren't there supposed to be like 4-5 sub-games?
  12. Yes, it is. And your entire Let's Go Pokemon argument just came back to bite you in the ass. Just like I knew it would.
  13. Just like African kids who are wearing New England Patriots 2018 Super Bowl Champion T-shirts.............no one gives a shit about the stuff you were able to obtain in the 3rd world. Here where it matters................America.................BOTW is a Switch game, and no logical person would ever try to play it anywhere else. Its an exclusive for people who aren't looking to do stupid things that make no sense. lol
  14. I would defend the joycons up until me playing Street Fighter 30th Anniversary. So, I have played significant chunks of BOTW and SMO just fine. Like if I wanted to play those games and do ridiculous things that are hard to pull off, then I might start complaining that the controllers prevent me from achieving that. But unless I'm playing a really precision game that needs a D-pad and me pressing face buttons and shoulder buttons with super quick precision, I've been fine with the joycons.
  15. alot better than getting butthurt from a game forum. lol can't believe he walked into that one.
  16. Nah, I already got somebody who I spike into the ground on a daily basis: LOL. He doesn't know what to type at this point. So he's turning into a random word generator.
  17. I already made fun of you for attempting projection this late. Doing it even later isn't going to help. lol
  18. He clearly is: Poor guy doesn't know what to say, but he knows he needs to throw something out there. lol He doesn't know that I actually take the most satisfaction when he's dragging along.
  19. That aren't applicable in the real world. In the real world, he can only get Mario Kart 8 for the Switch. That means that it has the value of an exclusive. Thanks for completely proving my point. You're "advising" is utterly worthless, and can only exist on an internet forum. Which is one of the saddest things you can say about something. That's what you are actually doing. Think about it. lol
  20. I love how you decided to not omit to address the second part of my sentence..........almost as if you pretended to not read it. Big giveaway there. Look at you melt down. You're advising people to buy a wii u in 2018...........I'm pretty sure I have this argument done won already. I almost want you to type the word "buy a Wii U" just so that I can screenshot it. LOL
  21. I'm not the one who is in butthurt meltdown every night. I'd say that's not a good place to be in life, if that's happening to you. You need to take a real chill pill, apparently. Let's hope they exist. lol
  22. ...........on internet forums. Which aren't real life. You can't find Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U, and you can barely find a Wii U to begin with. Its a shame that you haven't joined us there. Maybe someday you'll muster up the courage to do so. lol
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