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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I'm not the one who brought up the subject regarding me. And you make a mistake there. Not a typo. You should've typed "want" instead of "need" because the other way gives it away. LOLOLOL
  2. Yes it does.......in real life. In real life.......Mario Kart 8, if you've never played, is only logically available on the Switch, in 2018. Trying to find it any other way simply doesn't make sense. Trying to make internet forum arguments that only sound plausible on an internet forum and nowhere else, is sad. And you know it. Your remarks about its exclusivity has no bearing on lynux, because its simply not applicable...........in real life, which is the advice he's seeking. REAL advice, not "internet forum theory". LOL
  3. Lynux in 2018, Platforms that make sense for him to buy it: Switch. Multiply that by millions of people. That's all there is to it. Don't get mad.
  4. Yes, they are only easily available for the Switch system. To lynux, IT IS the only logical place for him to buy that game, therefore the game has the value of an exclusive. Notice how one of us is getting madder and madder and trying to name-call his way out of this. This is going to end well for you. lol
  5. I'm sure they can hire a professional host. And not some youtube personality, or ex-G4 announcer. Or just a hot looking girl who is a good announcer.
  6. No...........you see, you're making an internet forum argument. Whereas I'm starting a real life observation. Mario Kart 8 is predominantly accessible through the Switch, and if you don't have a Wii U, then you really can't get Mario Kart 8 on there. Therefore Mario Kart 8 is largely exclusive on the Switch. Period. Not my fault that Microsoft makes an effort to have your "exclusives" available and easily accessible on other platforms.
  7. That's actually a clever comeback, too bad it got overshadowed by your off-the-charts bitterness. that's where most of my laughs are going to.
  8. Dynocrap like to omit this very obvious piece of knowledge that there are TENS of million of gamers who never played these games, and are indeed exclusive because the Wii U has come and gone. It IS the truth.......and the dumbass start insinuating that people SHOULD just get a Wii U, in 2018. That how much he's butthurt towards the soon-to-exceed Xbox to become 2nd place Nintendo Switch.
  9. I'm creating a second jonb, over here. let the butthurt flow through you.
  10. Already played those indie RPGs like Stardew Valley? Because the Switch could make a good handheld to play those types of games when you are on the shitter or watching tv.
  11. Nintendo Customer Support is always a positive experience. I tried to take my $20 Individual membership prepaid card back to Best Buy. They told me they can't process it as a return, or give credit, or even an exchange because its a "perishable" item. So I couldn't do anything there. They know it hasn't been scratched to reveal the code. So I called Nintendo by phone, and all I did was explain to them that I had this prepaid card and wanted to pay $15 more to upgrade it to a Family online membership. Did give a name, didn't give my Nintendo account info, not even an ema
  12. why? we're not as butthurt as lemmings are about smash bros. Thanks for embarrassing yourself on two different topics at the SAME time with ONE post. LOL
  13. You don't see people calling the cops on lemmings when they are creating a ruckus.
  14. Look at the Brothers Forged in Butthurt. I think I've created more crossovers matchups than the Marvel universe. So much butthurt. NMH was one of the funnest motion control games, and anybody who actually knows the controls would know it. So much butthurt.
  15. lol the butthurt continues to spill. not to mention that you couldn't be more wrong. If I want to like me.............that would inherently mean that I respect the people on this forum to begin with. That's where your logic falls apart. LOL
  16. You attempts at masking your butthurt are fruitless. You don't know what you never tried. I love how you try to exaggerate it by talking about excessive motions. lol Get sixax-raped.
  17. Nah, the game was one of the best use of the finishers, and the animation showing you where you need to motion was also cool in itself. I'm not really concerned about your expanded butthurted views of the Wii controllers, its completely irrelevant to how the NMH games played. The controller worked exactly as intended for that game. In fact, I am surprised that more games didn't allow for different contextual actions based on whether you had the controller pointing at an upwards angle, or a downwards angle like NMH did.
  18. geoff keighley will think to himself: "the people like ME..........therefore we should put ME on the awards show more next year, and also we should have a post-awards show. Starring ME!"
  19. we'll see which one will stop being broken, first: Smash Online, or you. lol
  20. Nah. The motion finishers, body suplexes were quite satisfying. The gameplay is really bare as it is, the motion finishers were easily the best part about it.
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