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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I love how I even told him how he was going to fail, to his face............and he still attempted it. And to top it all off.............he PROVED MY INITIAL point. Guess who are the ones trying to bring this up, again and again and again? (in this forum, as if I needed to clarify this for anybody except the criminally dumb).
  2. You actually know exactly what I meant, when I explained it to you. But you seem to think that if you PLAY STUPID............you think you're going to get me to comment on that video. LOL Yeah, that's not working. Here Vini, let me show you two sentences, one after another: followed by: You know exactly whom we are talking about.............BY NAME. Thanks for playing.
  3. I had a bought an individual online membership, but since I know I'm going to be giving Smash Bros to my nephews, on their switch that I set up for them, then I might as well pay more for a family account. I don't know if they can let me upgrade from a $20 membership and just have me pay $15 more for the family online.
  4. No.........because I made NO COMMENT out what occurs outside of this forum. Sorry, that didn't work...........and you TRYING to move me over to that isn't going to work, either. Its quite simple............I was making of you, and people like YOU........on T-H-I-S forum. Is that direct enough, for you? lol
  5. Don't worry..............we laughed at you saying it, the first time around. No, they aren't. Go whine somewhere else.
  6. You don't know what else to argue, at this point, do you? This is going to be a DOOZY to add to your pile. Vini LEGITIMATELY BELIEVES that the most pressing issue in the world of corporatism........................are social media companies not allowing right-wingers to exist and say hate speech. Not the fact that corporations are buying out politicians. Not corporations destroying unions, Not certain industries that are gauging the middle-class in core expenditures like Healthcare/Housing/Education, none of that. No.................he can't be b
  7. On. This. Forum. How can the ONLY people who bring up SJ-issues be alt-rights............................if SJ people also exist? You're argument makes it so that I am saying something that is fundamentally impossible. My comment is piggybacking on top of this one:
  8. No. It's not. Then they should regulate them in those other countries. Think about how stupid you sound, Vini. Russians used social media to influence the US elections that helped Trump got into the White House, and do you see Democrats wanting the US Government to TAKE OVER FACEBOOK and TWITTER????????? LOL, you're losing this argument, hard.
  9. Where did I say that the guy on the video is an alt-right'er? I said that the people ON THIS FORUM who seem to make posts about SJ-issues are alt-right'ers. In fact..................where, in my post, did I ever refer to the black guy in the video, at all???????????
  10. Because the government can only regulate something if it is a NECESSARY "public utility" that society and the economy needs to have in order to operate. Phones are classified as a public utility in the 1930's because it was necessary for the country. It was literally deemed necessary for society to have it, and for the free market to benefit from it. I would LOVE to see you try to type your bullshit to try and make the argument that Twitter and Youtube reach that threshold.
  11. No. Social media companies are classified as communications companies. Sweetie. There's even a thing called Title 2 classification as a public utility that are applied to phones. The FCC, especially this Republican-controlled FCC, chose to NOT ASSIGN TITLE II CLASSIFICATION............TO INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS. Not even the internet service providers. ...............and you think that they would apply it to Social Media companies ON THE INTERNET???????? When not even the INTERNET PROVIDER is listed as a "public utility"?
  12. You can't regulate a company through ANOTHER INDUSTRY. US Government can't tell the private online data center industry what to do with HOW they sell their online server space. They are going to sell it to whomever will pay the most for it, or the most of it. LOL, I love how you are well beyond comparing apples and oranges at this point, and are just making dumber and dumber associations.
  13. No..........they pay for their OWN bandwidth to host the content. Not to mention that they probably build their own data centers, or rent out from data centers. Those are business interactions in which YOU......the end user, have no part of.
  14. No the government does not have have "legal non-authoritarian" ways to interfere. The government can only RESTRICT what content they can host, if it interfers with public decency laws and privacy laws. That literally means the government can only REMOVE content from Twitter/Youtube...........but NOT FORCE THEM TO ADD content that they don't want to have for whatever reason they want.
  15. Yes they do own a finite resource. Its LITERALLY the fucking phone lines. And for cell phones its LITERALLY THE FUCKING RADIO SPECTRUM that those companies own the licenses for. Jesus, you are stupid.
  16. Social media networks do not own a FINITE resource..........therefore they can not monopolize something that does not run out of something. Its not like you can only get on ONE social media network. LOL I love how I KNOW that you are keenly aware that you lost this argument...............the big giveaway is that you just RAN TO ANOTHER TANGENT. You are now saying that its a "monopoly" problem. LOL
  17. It seems like the only people who keep on talking about SJ-issues seem to be disgruntled alt-right'ers. People who believe...........like they honest-to-goodness get caught up in the "Culture Wars" are the ones who truly get duped.
  18. No, rest assured............their lawyers, shareholders, and board of executives are HIGHLY CONFIDENT that they are in complete control of those companies, and are not public entities. The only way is if the United States government turns into a communist state and takes ownership over the literal company/resources/servers. You KNOW this.............You're not making an argument..................you are basically telling me YOUR HOPES AND WISHES.
  19. No I'm not. You're trying to get us in a circular argument, and it isn't working. Every single tenet that multiple people have said so far REMAINS TRUE, and UNCHANGED, no matter how many times you try to move the goal posts or re-contextualize it. -Freedom of Speech ONLY APPLIES between the people and the GOVERNMENT. Period -Privately-owned entites run these social media websites. -You have NO OWNERSHIP over your content on said websites. -You agree to allow the owners of the website to manage your content that you put on there, as they see fi
  20. But you PROVED ME CORRECT. THe admins of systemwars.com ARE NOT ENTITLED to having a presence on twitter. They ARE ENTITLED to do whatever the fuck they want on systemwars.com (as long as they aren't literally hosting content that is outright criminal and illegal).
  21. here's your mistake. you think the the people who post on systemwars.com "own" the literal website systemwars.com Which is wrong...........only the ACTUAL OWNER, the actual person paying for the doman name, paying to keep the online server active and controls the website is the ONLY TRUE OWNER of systemwars.com We do not have any ownership to BEGIN WITH. None. Therefore if 400 millions users come onto this forum............we did not "lose" anything...........because we never "owned" it to begin with. Please stop trying to play stupid
  22. You have got to be kidding me. Alright, it's getting shipped back.
  23. Do you know how Game Boys existed by the time Pokemon Gold/Silver came out in late 1999? There were at least double, possibly triple the amount of Game Boys as there are Switches. That game is going to be huge. And the real Pokemon sequel next year is going to be absolutely ridiculous.
  24. If they're not "providing shit"............then why are you so adamant that these people should exist there. You seem to think that the people who created this social media network are nothing more than an afterthought. Fine...................go start your own social media network, whose stopping you????????
  25. LOL, i love it when Vini tries to apply false equivalency, when its obvious he's trying to damage control an obvious loss on the Republicans. Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder how Trump saw it: I only noticed one face turn beet red during that "meeting." Trump knows he got bitchslapped. The moment he said "I will shut this government down" Chuck Schumer exclaimed "OKAY!" with lightning fast quickness, and he couldn't stop smiling afterward. He got what he was looking for in that meeting. LOL
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