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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft is planning to acquire Obsidian, and other shitty AA-quality developers. Lemmings:
  2. DavidP is the living embodiment of Newtorn's Third Law. For every single thing he says............there is an equal an opposite response from him in which he says he "never said such a thing."
  3. Difference there is that those people are playing a video game. Whereas, these Microsoft execs aren't selling anything. Its not the first time. Hell, lemmings are doing this on this forum. LOL
  4. Right-wing politics in the same in the US. Like a dog chasing a cars.........they wouldn't what to do with it if they actually caught up to one. Right-wingers thrive on getting people to vote for them by talking shit. That's all they do is talk shit, claim that they are being oppressed, and they need to "take back their country." I don't think a single right-leaning political party has ever presented itself with a positive message post-2000. They only know one gimmick: Talk shit, say that the other people are hurting the country, therefore give
  5. These alt-righters go through more short fads in following right-wing heroes than pre-teen girls. Notice they don't talk about Jordan Peterson all that much, anymore? Notice how they talk about Sam Harris even less? Those guys were so 2017 and 2016.
  6. Can't think of a better visual metaphor to explain the core logic behind the alt-right than THAT, right there. Shoving a butt plug up their own ass................to own da libs!
  7. This reminds me of something. About 4-5 years ago, GM suddenly named a woman at their CEO. It was a surprising choice, and she was the first woman to ever head one of the automakers. And then about 2-3 months after that, GM revealed that they had a serious problem about their car ignition switches that would randomly turn the car off while in the middle of a drive. The scandal was so bad it resulted in 124 deaths. GM knew this was coming and they dump a woman in the head position to take all the incoming shit. Whenever I see Theresa May, I think
  8. Can you imagine somebody going up to NBC, ABC, CBS during the 1980's and demanded that they be given a primetime show for them to voice their ideas AND they demand that they not be censored in any way. They'd be laughed out of the building. I can't help but think that these alt-right'ers are actually the real ENTITLEMENT babies. They sound more whiney than just about any millennial.
  9. LOL exactly, they are practically DEMANDING the government to take over the means of internet video distribution. i.e. Socialism These people are so warped that they don't even know what they are arguing at this point.
  10. I think, what I love the most..........is that thing same usual right-wing apologists KNOW that it isn't a freedom of speech violation. They think they're earning internet points by trying to whine about this. This is why alt-righter's are simply not manly.............Jordan Peterson IS technically correct, these people aren't actual men. Peterson is making MONEY duping these Betas into blaming other people for their Beta-ness. A real man wouldn't be complaining that he can't have a Youtube channel. Not only are they Betas........they apparently
  11. The people who run the company that they worship
  12. Hmmmmmmmm, you'd imagine that if lemmings were really enjoying....uh, Ashen and Below they'd be........y'know.... .....talking about them.
  13. you apparently don't care when Microsoft USED them for advertising.
  14. no, i only see it when its people who work for microsoft, or play their games. the resemblance is uncanny:
  15. welp, guess he can't complain about disabled kids anymore. so let me make fun of MORE of them:
  16. he's LITERALLY got that bad of a case of tunnelvision. he genuinely COULDN'T see what you typed. Dude's got a Napolean complex..............and I ain't talkin' about his body height, neither.
  17. hooo-hoo-hoo-hoo. Malax just got ass-trampled. This is the second time I've lemmings SUDDENLY pretend to care about disabled kids. Neither attempt was remotely believable.
  18. i've already posted in this thread before you...................so, I guess the answer would be YOU
  19. My game arrived today. Good to see people were obsessed with me over the weekend.
  20. jehurey

    Bully 2

    Yeah...........shitty half-assed premises based on uninformed people like that is exactly how the Houser brothers would write the game. Do people remember the tv stations on GTA4 and GTA5? Republican Space Rangers was actually GTA5, my god I actually thought it was GTA4. but they were writing that lame shit as of 2013.
  21. says the person who butthurted-ly followed me into 3 threads, last night.
  22. seriously dude...........do you really think that you sound believable trying to act concerned about disabled kids? LOL, why are you even bothering, The funny part is how there is only one disabled kid in that commercial, yet you labeled them as all disabled kids. Seriously.........you're trying to HIDE BEHIND trying to care about these kids. Did you actually think that would work?
  23. jehurey

    Bully 2

    I'm struggling to think what meaningful gameplay you could put in such a game. It would be like prompts saying "Walk into maintenance room to place stinkbomb in main vent" And the only reason why the first game had a decent setting is because it was trying to emulate 80's school movies combined with early 90's looking punk kids. A sequel would have to try to modernize the setting and depict what life is like for today's high school youths, the Houser brothers are absolutely pathetic and would resort to youth stereotypes that you'd usually hear from right-wingers when th
  24. You're asking that question as if I haven't been making fun of you, and other lemmings, every day for the past 10 years.
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