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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. seriously dude...........do you really think that you sound believable trying to act concerned about disabled kids? LOL, why are you even bothering, The funny part is how there is only one disabled kid in that commercial, yet you labeled them as all disabled kids. Seriously.........you're trying to HIDE BEHIND trying to care about these kids. Did you actually think that would work?
  2. jehurey

    Bully 2

    I'm struggling to think what meaningful gameplay you could put in such a game. It would be like prompts saying "Walk into maintenance room to place stinkbomb in main vent" And the only reason why the first game had a decent setting is because it was trying to emulate 80's school movies combined with early 90's looking punk kids. A sequel would have to try to modernize the setting and depict what life is like for today's high school youths, the Houser brothers are absolutely pathetic and would resort to youth stereotypes that you'd usually hear from right-wingers when th
  3. You're asking that question as if I haven't been making fun of you, and other lemmings, every day for the past 10 years.
  4. Geralt literally kicked everybody's ass in Witcher 3, that he traveled to other video game worlds to kick other people's asses.
  5. lol, that guy walking away talking on his phone.
  6. Here's a picture of the crowd during the Microsoft XO18 conference just last month.
  7. Dynocrap specifically said that "patches are rare" And he can barely name two more games that are NOT patched than the games that we named that were patched. LOL He knows he lost that argument, so he tried to shift the goalposts and hope we wouldn't notice. We did notice.... ................because of the lag time of him trying to change the argument. It was really slow, he needs to get t
  8. Hmmmm, doesn't this actually hurt the leverage power that the other EU countries have over Britain? Giving Britain the option of "Takesy-backsies"? These British right-wingers are basically trying to say that they don't want to leave EU, but they want to appear as if they are still tough in order to appease their idiotic base.
  9. Yeah we know, they released a complete game at launch.
  10. With the way you're going.........we're not gonna find what you ARE REALLY about until I go list everything under the goddamn sun that you are, apparently, NOT TALKING about. I've seen people who are like that. There's a word for them, its not overly complex: bullshitters.
  11. You can't even back up your claim, and end up flaming people instead of staying on subject. Its not my fault that you aren't good at defending your viewpoints. Don't blame other people for your shortcomings.
  12. Nooooooooooooooooooooope, you just said that games rarely get patched. You just got proven wrong. If you don't want to get corrected, then stop saying thing that aren't correct. Let me know if the Smash Bros online problem is still going on 4 years later like MCC.
  13. He can't even type correctly. LOL Rest assured, he's not "out of butt", he's well IN it. LOLOL
  14. No it doesn't. It didn't work that they are RE-HAULING the entire MCC. Are you telling me they INTENDED to do that 4 years ago???? Overhailing the whole game? Nope, input issues do get fixed. Right off the top of my head was Uncharted 3 getting it fixed. Epic address lag problems in Fortnite as well. Guess you're wrong about that, as well.
  15. He had already done it again before he even typed that. He doesn't know what to do. You can tell because he gets madder and madder.
  16. He's boilin'!! https://i.gifer.com/8LOm.gif https://i.gifer.com/8LOm.gif
  17. No they weren't. People still reported problems. I'm pretty sure a 4 year old give that still have multiplayer problems is INFINITE-ly more worse than the first weekend of a huge game that sold more than MCC and probably every other Xbox first-party game. LOL
  18. He doesn't know what to do.........he ran out of stuff to say when he typed five posts in one in that other thread. LOL
  19. He's typing three posts in one post, he's so mad. Boilin'!!!
  20. He's getting so mad now. Don't touch the colonoscopy bag of yours, its boiling hot. LOL
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