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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. He finally manned up after I PUSHED HIM AROUND. Guess he does end doing what you want him to do if you pressure him HARD enough. Probably learned that from his "Catholic" upbringing. LOLOLOLOLL
  2. Has Master Chief Collection been fixed yet? Guess the game must be a failure since nobody talks about it. And I guess it hasn't been fixed yet. You just admitted that you spent time on OTHER threads for games you don't play.................you're not playing anything. LOL
  3. In other words..............you don't have games to play, so you are posting in threads for other exclusive AAA games. Thanks for complately contradicting what jonb just said................gee, I didn't see that coming, nor did I just clearly set it up so that both of you contradict each other. LOL
  4. Guess he means he'll stop posting in Smash Bros threads............seeing as though both him and Dynocrap have said that is how interest is measured. Good to know
  5. he's so scared, he can't even directly respond to me. LOL he's now telling us about his.........uh................."Catholic" upbringing.
  6. He's getting so mad that its practically spilling out of his colonoscopy bag Look he still won't answer it..........which means he just admitted that he's scared.
  7. i don't think most of these , uh.............."fellas" need to be concerned about getting #MeToo'd. lol
  8. did this guy admit that they are obsessed over smash, when they said they weren't?????? thanks for that one
  9. he's literally saying that he can't own up to his own statement, because he's scared of me. when I asked him who he was making the comment for, he doesn't want to answer. LOL
  10. Guess there was a 20 minute lag in the lemmings completely losing their shit.
  11. along with your dreams of Xbox beating Switch. EDIT: I'm being optimistic using the term "delayed" because its looking like its "cancelled" LOL
  12. He still can't do it. Avoid like a stressed dog:
  13. Nope, you posted after my post. Which means you were responding to me. If not..............just tell us who you were responding to.I'll love knowing that you ADMITTING that you weren't talking to me.
  14. I didn't play smash because my physical copy got delayed from Friday to Monday. I even typed that as well. I played AssCreed for 5 minutes after I got an email from google, which I had no idea when I would get approved for a beta. Looks like you lost. You are LITERALLY TOO SCARED to repeat my full post. Oh man, how sad is that.
  15. his butthurt over me is spilling over......... ........................into a third thread.
  16. He's not even man enough to directly quote me. LOL He's that butthurt. LIVE COVERAGE!
  17. Nope. You have one more chance to post what I said about me actually playing AssCreed. Or you're done.I got a feeling that you are too scared to post it.....which you are. lol
  18. Another report on poor jon melting down. Keep'em coming Every hour, on the hour.lol
  19. Because I got accepted into a Google beta and literally tested it for five minutes. Since you know that...........then you know the rest of my post...............what did I say afterwards about my chances of actually playing that game???? Answer that, or you just lost your own argument.
  20. Yup............you are keeping well informed about the state of your meltdown. Thanks for the news reports on that.
  21. The game that is on the Epic PC store? Lemmings claiming it as an Xbox exclusive. LOLOLOL He doesn't know what to do.
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