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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Jesus christ.............he's tried to bundle in Ashen and Below ...........and he even called them AAA games??????????????????? Oh man, that sounds like Trump pulling shit out his ass.
  2. I have no doubt Epic would love to do every single form of greedy shit that Valve would want to do. But until that day comes, its competition in a retail sector that badly needs it. I hope GoG makes some progress as well. They need to do some things like giveaway copies of older Witcher games, and make Gwent free-to-play.
  3. except nobody is butthurt about something that happened 10 years ago.............people LAUGH at what happened 10 years ago. You are BUTTHURT about what happened 4 days ago. LOL Too bad you don't have a nickname on this forum that speaks to your intelligence. LOL
  4. now we gave repeat frames going on in this thread. not good.
  5. except your lag in melting down is practically 0ms
  6. LOL he's so mad that he's just making up stuff. I even think he's counting games twice. No surprise considering MS does the same thing. LOL
  7. LOL, lemmings talking about smash MORE than their own games. The more the merrier, I say
  8. saucer. He's going to have alot of trouble trying to find other topics to bash the left during this entire time that the Trump presidency is crashing down. They need to find something to try and make us think that the reason that they are DEAD SILENT about not saying anything about what is happening with the right-wing in the country is because they are simply TOO CAUGHT UP with "extreme leftism running amuck in this country." They can't pay attention to what happening in the white house...............because this leftism is the real biggest threat in this country.
  9. the lemmings are trying soooooooooooooo,so hard. their main exclusive this holiday is trying to talk about other people who have exclusive games. LOL
  10. Very simple. Read me what it says in the columns of that chart.......................and show me an article that says General has any of those. I love how Saucer is TRYING to hide behind specific word usage. He says that Petraeus "plead guilty"..................as if he's insinuating a legal charge. Except he says he "plead guilty to giving his gf classified info" which is a figure of speech of saying "he admitted"............except he tried to use the LEGAL term "plead guilty" for something that had no legal process. Nice try, sweeti
  11. Already had another thread. Get your answers from there. Go take that argument against the people who made the claim.........which didn't occur in this forum. kthxbye.
  12. No its not related. Besides you just trying to promote xenophobic agendas and trying to RE-APPROPRIATE everything to prove that "SEE............people don't like Leftism" narrative. You're just lazy at this point.
  13. I love how he keeps on ADMITTING that it has nothing to do with leftist................and the protestor is clearly not talking about immigration and open borders. And then DavidP just resets the argument and hides behind the word GLOBALISM............which is starting to lose its meaning. he's CLEARLY trying to blame this on leftism and pro-immigration policies...........that the logical endpoint behind him trying to talk about "globalism."
  14. Oh man, the lemmings are absolutely losing their shit. Complaining about TWO threads, now.
  15. Except you tried to hide behind PERCENTAGES when hyping Xbox Sales YoY. You just made yourself a completel hypocrite for people talking about Smash Sales in terms of percentages. Xbox has NOT BEEN WINNING in raw numbers.............that is why you chose to talk about percentages in YoY sales. Give it up. If you want to get ass-raped 6 ways from Sundays, keep talking.
  16. I have the soundtrack on vinyl. I sometimes play every during the middle of the night, it sounds so atmospheric.
  17. So he keeps on posting right-wing videos from obvious right-wingers. He just dumps them and says he's "too tired" to answer the other things said in the thread (he won't answer them). Are people calling Macron, a center-right politician "the beacon for progressives"???????? LOLOLOLOLOL Here is an explaination of the French riots from a French poster on reddit..............and NOT some right-wing video blogger who isn't from france. Hmmmmmmmmm, does that sound like a LEFT-wing government in France is doing that? Engaging in trickle-down eco
  18. This is a tough riddle. I can't think of a single beloved Xbox IP that came out within the past 4 years.
  19. LOL he's losing his shit for something I typed 4 days ago? Too bad there's not a nickname associated with jon regarding such a thing.
  20. I've only seen bits and pieces of Kingdom of Heaven, but I do need to sit down and watch it. Ridley Scott may be over 80, and the quality of his movies may be getting worse, but the people who work for him make some of the slickest movies that look gorgeous. Those guys are the real guys who make the movie. Have you ever seen the behind the scenes of Gladiator? The old guy who owns the gladiator slaves, he died while the movie was being filmed, and they created his final two scenes out of additional film outtakes and audio, and a little bit of special effects. Its shocki
  21. Who knows, nvidia may phase the remaining stock out, and there would be a short period in which some online retailer dumps it at a really low price.
  22. Before they expanded the platforms, and PS+ was strictly for PS3, they were offering at least 4 PS3 games (2010-2012). I actually forgot about that.
  23. oh i forgot, Sci-Fis show Happy just went up on Netflix, season 1. Based on a fucked up comic book, its about a suicidal cop who is helped by a 5 year old girl's imaginary pet dragon and its really violent and over the top. Starring Christopher Meloni and Patton Oswalt., in the same as the Crank movies.
  24. I watched it in the theater, but it was the second movie of a back-to-back, I had watched Blindspotting right before it. So, it hurt my experience because I've never watched two movies back-to-back at a theater. I needed to use the restroom, and I was starting to feel really cold in the theater, and my stomach was getting upset from the popcorn I ate. Looking back at the movie, it really is quite surprising how much action is in the movie. There's alot of action scenes, I think its almost 2.5 hours long, that didn't help with my constant need to go to the bathroom.
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