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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I keep on forgetting that my premium cable comes with those channels on demand. And HBO has eeeeeverything they ever produced on there, I think its more comprehensive than HBOgo or HBONOW. Like I can pull up Arli$$ and stupid shows from the late 80's. I bought Band of Brothers on blu-ray, and I missed buying The Pacific on blu-ray for $10 at Best Buy. But both are available on my HBO on demand, and so is From the Earth to the Moon, and I need, need, NEED to wrap up The Wire Seasons 4 and 5.
  2. Michael Mann made a movie, starring Colin Farrel and Jamie Foxx. Its pretty much done in the style of Heat, except in modern day Miami.
  3. I used to watch Heat all the time on the movie channels, late at night, just in the background. I ended up replacing that with the Miami Vice movie. That movie is far better than people give it credit. It should be a premium tv show,
  4. So...................what jonb is saying is that this entire thread by Dynocrap is actually pointless and that PS+ actually isn't losing value because people don't really use PS3s or Vitas anymore. I love it when I can get lemmings to rape their OWN.
  5. Oh, so you just said YES to my question. Thank you. And like Aza said..............when PS5 comes, it will be PS5/PS4 free games, so NO you are quite wrong in your claim there. Four games????????? We've been getting more than 4, every month, for YEARS. Looks like PSN has already provided MORE GAMES for free, that they could stop offering free games for the entirety of 2019...........and Playstation gamers would still have more games accumulated between 2015-2018 than Xbox gamers received from 2015-2019. LOL
  6. did jon just say that the xbox only has 4 good games????????????? oh my god.
  7. so............since the playstation free games supported THREE PLATFORMS (actually four, since it had free PSVR games in certain months). you are basically admitting that Xbox Live Gold has ALWAYS BEEN A LESSER VALUE than PS+ for these past 4-5 years??????????????
  8. i think there's a window in which you still get those games back. i think it might be 6 months. I let my ps+ subscription lapse, and i got all my games back after i had purchase another 12 month subscription one month after it cancelled.
  9. Yup..........that's what a person completely soaked in hate would be typing. LOL And you will keep on living in hate, as long as I make you.
  10. Point that out, when that happens, as well. LOL I'm not the one demonstrating hate, right now.
  11. Its still worth it to Microsoft because there will be ENOUGH PC gamers who will drop the $10 a month. You do understand that PC gamers SUBSCRIBE to the Humble Monthly Bundle for $12 a month. They'd do that for some months out of the year to mess with Halo, Crackdown, and Forza. And they are working on an Age of Empires game, which is very PC-centric. As it stands..........there are about 35 million Xbox Ones...........and there's a good chance there is NOT REALLY 35 million users, alot of those are suckers like you lemmings who bought an XBox One/XBO S and then repeat b
  12. Pourin'!!! And the best part is how I'm going to make them KEEP pourin'.
  13. No it wouldn't. It wouldn't take much for them to make PC versions of games when the Console is already running with a similar OS.
  14. I was browsing the Nintendo eShop and there's no reason for me to buy Celeste or Deadcell at this time, because I have other games and those will inevitably go on sale at lower prices. But I discovered that there's a demo for Katamari Damacy for the Switch. SO I am downloading that right now. And I also got accepted to the AssCreed Odyssey Google Stream Beta program, and I tried it for like 10 minutes last night. Seems fine, plays okay. Not exactly the tightest controlling game, but then again all AssCreed games are like this. They are giving until January 1
  15. my copy shipping in from walmart got delayed and won't arrive until Monday. But I mostly bought it for my nephews anyway. In other good news, my friend called me up and he told me that he found the Gamecube that I let him borrow like 10 fucking years ago. I wanted to make sure he got it and it wasn't in possession of his ex-wife that he divorced. I also wanted to get it because I have 2 Gamecube controllers and a Wavebird.
  16. because of the racist stuff he says.............and him associating with racists...........and him defending actual nazis. I'd sure love to know what your bar for somebody meeting the threshold of being a racist is. LOL
  17. I heard an interesting theory. It explains why Ant Man is so important to the Avengers storyline. [Huge...........massive spoilers] You see, Ant-man can get really small. So, in theory, he could get really small and then go up Thanos' butthole, and then expanded really big, and destroy Thanos. Boom, Avengers win.
  18. I can't believe that there are people out there saying: "I couldn't stand the PC culture...........so i voted for a racist, you made me do it!!!!" I mean.............think about how WEAK that makes you look by admitting to shit like that. Like stop and think about that, for a sec.
  19. No. The only people who would say that are those who NEED every inch they can get.
  20. Did you just get done watching They Live by any chance? You can't try to use 1st Amendment arguments regarding something that the 1st amendment doesn't cover. You're not being censored. A privately run entity can do what they feel is in their best interest. If they thought that pulling that song would enrage so many other listeners that it would hurt them more, they would think twice. But we know that's not the case because: YOU ARE CONCERN TROLLING. You would've never cared, the only reason why you care is because you
  21. No its not. Can you still hear the song? Of course you can. Why don't you jump into your '84 Pacer and blare that christmas song as high as you can. How are you "bowing" down to people?
  22. I'm telling you, its fucking pointless threads like this that should only reinforce the idea that Aza's annoying ass should get banned the moment we know that the PS5 isn't coming in 2019. Posting annoying, pointless shit like this that he KNOWS is not remotely credible......should come with a consequence
  23. Why did I build this Windows PC that allows me to have multiple "pro-grams" on it? Its fracturing my miiiiiiiind.
  24. It is so satisfying. Didn't you like Donut County? Alot of people describe Donut County's appeal in growing that sinkhole, and being able to "eat" bigger and bigger objects to be VERY reminiscent of Katamari Damacy's gameplay. Original soundtrack was soooo so fucking good. The things you start rolling up, and it gets bigger, and bigger, until you are rolling things up that are blowing your fucking mind.
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