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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I'm telling you, its fucking pointless threads like this that should only reinforce the idea that Aza's annoying ass should get banned the moment we know that the PS5 isn't coming in 2019. Posting annoying, pointless shit like this that he KNOWS is not remotely credible......should come with a consequence
  2. Why did I build this Windows PC that allows me to have multiple "pro-grams" on it? Its fracturing my miiiiiiiind.
  3. It is so satisfying. Didn't you like Donut County? Alot of people describe Donut County's appeal in growing that sinkhole, and being able to "eat" bigger and bigger objects to be VERY reminiscent of Katamari Damacy's gameplay. Original soundtrack was soooo so fucking good. The things you start rolling up, and it gets bigger, and bigger, until you are rolling things up that are blowing your fucking mind.
  4. Its like Scientology........they don't tell you ALL of the crazy shit, until you've reached a certain level of commitment with them. With the alt-right'ers, these are the levels: -Surface level: Immigration. Those Muslims, they could be terrorists, they probably do have terrorists within them. They also want to impose Sharia Law and take over entire cities. -Next level: "Violent" Blacks. They're behind Antifa, "after all, the vast majority of crimes committed against black people come FROM black people" "They are actually the real racists, if you think about
  5. I'd imagine that the PC version would run at 60fps. I'd love that in a Katamari game.
  6. Nintendo is making alot of money, Pokemon and Smash Bros are as big as they have ever been, and Pokemon may be even stupider-bigger next year. You can only imagine nVidia licking their chops and trying to upsell Nintendo execs on the next round of hardware. The Switch is everything they ever dreamed of achieving with the nVidia Shield. Nintendo studios are finally merged together to develop for just one platform, and their development is only going to get better. We are entering a good period with Nintendo.
  7. LOL I love how this guy is always a dingleberry........and never a dingle. LOL You know its bad, when you have to live vicariously behind jonb and DavidP.
  8. Do you see other, credible websites posting that exact information and arriving at the same conclusions as that right-wing website????????? If they had credible information with evidence to support it, we'd see it more widely reported. But they are doing what you are doing. Wildly speculating and piecing together information to support a PRE-DETERMINED bias. Really, you have a quote on them saying they want "OPEN BORDERS"?????????? Meaning allowing people in with no security check whatsoever??????????? Show me your evidence on that.
  9. They are biased.............I literally post you what THEY SAY ON THEIR OWN FUCKING WEBSITE. They are literally saying that they are a right-wing website. You don't have credibility when you post from an obvious agenda-driven website. For starters its not an ideology..........its a narrative you are trying to prove. If I say that "Republicans only care about rich people and corporations". I would: 1. point to the donations they receive, and who they come from 2. point to the laws that they draft, and whom they benefit
  10. No..........you're not understanding. You don't have proof in what you claim...................and your BELIEF of something does not carry the same WEIGHT as a FACT. Never did. Never will. And that's is what I will point out, every single time, from this point forward. You have nothing. I want people to see you running away from your own claims, and not providing proof. It HELPS me.
  11. You can't even answer WHY they are doing it, and what they gain from it. You have nothing, and you will be question for EVERY CLAIM you make regarding this................from this point forward. If you can't answer shit, then I will point out that you can't answer shit. I don't think you understand...................I WANT to make you look like a right-winger who CAN'T prove his claims. That's the entire point of all of this.
  12. You are LITERALLY posting from a right-wing website that specifically says that aim to promote "renewed conservative engagement" across the world. Once again.................you proved me right that you are nothing more than an alt-right parrot. This is like the eighth time now. I love how you try to call CHARITY FOUNDATIONS......................N.G.O.s. Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh how scary. Now you've RUN AWAY from Hungary and are talking about the Mediterranean. lol Ummmm.......its called the Coast Guard. They almost never make it to Europe, and they get p
  13. Fuckin' awesome. That'll wake Valve up. This is probably the best use of Epic's newfound fortune that they've made from Fortnite. Imagine if Epic starts expanding the Fortnite gaming modes on the PC, and try to make a DOTA clone. I think that Block Mode thing is eventually going to lead to Epic allowing people to create custom assets to sell them to Fortnite players, sorta like what they allow people to do for DOTA. If CD Projekt Red doesn't think they can sell enough copies of CyberPunk 2077 on their own GOG service, they can still bypass Steam
  14. I want to buy it for my nephews Switch, but they didn't seem to get a grasp on the first game.
  15. So the Epic Games store will be giving out a free game every two weeks?
  16. Most people should remember, because they would've bought an Xbox 360 around this time. Marvel Ultimate Alliance was the very first holiday bundle that the X360 had in 2007. Those games sell.
  17. [DavidP]: George Soros is bleeding money. I'd say he's bleeding money...............he fucking donated about 2/3's of his ENTIRE PERSONAL WEALTH to charity, he RELINQUISHED his own money. Clearly he's doing this leftist influence stuff because he expects some massive profits on the back end right? I mean, its not like this is an 87 year old man who realizes that he has more money than what he could do with the remaining short time that he has left. Oh no..............he's working for a BIG PAYDAY!!!
  18. Prove it He's a hedge fund manager. Who makes the majority of his profits from currency influctuations..........and he made MOST of his money 25 years ago. And he NO LONGER MANAGES his own hedge fund, he's handed control of his OWN FUND multiple times throughout the past 30 years. Dude, you just straight-up look bad, here.
  19. here! let me do it!! [clears throat] "WHO CARES!!!"
  20. This has been the lemmings' slogan throughout the night. WHO CARES!!! lol
  21. Wait a minute, you think Soros is doing this to MAKE MORE MONEY????????????? He's a holocaust survivor. He established that school in Hungary IMMEDIATELY AFTER the fall of Soviet Union in 1991..............so does your theory imply that EU establishment was making their move way back in 1991????????????????????????????? He's FROM HUNGARY, which got overtaken by the Nazis when he was 13 years old, and was influenced by the soviet bloc. Gee, I wonder why he would George Soros would invest in schools to promote western democracy and prevent soviet a
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