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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. To promote western democracy in countries that had just escaped the reigns of the Soviet Union. DO you...............................have trouble FINISHING sentences? You are basically saying that ANY sort of leftism is inherently bad ACCORDING TO YOUR STANDARDS. You are effectively saying that SOVIET communism ranks higher than liberal policies. There's no getting around that, David. That is what you are clearly saying. Not even Aza sounds that stupid. Dude, you are in a bad place, mentally.
  2. Poor guy has been losing his shit all night long. He even had to get talked to.
  3. Do you know Tobias Israel's brother? Theo Butte-Huert Israel
  4. The real biggest news, even though it may not be a true new reveal, is that Obsidian appears to be making a true Fallout-like game and making Bethesda look bad.
  5. So you are posting alt-right stuff. I'm not freaking out................I'm laughing that you EASILY proved me correct, after all this time. You do understand that you just sided with a FAR-RIGHT Hungary government.................right? It specifically says it in the arti-oh that's right you post stuff without reading past the 3rd sentence.
  6. Lemmings realize they have nothing.............so they're trying to pretend that they own RDR2 again.
  7. The applause is completely fake, those people were already leaving their seats and clearly not clapping.
  8. Congrats on GoW4 and making sure to dampen that RDR2 overhype.
  9. That has got to be the MOST stereotypical Jew on the right side that I have ever seen.
  10. Thank goodness you guys don't have that problem. LOLOL They don't even talk about content in the original game BEFORE it comes out.
  11. Jesus, the DLC for Smash Bros is going to be pretty comprehensive, as well. This has got to be Sakurai's last game. He'll tell Nintendo to fuck off if they ask him to make another one.
  12. The crowd looks like they want to leave. They are there against their will.
  13. You have to remember something. The EU is 33 countries who have 33 representatives that vote on these measures. The big rich countries from the West can't just overpower the rest of those in the East.
  14. Do these people really need any more help with marketing their new season and additions?
  15. Go look up how many non-binding resolutions our United States congress has drafted in the past year, alone. And see if they had any real-world effect. That's how I can cast it aside.
  16. Oh man, try to act like you have some confidence Phil, raise your shoulders.
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