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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. LOL they send out a PR spokesperson for FH4, and then talks about the game's sales.
  2. Whoa, Ed Boon walked out and introduced a Mortal Kombat game! Who knew?
  3. I love that the universe is designed on the purpose of making Dynocrap the stupidest, wrongest person that has ever existed. LOL
  4. Daniel Lanois probably has as many music awards as Hans Zimmer does. He's Brian Eno's protege from 30 years ago, after all.
  5. What are the point of non-binding resolutions in ANY form of government? Its a goal that they work towards, but they know they can't make anybody do anything by force. SO you didn't watch the first 45 fucking seconds of your OWN video that you posted? And you wonder why I talk down to you.
  6. Yeah, its probably going to get the Andromeda treatment.
  7. That Muppet is easily the best presenter in this entire show.
  8. They still aren't showing actual gameplay footage of Crackdown, so instead they make a trailer of Terry Crews changing outfits.
  9. Lemmings should be ashamed that a bunch of amateurs programming in their basement developed a better online pirate game than Sea of Thieves.
  10. Wow..................so it sounds like an UNFINISHED piece of legislation. Sound the alarm. See, let me point out HOW you use pointless bullshit phrases. Here's the most obvious one: "used as a political tool" What you said was a bunch of nothing. HOW would it be used as a political tool? You're not saying anything. It would require legitimate legislation, and there is none. They can't enforce it in any court, because there is no hard legislation. No amount of buzzwords is going to change that simple fact.
  11. Now that fat guy in a Hawaiian shirt just made me feel ashamed to be a gamer.
  12. They made a trailer that depicts the PUBG hype completely dead.
  13. Bethesda is in trouble of letting their Fallout IP become meaningless. They are getting attacked on all sides. OMG, and that game appears to have space travel??????????? BTW, lemmings, if MS was actually buying Obsidian they would've done it by now so that they could get in front of that announcement and declare that its going to be an Xbox exclusive.
  14. I thought the boy was supposed to be a girl? Guess those people who claimed that .......uh, have trouble on that subject. lol
  15. How nice of Nintendo to let the Crash developer borrow the Mario Kart 8 game engine. ..........what the fuck am I looking at??????
  16. lol, i actually like this. the crach commercials from the late 90's were pretty funny.
  17. doooooo youuuu feeeel.........................liiike weeeee dooooo
  18. I'm saying it right now, Anthem is going to be the next big EA PR mess.
  19. he's so pissed he's trying to repeat himself because he knows it didn't work the first time. guess he's gonna need to do it a third time. LOL
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