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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I think Keighley allowed these shitty categories to exist so that he can present them on camera.
  2. I think those Capcom guys are making fun of Keighley and his awards show. lol
  3. Each person sounds even more foreign that the previous person.
  4. Wait a minute, I thought that these awards were strictly determined by the gaming press voting on it. He's saying that the public is able to "influence" it?
  5. I bet that if you offered Geoff Keighley the option of having the GAME awards on a major network, except he couldn't show his face at any point during the show..............he would say no and wouldn't allow it.. That's my main problem with Geoff Keighley.
  6. LOL, some people are getting straight-up cankle-rankled from the news of Switch games being on sale. No surprise from who. Its good to see that Xenoblade is on sale, that means that its capable of going on sale in the future when I might be interested in getting it.
  7. How long is the "awards" show? two hours? 3 hours? There's no way they are going to present 19 awards. I doubt they'll even present half of that. The show itself doesn't begin, its a pre-show. So its Geoff Keighley trying to get his face out there before anything.
  8. Guy has been getting raped for over a decade.
  9. I just pointed out to you how he specifically said that the "Compact" is non-binding.............and then proceed to use scare tactics by him using an OBVIOUS "slippery slope" rhetoric. ..............and you don't have a response. Instead you blurt out random things. Do you notice that what (little) evidence you do post..............I can use it against you. And then you get mad, like as if I "tricked" you.
  10. Dude, you are posting alt-right videos. Look at you. You couldn't look more like a stereotype, if you tried. The guy says within the first few seconds that this "Compact" is a non-binding resolution, and then immediately proceeds to go into "slippery slope" rhetoric saying that it will be forced upon. ITS GONNA HAPPEN, ITS A "WEDGE"!!!! I mean seriously, dude. Don't you feel the slightest bit embarrassed that you are knee-deep into this at your age?
  11. With them clearly promoting cloud gaming, there is no incentive for Microsoft to sell you hardware at a loss. There's not even an incentive for them to have tight profit margins, either. It wouldn't surprise me if they simply go with an "Elite" version from the very beginning, and just charge $600. Can't afford native hardware? Well, then stream Xbox games, here's a $100 small streaming box with a controller.
  12. put on a brave face, oh butthurt one
  13. Why don't they just make a full-sized Blood Dragon sequel? However.......Ubisoft already has the Far Cry team and their open-world game engine. If they can add some basic RPG mechanics and collecting loot, then why NOT try to make a Fallout clone? Especially when Bethesda is floundering.
  14. The single player mode appears to be huge, because you are able to unlock all 74 characters through that mode. From the Gamespot review: All of those references to other games sounds pretty cool.
  15. I decided to buy the game the moment they showed off that single-player mode that almost looks like a Square RPG. It truly looks like the game is deserving of the title "Ultimate" because they are throwing absolutely everything in there.
  16. LOL I like how he's completely dropped his attempt at trying to maintain his previous juggling act of "I'm not saying........but I'm just saying" and is now in full right-wing rant mode. Its no longer Macron and Merkel...........................is shadowy people who are in charge of the UN Are they the La Le Li Le Lu by any chance? So just that we are clear, you are no longer talking about the EU, but the UN?????? So this evil stuff has been going on since the 1940's??????
  17. You clearly believe that the "elitists" who control the EU (which is odd because all 33 countries have a say in the EU, but you try to paint it as just France and Germany) is a leftist conspiracy. Sweetie.................don't try to play dumb with me, its a little too late. YOU ARE saying that. You. Are. You are trying to connect it with immigration views..............which DEFINITELY MEANS you are talking about the left. You have contradicted yourself so much, because I have you backtracking and trying to revise your previous sta
  18. In your alt-right statments, I've said that already: Sweetie, when you are saying that "he's a tool of the establishment" you are CLEARLY trying to say that the EU is a leftist organization. Don't even try to avoid that. I like how you think this is meant to be some huge revelation to me.................when you are repeating my VERY FIRST POST in this thread. Literally the first thing I typed in this thread: You got busted trying to RE-APPROPRIATE these protests to spew your anti-leftist narrative. Don't ge
  19. Finance tax cuts for big business. This is coming from the protestors themselves. Regressive taxation on the poor to fund tax cuts for big businesses. .....................DavidP thinks this is an idea coming from THE LEFT?????????????????????????????
  20. Sorry buddy...........repeating your statement again and again isn't going to win you an argument. You have to provide some proof and something that is actually meant to pursuade. Notice how you are just getting madder and madder, and are now just ranting about immigration?????? Like Voidler said............you are just a typical alt-right who has been duped into right-wing nationalism.
  21. You genuinely don't know that you are promoting TEXTBOOK right-wing rhetoric and ideology in that sentence right there? Uh huh.................and did I ask you to provide PROOF of that in the form of quotes from the actual protestors? I believe I did. There have been TWELVE protests that resulted in civil unrest in France since 2005. I'm not even counting the protests that were PEACEFUL. They literally do this just about every year. You are pulling all of this straight out your ass, with no evidence.
  22. No, you are clearly trying to re-appropriate this protest with YOUR NARRATIVE. This is, 100% indisputable...............you are doing this, or else, you don't make this entire thread to begin with. You are clearly saying that these people protesting is an OBVIOUS sign that they are fed up with the things happening in the EU that you have been complaining about. I've even used the word "re-appropriation" in this very thread. Your anti-immigration sentiment IS a clear symptom of right-wing xenophobia............it is something that stems from outsi
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