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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. So they are protesting against Leftism, its right there in your post. DO you think "forced migration" is a tenet of moderate centrism???????????????? How exactly am I talking about Russian propaganda as it relates to ME? Russian propaganda isn't meant for people on the left, its meant to people on the right who fall for it. Its meant to dupe people who would say things like "Hillary Clinton would've never won anyways" and "Marine La Pen should've won" That's what Russian propaganda is related to.
  2. Wait a minute, did DavidP say that the Russian propaganda is meant for duping the Left in America???? Did I hear that correctly????
  3. I love how he just throws something and tries to move onto another claim. So wait................the majority of "injuries" are TEAR GAS???????? I guess I must injure people every night on this forum. LOL David, let me ask you something..................you CLAIM that this is a sign that France is rejecting Leftism. There have been hundreds of thousands of people in these protests......................CLEARLY you must have a quote from them in which they support your narrative, right????? They're against immigration, they are against Macron and M
  4. You don't even know the severity of "injuries" How many knees scratches do you estimate? Two people died in June 2018 in riots in France. .....................when they celebrated their World Cup victory.
  5. LOL the worst civil unrest in France in 50 years.....................had zero deaths? Indiatoday, wow you guys are desperate. LOL look at the butthurt force assemble, they're pissed.
  6. I mean, goddamn, I really do hate Geoff Keighley. You can tell that he has an ego because he keeps on trying to keep this award show alive, and they change so much of it.......and the only thing that is never changed is him trying to host it. He is going to give Kojima at least 10 minutes entirely devoted to him. he's just the biggest suck-up.
  7. Back to regularly scheduled programming, I can see.
  8. They literally posted a tweet of Wonderful 101 characters sitting at a table and playing a game, and the tv screen was intentionally blurred. And it was clearly a bright, colorful looking game; so it wasn't Bayonetta-related. That tweet was over a year ago, actually.
  9. Biggest protest movement in DECADES? LOL I'd like to see the receipts on that one. You do know you're talking about France right? Aren't movements supposed to get BIGGER???? I thought you told me that this was a sign of things to come? More like going.
  10. lol, DavidP is butthurt that he will support anything and claim it "destroyed me".
  11. No, her emails don't. Show your proof. And yes Trump DID DO these deals. Trump DID talk with Russia about the Trump Tower WHILE TELLING EVERYBODY in the US that he was not doing business with Russia. Ivanka DID get her Chinese Trademarks. Jared Kushner DID GET a $600 million dollar loan directly from Qatar. These are theoreticals that I am telling you................these things already happened. That's pay for play. That's nepotism. And That's clear conflict of interest. You do know that when Trump was still
  12. No......................what is happening is that alt-righters are trying to take these protests and RE-APPROPRIATING THEM to their right-wing xenophobic agenda. You are TRYING TO ATTACH it to anti-immigration sentiment. They came out to protest the Fuel Tax immediately.................but they never caused any such havoc to the (supposedly) even bigger problem of "unchecked" immigration????????????? Yeah, right. lol And I love the irony of this Euro-trash trying to lecture Americans on the concept of the middle class being financially squeezed,
  13. Kamiya is not coming out there for Bayo 3. Now, I'm sure he would introduce Bayo 3. But the reason Kamiya is out there is because he is going to show off Wonderful 102. At the very minimum.
  14. Well, lets be cynical. They are giving her money like a persian guy throwing dollar bills at a stripper dancing on-stage. She'll come over in your direction, but that's about it. So these people would probably donate money so that they get the chance to meet Clinton at a meet and greet. They could try to lobby her with their interests. But Clinton wouldn't have to listen. They're not paying her personally, and she doesn't owe them any debt, personally. Jared Kushner, Trump, and Ivanka are quite different. They go out of their way to meet them...
  15. Clinton Foundation is a charity foundation. And its not a privately controlled Charity, but a public charity. So unless you can find a way to track the money going from the foundation to the Clinton's themselves (like the state of New York is currently doing with the Trump Foundation in a lawsuit they are bring against them), then you are doing nothing but repeating a right-wing manufactured talking point. Since its a large public charity, they can track where all of the expenses go, and the worst criticism of the Clinton Foundation is that they HOARDED their
  16. No...........if its common, then explain it. And as for your first sentence, this is a perfect example of right-wingers like you criticizing "the left" in both directions. The excuse was "you leftists are CLAIMING that Trump had dealings with Russia, but there's no evidence" And now the excuse is "oh.......everybody already knew that" [dismissive hand wave] I just literally made a prediction that people like you were going to do that.
  17. LOL, you know its bad when DavidP aligns himself with Dynocrap out of sheer butthurt. Forged in Butthurt.
  18. Wait a minute........five minutes of typing words in Bing and then hitting search? How many Bing searches is that? 10 seconds of typing and then hitting Enter. 6 searches per minute. So like 30 Bing searches per day? Maybe I could achieve that if I erased all of my bookmarks. LOL
  19. No. Go prove where Hillary was "financed" by some royal families from Saudi Arabia. We just HAD A STORY LAST WEEK in which Trump lied, repeatedly that he had no dealings with Russia during the election campaign, only to find out that his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen testified that they still had dealings for Trump Tower Moscow into the Summer of 2016......well into the presidential campaign. This story just broke last week. Ivanka Trump has her request for a large amount of Trademarks in China approved, the same day Trump commits to saving Chinese communic
  20. So you LITERALLY use coupons? I remember Bing rewards like 4 years ago, I signed up for it. I think I got most of my initial points like linking accounts or something. How much goddamn Bing usage would a person need to do in order to pay off an Xbox Live subscription? LOL
  21. LOL that would be hilarious to start using right-winger logic. Except I find it hard to do. Basically, what is a PERSON SAYING when they use that logic? "because of you...............I had to stop using rational thinking and resort to primitive hatred and vindictiveness to commit to doing something. Its YOUR FAULT why I can't control myself like a real man!!!" I mean.............what honest-to-God faggot would use that as an argument???
  22. LOL you sound like those people on that reality tv show, Storage Wars. Oh that portable hard drive...........yup thats gotta be $120 at least. microSD card, oh year, that's like $80. Screen protector.....its a Belkin, super high quality, so like $40. I love the idea that I bought a brand new Wii U in 2012, and a brand new Switch in 2017 for almost the same amount of money as lemmings spent buying a LAUNCH Xbox One in 2013. lol And to think you guys had to buy a second console. And for some, a third!
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