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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Which is completely undermined by the fact that you're trying to take pleasure about this, right now. Nice paradox you created there. LOL Simplest answer is that you are that butthurt, and are trying to pretend that you're trolling me, even though I keep on mentioning you losing an argument...............and its clearly getting to you because you keep on TRYING to troll. Even Hot Sauce got some against you. LOL
  2. Even the guy who is primarily known on this forum as being unable to open a RAR file is saying that he knows how to install games on PC from multiple digital stores and isn't a big deal.
  3. Oh..................................so you're saying that VIRTUAL button click on different icons is not comparable with you literally having to handle different peices of hardware. You're right, it isn't comparable. Its easier managing virtual items in front of you with a mouse click than it is managing physical items.
  4. LOL. Wait a minute.............so people are complaining that they prefer that the WIDEST, most OPEN platform..........only have ONE method for buying games on that platform? You can tell that these people aren't actually knowledgeable about using a PC. 6 different programs..........OH MYY!!!!!! My mouse wheel needs to scroll an extras inch in order to get to the other PC game store. Oh wait, I don't even need to do that, Windows 10 has the ability to pin a program within the start menu, and I've already got Steam, GOG, Ubiplay, EA Origins, Xbox on there.
  5. Does that Corsair keyboard require drivers when plugging it into a Windows PC? I mean, ultimately, my goal is to load ROMs into it, so its not really important to connect a keyboard to it so much as its probably more important to connect a USB cable between the PC and the PS Classic in order to remove and load ROMs. Or maybe they could get all of that to work by sticking a USB flash drive in the second USB port. Who knows. I just want to be sure that the hackers fully understand it, and can make a super-easy ROM loader program. Want them to verify if PS3 or
  6. Hmmmm, because its a mechanical keyboard, or maybe because it uses a certain I/O board that the PS internal board recognizes? I just have a Rosewill Mechanical keyboard, and I actually have a Das Keyboard in my closet that I never used. I'd sure like to know if other keyboards are compatible before opening up the package.
  7. Then again, if you remember last year's GAME awards, they announced Bayo 1 + 2 for Switch, and then they announced Bayo 3 right after that. I wonder if they are setting up something similar.
  8. If they release an HD version of that, why haven't they released an HD version of SMG1 and 2? They should probably do that before announcing a sequel to Super Mario Odyssey.
  9. I had an inkling that it was probably going to be the Metroid Prime Trilogy. There it is. They should have announced this at E3, and just thrown it out there like in October of this year. EDIT: Although the Swedish retailer who created this listing places this note on the webpage: So the Swedish retailer made their own mockup of the Metroid Prime Trilogy switch case?
  10. Boy, those numbers make is very clear. High-end VR completely fell off a cliff, and Facebook and HTC absolutely know it. And the lone survivor of that market is going to benefit because those developers have nowhere else to turn to. Wouldn't surprise me if there was actually a rise in VR titles for PSVR during 2019 because PC developers of VR games are realizing that they need to develop for PSVR as their top priority. Was listening to the bombcast last week and they were speculating if Sony is making a new PSVR, and if they would design it to where it was b
  11. And now you know why I kept on hedging my bets, even as the end product kept on sounding worse and worse. Sony, as a company, may have failed to have finished their design. But with the help of the mod community, someone will probably make an easy ROM loader software for me to install on my PC, and just a USB connection away from easily loading up some PS1 roms that I can easily find on torrent sites. hell I may already have some PS1 roms. If it can work with PS3 or PS4 Dualshocks and have analog and rumble support, then I am good to go.
  12. Well, hopefully somebody can make a bootloader to upload your own ROMs. And the ability to change games to NTSC, it that an emulator setting? Isn't the ROM itself based on the PAL version? Hopefully they change the setting to NTSC and test those games to see if performance turns out okay.
  13. Yeah, I've been hearing some bits about that. But I still can't fully comprehend what exactly happened, and to what extent was this an organized activity. So, a lady has come forward to say that she had been paid money to collect absentee ballots. But that she did not deliver the ballots to the post office, but rather deliver them to the Republican party office? Am I hearing that correctly? And also, I don't know about numbers. The state Democratic party was on the MSNBC programs saying that they want do not want the election results certified, and are calling for a
  14. Keep an eye out for Halo Infinite. Its not going to be a fully-complete game at launch. Wouldn't surprise me if it was episodic in its single player, and they slowly roll out the multiplayer over the course of months. They want people paying for Gamepass for as many months as possible. Same thing will apply to Forza. For starters, its not even going to be a new Forza 8, but rather them "enhancing" Forza 7 in 2019. Probably add some of the features from FH4 and tracks and cars (and probably seasons, seeing as though they change everything).
  15. This is quite sad. Sony doesn't say anything, they just show up with a game trailer of a new game and they say "oh yeah, we made it with this studio" Microsoft is trying to leak news of them POTENTIALLY getting somebody else's sloppy seconds.
  16. Well, the reason why the NES and SNES classic are easy to hack is because you just hook it up to the USB connector that it uses for power. I just want to be sure that the PSone classic has that same ability, and to see if the mainboard has sufficient processing power to handle 60Hz versions of the most demanding PS1 games. Also, it'd be cool is maybe a PS3 dualshock with a USB cord could potentially work with PS1 games that require analog.
  17. No word on the hacking front? This is like a 95% chance of me just returning it back to the store for a refund. I'm getting it in the mail today.
  18. At certain points, back in late 2017, I accused Dynocrap of being Tupac. A big, big sign was that he was trying to prove something about aniscopic filtering, and he took an off-screen camera shot of his PC monitor. Which was something that Tupac used to do. He also goes around claiming he's a video game expert and since he owns all the consoles, he's an expert on everything and claims no bias. Once again, very reminiscent of Tupac.
  19. Correct on multiple subjects? It is a burden, I must admit. Oh, btw, nice job having me on Ignore. LOLOL
  20. So are they supposed to mimic their driving ability?
  21. I don't I've ever seen any person be SO WRONG and get butt-fucked in so many ways as Dynocrap. I'm talking about he's dumber than Tupac He's significantly more petulant and pathetic than Hitman. (and as gay, I specifically remember Hitman having a dinstinct gay-ness about him). Dynocrap has exceeded both of those to become the worst poster in the history of SW/SS
  22. Its almost as if you didn't read my post. Its purposely was done at the last minute, and wouldn't come CLOSE to representing the load that they would expect after launch. So what's the point?
  23. And what are you going to test in one weekend for a beta that you announce at the last minute? Doesn't seem like a substantial network stress test, in the slightest.
  24. Did I read correctly that it was a 2 day beta? Its a heavy online game, right? What could they possibly gain from just having a 2 day beta testing period? I got a feeling that they don't have enough content, and they don't want to make the same mistake Bungie did with the Destiny beta, where people got to see the majority of the game's environments.
  25. Very simple Once the NPD's come out, if the Xbox comes in 3rd.....................ban Dynocrap. And his ban will last UNTIL..................the Xbox actually wins 2nd place during a month.
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