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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I love how he doesn't have an actual criticism to make. We are 'creating more tension" than the racist fucks who are marching with Tiki torches. If only................IF only the left can just be civil and ALLOW the xenophobia and hacked elections, and a man who is running rampant nepotism and pay-for-play politics, and brokering deals with Saudi Arabia, China and Russia because they had business dealings with the President's family. if only the left could be CALM and civil..........and just allow that to happen, everything would be much nicer.
  2. Bought a package of 3 screen protectors for $8. 128GB microSD card for $24. And just bought a Pro controller for $40. In other words, I got all of this for less than 1 year of XBL Gold and a couple of months of Xbox Game Pass. Don't talk to me about hidden fees, rubberdub.
  3. LOL, is jonb doing some of his vintage math? PS classic now cost $200 now? How much did the Switch cost again?, because of the external hard drive and ethernet adapter..........$600? lol
  4. You remember that Looney Tunes episode in which Porky Pig and Sylvester the Cat spend the night at some hotel in Transylvania? And Sylvester the Cat is scared and jittery, and Porky Pig is just cheery and oblivious to anything that could potentially be dangerous? So the majority of that episode, there are things coming out of the wall trying to kill Porky Pig, and Sylvester notices it and stops it, and then Porky notices Sylvester and then proceeds to scold him for doing silly shit. Over and over again, Sylvester the Cat keeps on saving Porky's dumb ass, and Porky seem
  5. You know its bad when the best thing you can think of is a jonb line. lol
  6. Jesus...............are you STILL trying to play the victim, at this point??? Here's a visual representation of what just happened here.
  7. jesus christ. you can literally SEE the self-bargaining going on within his post. He now thinks I TRICKED him by nabbing him on some technicality.
  8. Really? I'm complaining that you aren't listening to my opinions?????? And whining about it????? Where? Point it out.
  9. Hmmmmmmmmm. I make fun of you for not bring stats and evidence to your argument.......but rather talking about what you BELIEVE it correct. I ask you for stats and details. You provide none, and then proceed to give me your version of what you BELIEVE is happening to constitute your definition of "unchecked". Hmmmmmmm, let's take a look at the recent Global Terrorism Index of terrorist incidents in European countries: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/maps-and-graphics/Mapped-Terror-threat-around-the-world/ Portugal, N
  10. Nope............the real story is that its right wingers who usually turn out to be the snowflakes. They talk about snowflakes alot, because they're projecting.............like, ALOT. Like you just TRIED to do, right now. It was a natural reflex for you to immediately try to assign it to "the leftists"
  11. LOL has was the immigration "unchecked" Give me your stats on that.
  12. No, its probably an apt analogy considering that Europeans would be well-aware of that huge event in history.
  13. I love how they try to claim they are a victim because we "don't listen to someone with different opinions" The leftists are intolerant because they don't respond to something making remarks that immigrants are "invading" their territory, and an elitist group of people are going to take control any minute. Like as opinion carries the same weight as observable facts. They think what they FEEL to be true should carry the same weight.
  14. No, they're not an "issue" Countries have been accepting refugees since................oh, I don't know.....................the United Nations was founded. 1951. Did you think this whole "muslim immigrant" thing was recent? Yes, it is xenophobia, and yes it is a recent creation of right-wingers (or rather them trying to resurrect one of their oldest Populist gimmicks).
  15. Like for real. He JUST SO happens to drop words and phrases that come straight out of the alt-right textbook..............and then he goes "oh I dunno, I was casually reading about it the other day." EU is maybe thinking about building an army...............and he immediately said "Macron and Merkel want to build an army that will become state police and go into other European countries to crack down on them!" Like he doesn't know the concept of Posse Comitatus, the idea that you can establish an army, but specifically have laws that prevent the army from be
  16. Dude you're a moron. This is about riot regarding a fuel tax, which people are complaining that its a regressive tax that disproportionately hurts the poor. What does that have to do with immigration? You seem to have a real hard-on for talking about immigrants, and wanting extreme right-wingers who are promoting xenophobia.
  17. Digital Foundry is saying that even games like Rayman have some stuttering when playing. Hope we find out some concrete details from the modders. Hell this thing may even require an overclock.
  18. So Digital Foundry is saying that high framerate PS1 games may not emulate as perfect as the original? Like they even attempted the same software emulator running on nVidia Shield TV hardware, and they would still have slowdown. Like the ARM cpu simply isn't enough to properly replicate the PS1 performance? This is where you would wish that Sony would've done their own emulator, or, tailor the emulator for each specific game to achieve the best performance.
  19. Which is completely undermined by the fact that you're trying to take pleasure about this, right now. Nice paradox you created there. LOL Simplest answer is that you are that butthurt, and are trying to pretend that you're trolling me, even though I keep on mentioning you losing an argument...............and its clearly getting to you because you keep on TRYING to troll. Even Hot Sauce got some against you. LOL
  20. Even the guy who is primarily known on this forum as being unable to open a RAR file is saying that he knows how to install games on PC from multiple digital stores and isn't a big deal.
  21. Oh..................................so you're saying that VIRTUAL button click on different icons is not comparable with you literally having to handle different peices of hardware. You're right, it isn't comparable. Its easier managing virtual items in front of you with a mouse click than it is managing physical items.
  22. LOL. Wait a minute.............so people are complaining that they prefer that the WIDEST, most OPEN platform..........only have ONE method for buying games on that platform? You can tell that these people aren't actually knowledgeable about using a PC. 6 different programs..........OH MYY!!!!!! My mouse wheel needs to scroll an extras inch in order to get to the other PC game store. Oh wait, I don't even need to do that, Windows 10 has the ability to pin a program within the start menu, and I've already got Steam, GOG, Ubiplay, EA Origins, Xbox on there.
  23. Does that Corsair keyboard require drivers when plugging it into a Windows PC? I mean, ultimately, my goal is to load ROMs into it, so its not really important to connect a keyboard to it so much as its probably more important to connect a USB cable between the PC and the PS Classic in order to remove and load ROMs. Or maybe they could get all of that to work by sticking a USB flash drive in the second USB port. Who knows. I just want to be sure that the hackers fully understand it, and can make a super-easy ROM loader program. Want them to verify if PS3 or
  24. Hmmmm, because its a mechanical keyboard, or maybe because it uses a certain I/O board that the PS internal board recognizes? I just have a Rosewill Mechanical keyboard, and I actually have a Das Keyboard in my closet that I never used. I'd sure like to know if other keyboards are compatible before opening up the package.
  25. Then again, if you remember last year's GAME awards, they announced Bayo 1 + 2 for Switch, and then they announced Bayo 3 right after that. I wonder if they are setting up something similar.
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