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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I haven't played through Tropical Freeze but just a few levels, but my understanding is that DKCR is probably the harder one, and I played that one all the way. The platforming in those games feel really good. And quite frankly I don't consider the platforming design of games like Super Meatboy to be satisfying platformers. Spikes all these walls and the ceiling for NO good reason other than to make jump a specific way to get through them.........and you have 80 levels full of that design, in my opinion that's just not good platforming. By that logic, the b
  2. LOL Still having aftershocks. And you just ran away from your claims, again. I love it when I still leave people butthurt days later. Or in your case, weeks later. lol
  3. Wait a minute, are you saying you're eating 2000+ calories a day? So, are we to assume you are BURNING more than 2000+ calories a day, like at least 2500 calories? For starters, you checking your ketones with this piss sticks may not be that useful if you are on the diet for a long time. If you are underneath a threshold of 40-50g of carbs per day, you are in ketosis. Those measuring sticks have an expiration date for their usefulness. Intermittent fasting is useful. It keeps your metabolism up, because as you lose weight, your metabolism slows down. If you workout alo
  4. Kind of reminds me of the supersize me guy who immediately wanted to get in front of it, and he started admitting to some things, and making a long explanation of it. The strategy there was that he admitting to some stuff, but tried to downplay other stuff. But who knows. Neil Degrasse Tyson has a bit of an ego on him.
  5. The Last Story was made from the guy who used to run the FF franchise, right? Who was the studio developing that? Its not like Xenoblade, where Nintendo owns the IP and they eventually bought the studio. It was second-party development.
  6. This is a scandal. Someone should be able to start a class action lawsuit with this information.
  7. Man its amazing............Vini created this thread specifically about Michael Avenatti getting charges with a crime against a woman. ..................and, for some reason, he seems to have lost interest in this. I'm sure he will let us know what happened, and whether Michael Avenatti is guilty of a crime against woman. #ViniToo
  8. One of the last normal, ACTUAL Republicans that you could work with to get a functional American government. With him and McCain gone, its just poor ole Bob Dole, who is bound to go any day now. He was the last Republican to tell the truth on the stupidity of Reagonomics, calling it "Voodoo Economics" and how its absolutely silly to believe that it would work. The moment Reagan made him his running mate, he completely pretended that he never said it. But its obvious that he always knew it was bullshit, he knew he had to raise taxes when he was president, bu
  9. That's what we've been making fun of Vini from the very beginning. Nothing but net.
  10. Vini is now TRYING TO HANG EVERYTHING on a TEMPORARY restraining order. There are no criminal charges of any kind. The restraining order will expire on its own, and that will be it. He just accused other people of "moving the goalposts"....................and he just did that very thing.
  11. LOL, Butthurt Brothers in Arms have been forged in this thread. Or is it Brothers in Butthurt?
  12. He's already pissed because he got bitchslapped the moment he tried to poke his head in here. LOL
  13. LOL Dynocrap is LITERALLY TYPING things to make himself feel better, even though nobody is listening to him. All because he's really bitter about Xbox One X failing in sales. Nintendo is going to have only one hardware product for AT LEAST 6.5 years, according to Dynocrap. When that has never happened in Nintendo's history in video games.
  14. There is no way to deliver PS4pro/XBX levels of gaming on a handheld at this point in time. Might as well give Nintendo owners an OPTION to have the ability to play multiplat games for the next 2-3 for $250-$300. Your handheld experience is not affected, in fact it could be improved if the dock helps process the game at better performance. Zero negative impact. If you already own the PS4 and Xbox, then you don't need to upgrade the Switch dock. But if you are a Switch owner, and you don't own the PS4 and XBX, an upgraded dock is an easy way to ge
  15. I was once listening to the Bill Burr podcast, and he had Dave Attell on there. And somebody was recounting the story of when they were at the comedy club, and they saw Amy Schumer and another woman sitting and talking while eating ice cream, Dave walks up to them and blurts out "eating ice cream, HUH? What flavor is that?' I'm Single?!'" He makes Schumer bust out laughing.
  16. They probably don't have to. Just port third-party games to run on the dock only. Maybe, and this is speculation on my part, but maybe the dock will have its own CPU in there, and technically the handheld wouldn't be necessary. Knowing Nintendo, they'd probably throw in 128GB of cheap flash memory, or maybe just tell people to use the USB ports and buy their own portable hard drive. 8 GB of RAM, and probably a power brick that is separate from the dock, to keep the dock small enough in size.
  17. .........and according to the LA Attorney General's office.............there is no assault charge, either. Vini is trying to DERAIL his OWN THREAD to talk about what we typed.............instead of following up what HE typed. LOL He thinks he can get OUT OF THIS because we described it as a sexual assault instead of a normal assault. That is actually worse than you just plainly running away.
  18. I think the solution is in the dock. Dynocrap actually said something accurately Of course Nintendo is not going to turn the HANDHELD into a cutting edge 4K device. .............but they room to turn the TV aspect into better performing hardware. Via the dock. Once again, I'm going to point to a chinese forum leak from October 2016. Nintendo makes you pay $300 for the Switch in 2017, and then another $250 in 2019 to improve the experience. That's them charging people $550 over the course of 2.5 years for hardware.
  19. LOL Dynocrap trying to come in here and pretend that other people are dumbasses and saying that other people are hard-headed. His projection is off the charts. From what I see...............one person is confident enough to POST QUOTES to prove their point...........and the other isn't. Guess which one Dynocrap sided with? LOL
  20. I wonder if that rumored 4chan post, that was re-posted on neogaf, is true. If so, they are having a reckoning right now with Starfield. Apparently they had developed multiple prototype versions, and supposedly the versions that run on the old engine simply does not have space combat that works. A prototype version that does have space combat is built on a new engine, and it works well. But if they use that engine, they would have to create a whole new set of developer tools to churn out the content. And that is the one thing they do not want to do.
  21. So Vini has now run away a THIRD TIME.
  22. Vini tried to play stupid and PRETEND that he doesn't know the latest news about Avenatti's assault accusation. And I pointed him to the news saying that the LA District Attorney's office has dropped the case...............and the poor guy ran away a SECOND TIME.
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