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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Vini tried to play stupid and PRETEND that he doesn't know the latest news about Avenatti's assault accusation. And I pointed him to the news saying that the LA District Attorney's office has dropped the case...............and the poor guy ran away a SECOND TIME.
  2. Can you imagine, these poor lemmings losing their shit every 2 days for the next 8 to 12 weeks because we are going to keep on hearing more and more news of the Xbox failing, hard.
  3. LA District Attorney's office is not going to charge him, sweetcheeks. I love how you pretended to NOT READ this...........you were even on the forum in other threads when I posted this last week. Its at the top of this page, no less. LOL And the restraining order..........is a temporary restraining order (as they all usually are). It will expire, especially since there are no charges being sought after by the district attorney's office.
  4. Once again............they try to contextualize this as YoY. But that YoY context isn't going to work anymore once we get November 2018 numbers, because it will not be compared to November 2017 numbers which include Xbox One X sales on the market. This entire time, people have been saying that the months in which Microsoft has been selling the Xbox One X have performed better than the months in which they DIDN'T have the Xbox One X. Uh...no shit. But now they can't say that anymore because they will now be comparing apples to apples.
  5. Hey Vini. How that's Avenatti sexual assault charge coming along? Go find us posts of us looking up to Avenatti as a left-wing hero. We can wait.
  6. Avenatti is most definitely a publicity seeking lawyer who wants to rile up people because it gives him more publicity. That has never been up for debate. People cheer him on because he's an effective jackass. He's basically saying that he won the previous lawsuit regarding the $160,000 payout and breach of contract, but he didn't get any money out of it, so he pushed for the defamation suit so that they could get money out of it. That's seems like something a typical lawyer would do.
  7. DICE management was promoted into running EA, overall. Need for Speed? Gone. If it wasn't for FIFA, their Sports division would be, at best, in gradual decline. Mass Effect, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge turned into half-assed AA-quality games. It almost feels like DICE has to churn out games faster because the previous one underperformed. This especially accelerated when they tried to handle Star Wars Battle and Battlefield Hardline and they just completely shit the bed with both projects, and threw them out of whack. New gaming projects? Cancelled (Star Wars
  8. Poor attempt at trying to move the discussion away from the two claims that you are obviously running away from. So, let's recap again: 1. You claimed that Democrat that operate the election precincts in Broward county were clearly known as election fraudsters, and have been committing fraud during this election. Asked for your proof, and you ran away, providing nothing. 2. And then you claimed that I "got caught and exposed" as a fraud. And I asked you to post proof and where that happened, and all you did was post a link to my profile page. And then I asked you for proof a
  9. Looks like you have........especially considering that you resort to personal attacks at this point. We now have TWO claims you've now run away from. Wonder how many weeks you'll spend running away from this one.
  10. The guy is a modern-day George Costanza. He is going to waltz into a different thread a few days later and try to pretend nothing happened.
  11. But, this game would need a real Beta to test its online capabilities, right? Its meant to be a heavily online-integrated game like Destiny, right? Does Bioware have experience in making online games? The Old Republic.
  12. Wait a minute, we're THREE MONTHS AWAY from Anthem coming out? Is that for real? Are they fixing to start a beta, anytime soon?
  13. What's to stop Activision from expanding Call of Duty even more, and creating a spinoff online mode that replicates Battlefield? There's a new console gen coming soon, they could working on a new game engine to do the same scale as a Battlefield game.
  14. I love how DICE has utterly ruined EA. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving developer/publisher.
  15. So Tekken 3 is the PAL version, which runs slower because it was meant to run on 50Hz televisions? That's just not acceptable. The bombcast crew speculated that maybe they chose PAL versions for certain games because the hardware wouldn't be able to properly replicate the performance fo the 60Hz versions. That's just speculation, but if that's the case, then this is not going to be useful, not even for modding.
  16. No it wasn't. Provide your proof, or it looks like you have now ran away from your second claim in this thread. Thank you.
  17. Smash and the Smash hardware not coming out until December 7th is probably going to spill over to people still buying the hardware in January because they want to get in on playing Smash Bros. I probably expect January and February 2019 to be busier for the Switch than January/February 2018.
  18. Can you imagine what they will do when they release the real Pokemon game next year? I think Wii owns the record for highest one month NPD sales at 3.81 million. Now that happened because New Super Mario Bros Wii just came out the month before that. I think if Nintendo released a supremely good looking mainstream Pokemon game and another major game next year AND probably do a slash in price, they might get close to those numbers next December.
  19. Remember that debacle for installing games on Windows 10, like Gears and Forza. Where it would download 70GB, but the game wouldn't start up, or it would delete everything? I have no idea what happened if we are at the point where Microsoft products cannot reliably be installed within a Microsoft OS.
  20. Yeah this is looking like a store return, for me. I'll probably hold it for a few days to see what the hacking situation looks like. On the flip-side...........I think I should looking into a Vita TV. Then again, I have a Vita to begin with, and I probably shouldn't be playing PS1 games on a screen bigger than that.
  21. Which is more than can be said about MS "new studio acquisitions", you guys are literally imagining video games to play by placing your hand over a press release.
  22. It would suck if it were just an announcement for the Metroid Prime Trilogy. When MP4 was a no-show at E3, that is when they should have announced the Metroid Prime Trilogy to release it before MP4.
  23. Nope you didm't Please post it. Try not running away from this subject, for once.
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