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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. You...........sure do seem to know alot about where to find big black dicks, for some odd reason.
  2. Its.............just an inch away. Wouldn't be the first time someone has said that specific phrase to you.
  3. The projection is strong with these guys. And now.......I am magically being called white in this forum. What a turnaround from just a couple of weeks ago. LOL
  4. Easy. because he cares so much about black people, hispanics, middle-eastern, and asian people that he wants to solve their problems first before he gets around to helping white people. He's VERY considerate, if you think about it.
  5. Odd thing happening in Broward County, FL. They count the votes, usually paper ballots that they scan. And since there are multiple races, people make a mark multiple times down the ballot. Governor race, Senate race, local city races, local court precinct races. So, if people fill out everything on a ballot, then the voting numbers in Broward county should be pretty close to the same for ALL races. But what usually happens is that the MAJOR races get bigger numbers, because people usually don't care to fill out the SMALLER races at the bottom of the ballot.
  6. No, that seems to be the ONLY thing you wish to accomplish in this thread. To just call me a racist. And it isn't working. And now you are trying to change the topic, now that you think you've successfully called me a racist. yeah, that's not working, either. We have a problem in America with a specific type of mal-adjusted white person who seems to have certain social experiences that make him bitter. And I do believe its definitely possible with other types of people, after all the Virginia Tech shooter was from South Korea. I have always prop
  7. And that has spiked within these past 2-3 years. So that is cause for alarm. No one is saying that we expect the amount of violent incidents caused by ANY group of people to go down to ZERO, are they?? It still involves relativity. And its still the leading statistic...............basically you are saying that we shouldn't place security measures on ANYTHING unless it reaches some sort of arbitrary threshold. That doesn't stop the fact that its still the biggest growing threat right now. The fact that these attacks are looking very random and in
  8. I didn't think many people were using it, either. Sony never talked about it, I had just assumed that it was some small niche service.
  9. The Florida Governor race appears to be headed to a recount, GD was right about there still being ballots that had not been counted yet. They were being counted today, and DeSantis lead kept on shrinking just enough to fall below one-half of 1 percent, and it appears as if the more ballots they are counting the more the number is going to shrink. Which triggers an automatic recount. So that gives Gillum a sliver of hope. I think the Senate race between Nelson and Rick Scott is in recount territory as well.
  10. No, the problem definitely seems to be a SPECIFIC type of white person that has specific issues within society. You don't see me accussing fun, socially well-rounded white people of bad things, do you? And now you are trying to talk about my upbringing.............with absolutely no evidence. Sorry, but you are not getting out of this by talking about me............you can either contribute to this dicussion, or you can't. Its sad because you attempting to attack me never works...yet you still try it. Doesn't seem like the type of behavior you wo
  11. No, trying to downplay the statistic doesn't change the fact that its still the leading statistic in this country. Sorry, but you trying yo accuse me of things isn't going to help. Especially considering the fact that I just brought up Muslims as a threat. This has to do with a certain kind of violence that involves shooting alot of people in highly-public places because they are clearly trying to terrorize people. If there's a pattern, then it only makes sense to FIGURE OUT THE PATTERN. Lives are at stake, after all. Maybe instead of trying to
  12. But it did have something to do with it. You tried DOWNPLAYING the thread of bitter white people who want to commit violence by basically saying "oh.........its only 0.00001% because there's tens of millions." I simply took your logic and expanded on it. "Well, there's 1.5 billion Muslims out there, so their violent people is .0000000001%" I even said the term "microscopic percentages" to point out the silliness of it all. You tried a particular strategy, I highlighted its silliness. That's all.
  13. Here's the thing. I bet Microsoft was fluffing their GamePass numbers and their "sales" of games because they were offering free trial subscriptions of GamePass right around the time State of Decay 2 and Sea of Thieves came out. Since the first month was free, they weren't getting much revenue. But if a person signs up for GamePass (first month free) and they start playing Sea of Thieves, then MS considers that a "sale." And what inevitably happens is that people will cancel the subscription 3-4 months down the road, and the base shrinks, delivering smaller revenue.
  14. And now I am speaking about security........because it covers both groups of people. You know this, there's no point trying to backtrack.
  15. its all about security. Our resources for security are limited, and therefore should be prioritized by the size of the threat. The fact that we can't do everything all the time is what makes it "a competition."
  16. Ah, so we need to devote more resources into fighting white terrorism than muslim terrorism. Since there's about 1.5 billion muslims. If we were to compare the microscopic percentages, white guy terrorism is more prevalent by 100x, possibly 500x. That's alarming.
  17. Think about it. Its college night at a bar. This guy is seeing other 20-somethings, who go to college, so he clearly thinks that they are "elitists", and they are getting drunk, and grinding up against slutty girls. And then the bouncer at the bar is probably a black dude, and the thought of a black guy commanding him to show his ID just enrages him further. Bitter 20-something white guys who never got into social circles during college. There's alot of people who fit that mold.
  18. Sony has been providing a streaming game service....................well, Sony has been providing a streaming game service, period. Long before is pretty obvious, considering that Microsoft has even started providing theirs yet. This moron is talking about "experiments" LOL Tell Microsoft to 'experiment" and make some fucking games, ijit.
  19. this dude is hyping a microsoft game rental service. Phil Spencer: "Standby for games"
  20. Killed himself because he knew Jack Reacher was going to come and kick his ass. #militaryincels
  21. Sony specifically bought Gaikai back in 2013 or 2014. Lemmings are trying to pretend that Sony is FOLLOWING them. LOLOLOLOLLLOLOLLOL Guess their internet must've been buffering this entire time.
  22. It being hackable to load other PS1 roms may be the only thing that makes me keep the one I have on order. If not, then I will just return it at the store. I think I can get a Japanese PSN account on the PS3 and simply buy Intelligent Qube from the Japanese PS store. Sony doesn't even sell Colony Wars on the PS Store? I never understood why they didn't add more games on there.
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