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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Didn't say anything about making you mad. I said I caught you slipping and trying to make your argument again. Before you ran off..........again. Nice try. Didn't work. Caught............slippinnnnnn'
  2. LOL he's trying to project his slippin' onto me. Oh man, its so obvious. So obvious, he'll say that its so obvious. He got busted slippin'.
  3. So you do have trouble reading............is that it? I'm not implying anything other than what I just typed. You just failed reading it, twice now.
  4. Off the top of my head, in my EA Origins game library I have Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3. Dead Space 2, and 3. Burnout Paradise, Dragon Age Origins, and the entire Command and Conquer collection consisting of about 19 games. And I think the Mass Effect bundle cost me $9.49 (includes all the DLC) and the C&C collection cost me like $6.59 and I didn't buy it through EA directly but a key from cdkeys.com Oh yeah, the ME trilogy was purchased through GOG.com. Burnout Paradise was given out for free. And Dead Space 3 cost me $5 on a steam sale. Since I don't play
  5. dayum. that poor bastard just got butt-violated
  6. did i say "digital" or did I say "discs" in my post? Did you forget to read my post?
  7. What are you talking about? We can clearly see that people actually WANT to see Dumbo. And, his mother genuinely appears to love him. Hell naw. They've had a sequel idea for over 20 years. And Tim Burton needs to get out of this funk he's in and go back to making some fucked-up goth shit. Keaton could still pull it off, and Wynona Rider is still a thing. Part clearly meant for Johnny Depp. But the part required to not wear white makeup, so he probably couldn't do it.
  8. I mean........look at it from Microsoft's perspective. If these people are willing to drop $500 for ANOTHER piece of console hardware, then Microsoft can simply abuse them as much as they want, and they WILL take it. If Microsoft gets desperate and want to try and undercut Sony at a $400 price point, MS will almost certainly do it to cut costs.
  9. Little too late to claim something you're trying to do. LOL I got him pissed enough to come back to his own argument, and he ran away again. He knows he got caught slippin'.
  10. LOL more running away. Nope, you made a claim. I called you out on your claim and said you had no proof..........and you didn't provide any proof, but rather tried to run away from the subject. Don't get mad. He can't even prove my contradictions. "set the game'
  11. Would nVidia have a large stock of Tegras to begin with since they brokered a deal with Nintendo?
  12. Oh, and by the way.........this effectively makes lemmings old X360 game discs and Xbox One game discs useless to play on the new Xbox. [Lemmings suddenly not caring about playing old Xbox games happening in 3.....2....1.....]
  13. I have a couple of gift card expiring either today or within a week, so I was planning on going to Best Buy to buy the Pokemon bundle with the Pokeball for my two nephews that I bought a switch for them last year. But I had also bought them Pokemon Sun for the 3DS a couple of years ago, and they never got into it. Maybe its because traditional Pokemon might be a little too much for them, and would fare better with the simpler Pokemon Go. I will say that it does not appear as if the bundle with the Pokeball still hasn't sold out yet.
  14. Yup. If they move over to streaming, then the hardcore lemmings that would buy dedicated hardware is going to be less than 10-20 million. Its absolutely certain that the people who own Xbox hardware is going to be less than 50% of all Xbox players. Why would Microsoft produce discs and retail boxes and incur shipment costs to distribute discs for such a small userbase? They're not going to do that. They're going to save those costs so that they can spend it on the massive server maintenance costs that they will have with delivering streaming. Ded
  15. LOL they are trying to console each other. Especially since I just got rufflesselfpwnedz to get pissed and return back to the argument.......only to run away again.
  16. really , where did I contradct myself? Point it out. I'll wait. I didn't I "set the game" when somebody claimed that Democrats were cheating in Broward county. Explain that part to me.
  17. you already lost it. once again, thanks for playing. LOL even better, I'll let you stew over it.
  18. but apparently only a losing person can struggle to not prove it thanks for playing.
  19. No, sorry you can close your eyes to the fact that you cannot back up your claim that Broward county has election fraud being committed by Democrats. No matter what........you either have to backup your claim, or you're pretty much run away from it. Sorry.
  20. yes, i do know that is where you've been getting most of your posts.
  21. don't recycle them on account of me. lol
  22. he ran out of forum smileys, like i predicted. LOL called that one.
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