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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Nice. Mimic me so much that it will totally break the system! Totally worked all those other times. lol He's now frankensteining his previous ideas and stitching them together now.
  2. Poor guy literally doesn't know what to do, so he's trying to pretend that he's clever for the nth time. Didn't work all of those previous times...........but a smart person like him would easily conclude that it'll work this next time! lol
  3. Sony didn't have like 4-5 major games from their previous console that they still needed to market that same year. It was TLOU and it was (supposed to be) coming out within weeks of them beginning to talk about PS4. That last gen was significantly different. People were feeling the strain of 8 year old console hardware.
  4. Yup. Couldn't even explain his attempt at trying to type something clever. Kinda explains everything he's been attempting to post so far. LOL
  5. Another post that he will abandon, mostly because he couldn't explain it if he wanted to. LOL
  6. Microsoft fucked themselves by releasing the Xbox One X in 2017. They were 14 months later than the PS4pro, and they still charge $100 more on top of that. They can't ask lemmings to pony up another $500 consoles in 2019. They would get slaughtered by gamers on forums and the gaming press. The only strategizing Sony would need to do is announce their console in 2019 (which MS really cannot do, either) and release it in early 2020. Xbox will always be behind, which means they will be fucked no matter what.
  7. Mimicking me was my third guess on what you'd do. Darn. LOL, I like how he thinks this is working.
  8. Another post.........another backing away from the previous post. I wonder how he will respond to this one?
  9. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope PS4 became available for pre-order in North America at major retailers on June 10, 2013. Almost exactly 5 months before launch.
  10. I want all the mods to agree and confirm that if this muthafucka is wrong, and has been annoying us this entire time with his PS5 2019, this is the thread in which he gets banned on March 31, 2019. Six month minimum ban.
  11. LOL he's getting pissed. I love it when I get them to make personal attacks, because they're losing it. lol On his way to making him post like jonb, comin' right up!!
  12. If they announced the console, then that effectively means it becomes available for pre-order at major retailers. There's no way they would do that 8 to 12 months. Probably 6 months.
  13. Wait a minute...........Dyke-no-cock is LITERALLY CELEBRATING the possibility of Microsoft announcing NEW HARDWARE less than 18 months since they last sold lemmings a $500 console? Wow.
  14. Now he doesn't know what to do because I just completely took his own argument from before. lol He's trying to get out (again).
  15. Keep describing the same thing...........because the same thing keeps happening. Running away from your own posts. lol
  16. LOL he ran away from his last post, as well. What'd I say?
  17. This past weekend, I finished watching the second half of Barry. Really good show. Its the perfect mix of dark criminal stuff that has some "holy shit" moments, but it has some absolutely hilarious scenes.
  18. Little too late for projection. LOL He was actually hoping I'd stop.
  19. I just don't understand why Bethesda/Zenimax can't at least employ a small research team of programmers to BUILD a new core engine that allows them to do all the stuff they've been doing with their standard RPGs (grab every object, give everything physics) but modernize the engine to have a better collision system and more advanced animation. They have at least 3 major RPG franchises that the engine would be used for. It would be worth it to have a special team spend several years building that. How the fuck did they even employ John Carmack for several years and not sp
  20. Fading away, once again. Guess he's running out of energy. I won't worry, though......he'll try to power his way through here again in a little bit. lol
  21. If Sony gets a headstart, it'll probably only be by about 4-6 months. They will release PS5 in Spring 2020. Microsoft simply CANNOT release a new piece of hardware in Late 2019. That would be the ultimate insult to morons who had plunked down $500 less than 24 months ago.
  22. Now back to mimicking me again. I think what I love most is how easily he abandons the strategy of his previous post. There isn't anything that he hasn't run away in this entire thread. LOL
  23. Tim Burton directing another movie about circus freaks, eh? This only looks like a 2/10 on the Burton creepiness scale. Burton directing Michael Keaton again.......that's huge. They need to make that Beetlejuice sequel happen.
  24. LOL he is literally typing "i know you are but what am i" LOLOL He doesn't know what to do.
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