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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Now back to mimicking me again. I think what I love most is how easily he abandons the strategy of his previous post. There isn't anything that he hasn't run away in this entire thread. LOL
  2. Tim Burton directing another movie about circus freaks, eh? This only looks like a 2/10 on the Burton creepiness scale. Burton directing Michael Keaton again.......that's huge. They need to make that Beetlejuice sequel happen.
  3. LOL he is literally typing "i know you are but what am i" LOLOL He doesn't know what to do.
  4. Poor guy doesn't know what to do........so he's relying on his memory of Breitbart headlines. LOLOL
  5. Can you imagine...........morons who paid $500 for a third Xbox console, and its going to get smoked by the PS5 while Microsoft actually starts releasing lower-graphics games so that its easier for them to stream them. lol
  6. He's now backing away from that strategy. Good call, I say. I love how he's trying really hard to use what I am saying against me. I means he's having to work. lol
  7. I'm thinking that there will not be any $400 consoles, either. It'll probably be $500 consoles in the year 2020. I mean, a $400 console purchased back in Fall 2006 amounts to $500 in today's money. They have to charge $500 just to keep up with inflation. With that said, I think the PS5 will be PSVR-Ready. I bet they need to charge an additional $150 for the headset and move controls.
  8. Little too late to try and attempt mind games. LOL Guess he went with option #2.
  9. I go back to the Sony 2018 E3 conference and that whole small room where they show one game per room, and then move the audience somewhere else. Either they didn't think about it and slapped it together at the last minute, or they wanted to do a Nintendo-like direct, but realized that the live-audience aspect makes it too cumbersome.
  10. LOL he's emptying out whatever he's got left. Once he realizes that won't work either, he'll be done. Unless he got duped into trying even harder because of the last sentence I typed. LOL
  11. Here let me impersonate Deenocup. "We'll if we convert games sales into graphics pixels, the XBX version probably matched all PS4 pixels that were produced in October." Basically, this confirms that there are simply not alot of X1X owners. There is still alot of people using the base XBO/XBOS and they sure as hell wouldn't pick up RDR2 for that console, so they probably transitioned to a PS4.
  12. jes'christ, it almost feels like a natural reflex at this point.
  13. "If Phil Spencer announces a multiplat, but there is no Sony around.......then is it an exclusive?" -Lemcels
  14. E3 needs to be a bunch of online web conferences spread out over a 2-3 week period. Have the big three have their press conference days. Then have the big publishers for the rest of the week, and then have all the small devs for the second week.
  15. Xbox will still find a way to lose to Sony at E3 2019. A non-existant Sony.
  16. Exactly. I want that muthafucka banned until the PS5 2020 launch date so that he realizes that all of these annoying threads and proclamations can bite him in the ass, and make him wish he had never done this.
  17. Its amazing, Sony isn't going to E3 in June, therefore the PS5 must be announced quite a bit of time before June 2019. So, we're basically under 6 months of a PS5 announcement..........but there's no leaks on PS5 development, or games. People are genuinely trying to peddle that logic right now.
  18. He's now trying to pretend that he won something, so that he can say that he can leave. LOL Its so obvious. And its so not going to work, either. Let's watch!
  19. He's getting angry again. lol He's still trying to use any trick he can to make people forget about the fact that he ran away from his own argument in which he claimed that Democrats in Broward county were cheating, and couldn't back it up. And, like his posts, it still isn't working.
  20. They are supposed to drive 2019 by simply promoting the final PS4 games that they have left. Days Gone in early 2019, TLOU2 in Spring/Summer, and Death Stranding in latter 2019. And Ghosts of Tsushima and that From Software game sometime during Spring/Summer. They don't need an E3 for those games. They can focus on preview events and regular marketing. They cannot get a running demo of the PS5 until AFTER E3. This is why they saw no need to have a presence. Sony even said that they will not have a press conference AROUND the time of E3. They are literally radio silent
  21. We don't know if its a false allegation. Supposedly someone showed up to an LA police Department with a beat up face and accussed Avenatti. So LAPD will investigate this, no matter what. However, Jacob Wohl was stupid enough to claim responsibility for this on his twitter account. so this woman is going to get questioned, and they will see how tight her story sounds. If you see LAPD contacting Jacob Wohl, then we can say that there's some doubt growing.
  22. He's starting to get meta on himself. Running out of smileys there, as well. lol
  23. He was right........he really is just repeating himself. LOL
  24. I was talking about Vini trying to hype up the accusations that Jacob Wohl was trying to make against Robert Mueller that he had sexually assaulted a woman. Those accusations fell apart in about 72 hours.
  25. I like that Bethesda is trying to learn new things. Eventually they should be able to start implementing some sort of online component for Fallout games. But its obvious that these people are taking a first try at this, but trying to sell it as a 60 dollar product. This should have been a PC test beta.
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