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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I said that he wouldn't do............and he won't do. Just like I said. I love that he's sunk so much effort that he needs to keep on. Not knowing the obvious.
  2. Repeat that you've been running away.............and are so scared that you don't even want to bring up your OWN original argument. Yeah, actually that's kind of the point. He really is so scared.............I guarantee that ruffleselfpwnedz will NEVER bring up Democrats in Broward county from this point forward. That's how bad I got him scared.
  3. He's still trying to run away from his own argument..........I'd say that's pretty damn scared if I got you to do that. He's so scared, that he can't even mention his own argument. LOL Oh man.........the jonb'ness is just too obvious, he even did what jonb does and finally direct quote me after I make fun of him for it. This guy is textbook.
  4. The. Fuck? You notice that when you catch a Republican, red-handed, doing something that is clearly wrong they try and SPIN IT AROUND and say that you're encroaching on their rights (to cheat).
  5. You know when people say somebody does "irreverent" comedy? That's what Seinfeld did for TV comedies. You'd have to know what sitcoms were like before then. It was built on the standard Mary Tyler Moore/Bob Newhart/Three's Company style of show. The "situational comedy" was something lame like "Person X misunderstood something said by Person Y which causes crazy hi-jinks throughout the episode" Seinfeld literally threw that shit out the window and would make episodes about somebody stealing your parking spot, or somebody getting fired but pretending to stay
  6. The projection is off the charts. I also like how he's completely jonb'd and is too scared to even respond to me directly. LOL
  7. besides the fact that you really sound anti-semitic.......you're blaming Seinfeld for being too influential. Plenty of shows from TODAY do what Seinfeld does, and better. To the point where Seinfeld's comedy comes off as simplistic. That's be like saying 80's rap is simplistic.........which it is, compared to TODAY's rap.......but you wouldn't portray it that way. Another example, Black Sabbath INVENTED Death Metal. But if you popped into their 1970 album and judged the music by today's standard, its weak-sounding Death metal. You understand, Mr.
  8. LOL, so even though Microsoft was literally giving away free copies, and had this an a console exclusive for 11 months, apparently it should be very easy to assume that the PS4 version would outsell the Xbox version? To the point where that makes me an idiot for saying so? Ok.
  9. LOL Sony has no reason to even market this game, but it almost seems like they are marketing this game better than MS ever did, just to purposely fuck with them. I bet there will be more PUBG players for PS4 six months from now than there will be for Xbox. We'll check the online numbers in May.
  10. Its quite necessary that other competitors pop up to prevent Valve from getting worse and worse with their bullshit. All things considered, for as long as Steam has ruled the PC, Gabe Newell has done a pretty decent job of not turning into a treasonous dictator. Imagine if there was no console competition, except for just the Xbox, imagine the type of shit Microsoft execs would try to pull in under 5 years from the day they own the entire home console market.
  11. I can still get a chuckle from Friends, I've learned to appreciate Ross and Chandler more after going back to watch an episode here and there. As for Seinfeld, I appreciate George Costanza alot more because of the fact that he was essentially a stand-in for Larry David. And Kramer and Newman are still guaranteed laughs. I like everybody on Seinfeld who is old and angry.
  12. Looks like ghost isn't the only one who is now in The Loop. I love how, no matter what he does, he can't even escape the obvious claim that he made when he said that Democrats in Broward county were cheating in the election. I'm also going to love it when he panics and tries another excuse to get out of it. I'll be sure to point it out to him when he attempts it. lol
  13. black with dark blue stitch pattern running in looping fashion.
  14. Yes I do love it when I have people properly figured out, and even they know it. ...........case in point. I love that this is the best you could come up with. Two weeks ago, it was trying to win a religious argument, a week ago, it was a race-based argument. This week...........its me using a an introductory clause in a sentence too much. Next week, you'll probably be resorting to making fun of my shoe-lace colors. LOL
  15. And now he's back to his old programming because he got busted trying a new excuse. I love that he's somehow convinced himself that he will be able to power through this. Then again...........they all do.
  16. LOL its little to late to claim that you are being baited into something when I accussed you of running away from said thing from the very beginning. you're literally running out of excuses.the mere fact that you JUST attempted a different excuse just gave you away.
  17. lol, why do people mimick me only after I've already done it to them? i never understood that. tottally debunked my claim of you having pent up butthurt, there.
  18. Oh so you DIDN'T insinuate that democrats in broward county are cheating??????????? I love how I got you beat down to this. I got you so scared you don't want to talk about your OWN posts. lol Take a good look, ruffleselfpwnedz, at what somebody with a blown-out anus looks like. that's MONTHS of pent-up butthurt. you want to join????
  19. you're bitching. me pointing out the truth? Need to narrow it down.
  20. At least this time, he announced when he was running away. Dude got ass-raped, from front to back.
  21. What was that you were saying again? Something about disinformation???? Maybe Rick Scott's own election monitors with his own Republican-controlled Florida Department of State.............are conspiring with those dirty Democrats in Broward county. I love that the more he keeps posting, the more he's getting raped in this argument.
  22. Even thought its universally acknowledged that the physics do appear to have been cut down Here's neogaf:
  23. That's easy 2014: Halo MCC was released in November 2015: PS4 pulled away from Xbox, even though they released Halo 5 2016: Xbox One S immediately went on a temporary price cut down to $249 including a Minecraft game This november: No new hardware No new exclusive games And the PS4 is actually selling more this year than last year. And the Xbox..............definitely isn't. ANd this dumbass just gave away the fact that he DO
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