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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Its official, Arizona senate seat has to Kristin Sinema, and guess what, they found out ONCE THEY COUNTED ALL THEIR VOTES from their biggest county, which took several days to perform a full count. Who'd of thunk it. The Republican candidate, Martha McSally, actually gave one of the best concession speeches in this election year. I notice that Republican women seem to have enough personal integrity to not act like complete little shits when it matters. Its the right-wing guys that somehow whine and bitch all the time, no matter what.
  2. lol, that was the $189 Xbox One S. AND the initial launch month of Xbox One X. Dynoplaydumb is trying to pretend that it was just a regular ole November month for Xbox going up against a regular ole November for PS4.
  3. which will give Dynowheretoseen an opportunity to re-introduce us to his Deeno Math.
  4. Its happened so much lately, its lost some of its luster.
  5. LOL he's double-posting now. He literally thinks that he could just babble his way into not explaining his own claims of Democrats committing some sort of fraud in Broward county, without explaining. And he now wants out.
  6. He really doesn't have anything. And he legitimately thinks that he's veering us away from the fact that he claimed something was happening at Broward county elections, and he can't tell us what. And its not remotely working. He will go through the entire smiley library, as well.
  7. I like how @DynamiteCop! is avoiding responding to ALL of these old posts of his, and he's going around posting in other thread while pretending to not know what's been going on in this forum.
  8. I love how he still avoids to answer any question.................and he thinks we won't notice it. He'll be talking about snow plows in about 2 hours, at the rate I got him moving away from subjects. LOL
  9. What claims am I making up??????? The fact that you aren't specifying your claims and saying that you run away. I got a "hit" on that on the first page. LOL He's too cowardly to respond directly to me.........he literally thinks posting like jonb is going to help him.
  10. Complete waste of time. Microsoft will have their own X360 emulator on Windows 10 in the near future.
  11. They better get used to being in the "other" category for plenty of other things. "platform share", "sales", "when you hear the phrase 'video games', what brand do you think of?"
  12. And now he's too scared even respond back. I like how me posting a news article............is insane idiocy. Maybe because I actually read the article and posted the relevant information, rather just throwing a link and pretending I won. LOL Wow, he really is pissed to see him still swinging blindly.
  13. lol he doesn't know what to do. and he also thought the he could gloss over the main article headline of a judge saying he doesn't see any foul play..........and think we wouldn't notice. he truly has nothing in the tank.
  14. Sounds like you are a little too late in typing that. LOL
  15. Let's follow up on Florida: The Florida judge is a Jeb Bush appointee. So was the Broward County election chief that ruffledselfpwnedz is complaining about.
  16. he can't even succeed are trolling, that he's getting pissed at the fact that no one believes that he is laughing. LOL
  17. lol roflselfpwnedz is literally losing his shit.
  18. lol i like that he's pissed off now, but not enough to actually argue back.
  19. Actually I asked you to elaborate about your claims.... LOL he actually tried to shift that onto me. And he still won't elaborate on his claims.
  20. I think their numbers grew during Spring 2018, and they even advertised that alot of people were "playing" Sea of Thieves and State of Decay. And then people started dumping subscriptions during the Summer and Fall.
  21. Dang. Hope he went out peacefully.
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