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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Is it "seen" if you view the text message as a notification on your screen BEFORE you unlock the phone and go to the messages app? Because that's how I get around it with Whatsapp and Text Messaging on my Samsung.
  2. The best thing for Microsoft would be to have a smartphone automatically connect wireless to their Xbox controller. But, alot of controllers for Xbox One have proprietary wireless. So Microsoft would have to find a phone manufacturer who would probably integrate that radio with their phones. Samsung would be the most cooperative partner to do this. I just checked, my Xbox Elite Controller would need to connect with my Note 8 through USB, and the Note 8 would have to have a USB-C to USB adapter dongle. I think newer Xbox controllers use bluetooth, so that would already w
  3. Speak for yourself. I'm gettin' off this rock and leaving all of you behind.
  4. He is saying it is 7nm.............no it isn't. He actually makes sense because he is saying that the compoents are too expensive and they need the manufacturing costs to go down. None of the 7nm silicon will be manufactured during the first half of 2019.
  5. From a 2016 congressional race. So they destroyed old ballots? THere's a reason why you posted the link but not anything from the story.
  6. Microsoft just went third party.......................to my Samsung Phone. And I didn't even know about it:
  7. Either they'd be so far advanced that they can leave their own planet and travel vast distances..........JUST for exploring. Which they could probably do that without being seen. Or, they left their planet because they are predatory. The universe being completely quiet is either really bad news, or really fantastic news that means that human beings are the most advanced creatures in the universe. Either way, we don't really want to know what's out there. Many scientists have advocated against sending any test communication signals out to space. They only wan
  8. You even heard of the Great Filter theory? We don't want to discover aliens out there. Given the infinite possibilities of the universe, there has to be other life out there. But if they are far more advanced than we are, chances are they would treat us the way we treat insects.
  9. I love how he is showing live video of 5 different people check a ballot at a time................while he's trying to claim voter fraud. What am I damage controlling when you are the one insinuating that there is some "shady stuff" happening from a county that you are clearly making it known that it is where liberals are at? Did you honestly think you'd be able to get by with speaking in vague phrases? LOL
  10. lol, i like how this post just gradually shifted into more and more warped right-wing accusations. Elections are controlled by the state. The state legislature and elections commissions are controlled by Republicans in Florida. And you seem to think that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is a House Congresswoman that has no government position within the Florida government (because she works in Congress at the federal) is somehow behind all of this, huh? Counties that have major cities in them are usually the last to report their numbers. Its amazing, because
  11. lol, doubtful that your even getting enough voltage to your rustshack to do that. But if that's the case............thanks for admitting you just spent $1000 on two consoles and no exclusives. You sure owned me there.
  12. Its borderline, for me. For starters, you have to have enough nolstalgia and experience with old games in order to accept the jarring graphics. And secondly, I do like the idea of a little device under the TV that just has an "On" button and I can start playing video games within a minute. And it would've been worth the $100 on the controllers, alone, had they had analog sticks and rumble.
  13. So now that we know that they use a software emulator, its just a matter if they can access it and be able to dump different ROM files.
  14. Paid $500, twice, to play no exclusives. $1000 total. Well, not you, you couldn't afford to buy a second console and have been pretending to enjoy playing RDR2 at 900p/25 fps. LOL
  15. But if whatever plan you introduce isn't 100% perfect and 100% effective........then why bother doing it at all?
  16. I wanted to download the game to my X360, just in case they deactivated the purchase from my account. So I pulled out my X360 that I hadn't used since 2015, and wouldn't you know, the fucking thing was giving me the red ring of death. Fortunately, I read that it could be related to the hard drive, so to remove the hard drive and try turning it on again, and then if it boots properly, turn it back off and re-connect the HDD again. It worked, thank goodness.
  17. no, it got derailed by jonbutthurt. if you notice........i'm still trying to talk about the subject. while he spends his time talking about me.
  18. They are there because Democratic politicians are the only ones willing to put them there. Republicans block it, and therefore at the federal level, it cannot happen as long as Republicans block it. They block it, because they have permission from their voters to do so. I don't need to be obssessed with winning this argument. You don't have anything to provide a counter-argument. My points are perfectly sound. I'm not the one getting mad. I'm not the one obsessing over something, or somebody, either. Next time, try making a coherent argument that
  19. You're not talking about politicians..........yet you claimed that states had passed mental health checks. Who passed those background checks for mental checks..............REGULAR PEOPLE? Or politicians voted by the people? No...........you are the one who has been trying to change the topic, in fact you did it from the very beginning You lost the argument. We know you did................because you're not arguing it anymore, and seem to want to talk about me. You're done. And the more you talk about me, the more done you are.
  20. Besides the obvious NRA data graph regarding Republican politicians. I guess Republicans politicians just go out of their way to appease the NRA in DIRECT CONTRADICTION with the people that vote for them? No..............prove what you just claim. Show me those states. Stalling isn't going to help.............you're going to lose this argument.
  21. Sorry, mimicking me doesn't work either. You don't have any evidence. If I'm not seeing something.................SHOW IT. Which states are fine with mental health background checks.............and we'll check to see if they are predominantly Republican or Democratic legislatures who run those states. Show it.
  22. He is now saying that the media is "alt left"??????? So basically he's not even really trying to make a genuine argument, anymore. he's just trying to name-call his way out of this. Yeah, that won't work, either.
  23. It would be 1.) An ADDITIONAL requirement for getting a gun 2.) A national register created by the federal government and 3.) Collects personal information from all people in all 50 states, mandatory, superseding States' rights. And you're telling me Republican voters would NOT have a problem with that????????? This isn't a debate..........you're not even close to remotely being correct here. And notice that you're not even making an argument anymore...........you're just back to talking about me. Argue the argument. If you
  24. No...........they're not random. I don't accuse right-wingers of being pro-NRA and anti-government RANDOMLY. Why are you even attempting to play naive here............this is standard stuff that I am talking about. For traditional republican voters, it is VERY high on their list for voting for Republicans. Yes it is. This is not even up for debate. You don't have any proof of your "REAL people". You are making it up as you go along..............because you can't find evidence to win this argument that I am making. NA
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