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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No...........I just proved my point. Why would we be arguing about theoretical 2nd amendment people WHO DON'T VOTE. Dude, there's no point in you trying to play dumb here...............last week, you were trying to poke holes in my plan about gun regulation laws......its funny how you were trying to argue for realism last week...........but this week, you don't want to involve Real Policy, Real Politicians, who are determined by Real Voters. You just want to talk in vague generalities. Sorry, not gonna work.
  2. I'm sorry, but it is quite obvious that VR on the PC has clearly slowed down. And it looks like Oculus is definitely cutting its future investment in high-end VR on the PC. So that means that PSVR justified itself as a decent add-on with the games that they delivered to their userbase for these past 2 years. And it looks like VR on the Playstation is going to have a future, if the patents are any indication. Developers on Oculus are going to move to the smaller, lighter version, and that will mean that those developers will easily be able to have those games on PSVR an
  3. Sorry, you seem to be trying to obfuscate your argument (probably because you're losing). We are talking about REAL SOLUTIONS to the problem. Real solutions have to involve policy. Policy has to involve politicians. The only people that matter are the ones who influence policy through the politicians they choose. (aka actual voters) You're trying to make excuses to not argue in any specific detail...................not gonna work with me.
  4. sorry, you are not depicting republicans accurately. Republican politicians take pledges to abide by all positions that the NRA promotes, and they get graded on how they align themselves to NRA positions. Gee, sure does seems like almost all republicans seem to align themselves with that organization that YOU just classified as "extremist"
  5. No. the average right-winger is against "big government". a national registry that is tied to guns is basically the cornerstone of right-wing bogeyman nightmares. i am NOT talking about a niche right-wing minority. Not even close. This is a standard position of the NRA.........are you calling them an extremist outlier?
  6. no, 2nd amendment people correlate highly.HIGHLY with being anti-big-government you can try arguing that............but you're definitely not going to come close to discrediting that. they are, after all, two huge tenets of today's right-wing ideology.
  7. like i said regarding mental health.... its the most logical place to start.
  8. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/crackdown/c3vnjhhd7mm4?activetab=pivot%3Aoverviewtab Canada https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/p/crackdown/c3vnjhhd7mm4?activetab=pivot:overviewtab
  9. heh, google "national gun registry" and see what comes up. a report on your mental health is also a medical report, and there are medical privacy laws.
  10. Because it would be a nationwide database, and a national wide database for mental health meant for gun background checks would ostensibly mean a nationalwide registered gun owner database. And 2nd amendment diehards are strictly against that. Remember, its not just the crazies who would be in the database, everyone would have needed to pass a mental health care check (probably within a certain period of time). So that means the database would have to have mental health care checks and reporting for everybody who is trying to obtain a gun. That means those d
  11. If he had a record in the army about his mental health condition, then this would be the second time that this is happening. I believe the Sutherland Springs church shooter in Texas (he shot like 50 people), was also in the army, and they had disclosed their mental health files for that person for background checks. Which once again, points to the obvious that, we need to implement mental checks in schools, and get these types of guys checked and keep a file, and that needs to turn into a universal database. Which definitely freaks the fuck out of the second-amendment p
  12. Hmmmmmmmmm, you sure would be opening up a slippery slope for every other thread from here on out. But hey...........if I'm hearing straight from you....
  13. Because he's still trying to talk about me in this thread. Its not an exaggeration........its literally still happening. He's trying to derail the thread...........he already admitted it in a previous post that he doesn't want this thread to exist.
  14. Some joke...........considering that I kept on talking about it in many of my posts afterwards. You have an anger problem.............and I can't solve that for you.
  15. So it seems like you just admitted that you only defend white people. No.......I started talking about social-outcast people, which is a clear reference to mental health...............from my very first post. Sorry..........but you want to talk about me to DERAIL this thread............you just admitted. Its not going to work.
  16. Nope, here's multiple instances of me trying to direct back to the topic and back to finding out more about this issue and what to do about it: Guess you weren't noticing because you seem to just want to talk about me. You can talk about me..........just not here.
  17. No I was doing it on page 1 when trying to describe the pattern.............not to mention that I already talked about mental health checks in previous pages. Still talking about me. STILL talkin' bout me.
  18. @Cookester15@Teh_Diplomat Welp, looks like he's still just trying to fight me, and nothing else. Anyways..............mental health needs to be expanded across all 50 states And that means healthcare reform to provide free mental healthcare. or possibly create mental healthcare positions in all public schools. And that means creating a mental health database that keeps track of people through their childhood until their legal adulthood. And integrate that information to nationwide background checks. If you have a person red-flagged, and they lived in your house
  19. then go post somewhere else. we're here to talk about this mass shooting, and what needs to be done. Go make a thread to make your Jerry fan fic. Thanks.
  20. except i wasn't. and so far, you haven't said anything that debunks anything, or offers any meaningful addition. You just want to seem to want to provide obstacles and be against what other people are saying. If you have something to argue against, then let's hear it. Until then.............I'm making my statements, and will be continuing.
  21. its too bad he couldn't find one photo on the internet that wasn't a white-guy. that didn't much to collapse that one.
  22. Except nobody in this thread ever said all white people are alt right killers. In fact, my very first post which trying to whittle down the specific quality/qualities that these people might have in common. I was trying to shrink down the number of people. Not make it broad. You tried to broaden it. By saying there's "tens of millions".............which is doubtful.
  23. Arizona Senate race............they had quote a few votes from the Phoenix county area (about 140k votes) that they didn't start counting until today. THere's still about half a million votes left. But, lo and behold, the Democrat Sinema just TOOK THE LEAD. In Florida, the Senate race has closed down to a 0.2% gap between the two, so that's going to a recount. If the Democrat pulls ahead in the recount, and Sinema holds on in Arizona, then..............basically NOTHING CHANGED in the Senate. 51-49. Republicans gained nothing, Democrats lost not
  24. no i usually do. in your head, you think i don't. I literally just brought up violence caused by Muslims in this thread. But, y'know..............tunnel vision.
  25. You could've touched on the link? Didn't want to? Was it too long? That would be out of the ordinary. Or was it too short? lol
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