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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. So Microsoft can't even beat Sony in the one thing that they excel at?
  2. Yeah, first thing I thought of when I saw the photo was that this guy at least went through bootcamp. He killed himself or was he gunned down? But you know..........we need to have the open laws...............or else we will upset the huge demographic of people who need many guns for hunting, and need large sized mags to do that hunting.
  3. lol, it really doesn't take much for these cucks to declare victory. what will they do next........not validate his parking pass. oh no!! you wouldn't understand that joke........it only works in countries with paved roads.
  4. Where's Dynocrap at? Dyyyynocraaap???? OH Dyyyyyyynoooocraaaaappp!!!!
  5. Wait a minute, didn't this game barely get to final version 1.0 on the Xbox back in late September of this year? So, in reality, this was only a two month exclusivity?
  6. He's still trying to........"compensate" It'd look like that smiley with the legs that only you seem to post. LOLOL Looks like he got gotten to. Speaking of which, the proper perspective of why I laugh at cucks like junkyard bihte
  7. lol its sad that beta men try to affirm their (lack of) manliness through Trump. He was genuinely pacing around like a cuck. Its funny seeing you trying to........"overcompensate"......in your post.
  8. Donald Trump just stopped a press briefing to blow up at CNN's Jim Acosta. Hmmmmmmmmm, for somebody who claims that the Republicans did well in the mid-terms last night, he actually appears to be madder. I think he's realizing what the Democrats can do with the investigative committees they have power over. And he's probably reading how there's an incoming indictment for Donnie Jr.
  9. So it seems like Jon Tester survived, and won re-election to his Senate seat. Trump had won Montana by 20 points in 2016..........and Jon Tester had gone on record saying that he would oppose the Kavanaugh confirmation. And he still won. So that definitely seems to poke a hole in the narrative that Kavanaugh hurt the democrats. With Trump winning by 20 in that state, and repeatedly campaign for the Republican candidate, Tester shouldn't have won. But he did.
  10. Did you just attempt to change the subject, yet again????????? Sure seems like it. Thank you. You're done.
  11. lol ok. you know we've seen movies before, right?
  12. Nuh uh uhhhhhhhhhh.................little too late to TRY that tactic, I already addressed it: LOLOLOL, there goes that attempt.
  13. Russia's favorite congressman, Dana Rohrabacher is about to lose his House seat. Sure would like to see Adam Schiff go after him.
  14. Nuh uh uhhhh...........nice attempt trying to change something. Not going to work. We clearly indicated to you, from the VERY BEGINNING that we thought the "Congress" part of that tweet headline seemed out of context. Multiple people. Multiple posts. You didn't want to clarify yourself until after you wanted to avoid looking dumb after posting your video and us making fun of you. lol
  15. Sure Hmmm..................my very first response was talking about that "right-wing dipshit" probably taking something out of context. And then you continue to receive more posts in which people are pointing out the attempt to take something out of context.
  16. Where have I ever described this guy as "guy who retweeted fox and friends tweet"? Point it out to me. And...........go back to your original quote and point out where you wanted us to notice ANYTHING about Fox and Friends. I''ll wait.
  17. He's STILL trying to change the subject about me. Sorry that's not going to work. So let's go back to the core logic on your claim. You said that Ocasio-Cortez was "so fucking stupid" clearly implying that she is just SO ridiculously dumb that she clearly does not KNOW THINGS that she SHOULD KNOW. And then you post a headline from a right-wing dipshit whose headline line says that she wants to pack the courts through Congress. So, if were are looking for something that makes Ocasio-Cortez look SO STUPID and fundemantally clueless.........
  18. I love the attempt to change the subject exclusively about me. Yeah, that didn't work. lol It reinforces my argument, and also discredits the believability of yours. I like how you pretended to not know that. LOL
  19. Except I didn't nitpick...........I looked at the WHOLE quote. I looked at TWO different people CLEARLY talking to you about the "Congress" part of the quote..............and at no point did you ever clarify two different people making MULTIPLE posts to you until after we laughed at your and your video. There's no nitpicking there when our thoughts to you were conveyed, thoroughly, multiple times. LOL
  20. And he is STILL trying to run away from his initial claim of how he came to the conclusion of Ocasio-Cortez being "so fucking stupid" Still can't explain his own thought process, even though I've asked him probably 20 times now. And his attempts to move the subject STILL aren't working.
  21. Dean Heller has conceded, and the Dems take the Nevada senate seat.
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