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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Just like that.........he avoided answering the same question, yet again. And now I got him mimicking me.
  2. Wow..........look at where I'm whittled him down to. Well, its good that you have clearly admitted that you cannot defend your argument. And, especially, you cannot answer the question I have been asking you again and again. To explain your logic of how the "packing the courts" part of that initial tweet headline was how you asses her intelligence as being "so fucking stupid." Asked this multiple times.............and he runs away every time. Like, for example, this next time:
  3. So you've just admitted to running away from your argument? Thank you.
  4. No. Its the most logical interpretation. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...............Vini, if YOUR (latter) interpreation is MORE LOGICAL. Then explain it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Except for the fact that our interpretation makes more sense than your (latter) explaination???????? Its amazing, Vini. You honesty cannot get out of this perfect checkmate I got you in.
  6. Yes you do................you're the one posting it..............and the tweet consist of nothing but a headline. And the MOST NOTABLE thing about the headline is how someone could believe that they could pass through Supreme Court Justices ONLY having needed to control Congress. And the most logical association to your claim of her being "so.................fucking....................stupid" is to point out the most stupid insinuation in that tweet you posted. Which was..........[drumroll]..........the part about just needing Congress.
  7. Its amazing how both me and Teh_Diplo both responded to you............and then you posted a video, and then both me and Teh_Diplo responded to you AGAIN...........STILL TALKING about Ocasio-Cortez clearly mentioning the proper procedure for passing Supreme Court justices through both Congress and the democrats having the Presidency. ................and at no point you never bothered to offer a clarification to two different people telling you the same thing. until AFTER we made fun of you and the video you posted. lol
  8. No. You clearly wanted to talk about Ocasio-Cortez being "so fucking stupid" You were clearly trying to imply that she is so dumb that she doesn't understand basic fundamentals of American governance. You posted a tweet headline............and the main part you wanted to show was JUST THE HEADLINE...........and that headline purposely made a point to add the words "control by Congress" which insinuated that Ocasio-Cortez THOUGHT that they (Democrats) can appoint Supreme Court justices by just controlling Congress. Two different people on this forum, me and Teh_Di
  9. "Who knows.....................all of these Democrats winning these house seats may CAUSE the voters across the nation to move to the right." -Vini
  10. I keep dreaming? Of what? Are you saying that I brought up FDR in this conversation first? That's a Yes or No question. (What are the chances he avoids answering it)
  11. No......you originally tried to say it was stupid because it was unconstitutional. And then you were corrected...........which means Ocasio-Cortez knew something you didn't. How can you speak to her intelligence when you didn't even know what was possible to begin with WHEN you were commenting on her intelligence?
  12. Well Microsoft did try to sell the lemmings multiple versions of the same console...........while not giving them any exclusives. That's pretty ambitious for a scam, right?
  13. What a surprise, piece of shit Scott Walker doesn't want to concede: Yes, there's 29,000 WIsconsin vets out there mailing in their ballots.
  14. he realized it...........a little too late I like how Vini has volunteered to lose more arguments.
  15. lololol nope. My post: And then your post responding to me: Welp, you lost that one, quickly.
  16. You just literally made that "the question" regarding FDR. lol I'm not the one who related Ocasio-Cortez's ideas with FDR..............................you did, sweetheart. Now explain your claim. I'm waiting.
  17. No, now you are talking about FDR being racist or xenophobic in decision making. Nuh uh uh. You're metric is trying to measure their INTELLIGENCE............not their evilness. Not gonna work. Let's go back to YOUR original claim. How is FDR stupid..............how is this indicative of how intelligence? Explain that to me?
  18. Sorry....................your not moving the subject. How stupid is the idea???????????? Your answer was "as stupid as the most successful presidential candidate in American history" Thats,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,your answer?????
  19. The guy who won 4 presidential elections??????
  20. Which, once again, returns to my question. What part about "packing the courts" is a big indicator that somebody is "so fucking stupid"???????????? And why wouldn't his headline merely be "Ocasio-Cortez says that she's going to 'Pack the courts'"??????????? Why does he need to type that last part of the sentence if you've already made your point????????? Yikes. you just created an even steeper corner for yourself.
  21. Was that what you posted to begin with????????? Click on your screenshot Vini.................does a video play?????????
  22. Except your not posting the video from Fox and Friends..............but rather that person's words in his tweet. You used a screenshot..........why would you use a screenshot, when you wanted us to SEE A VIDEO?????????? Because you really weren't trying to show us a video...........but rather the words from that right-wing dipshit. OOPS, guess you forgot that part. lol
  23. Wisconsin governor's race has been called. Tony Evers wins, Scott Walker is out. And the margin of victory is over 1 percentage point (1.6%) so it doesn't trigger a recount. Evers was a candidate that was promoted by Bernie Sanders. On the other hand, another Bernie candidate, Randy Bryce, the Ironstache, did not win against Paul Ryan's Republican replacement.
  24. No..........the question is what constitutes "stupidity" and how does talking about packing a court indicate one's intelligence. We weren't talking about any other tangential subject besides that. Stop avoiding................and answer the question about YOUR OWN LOGIC regarding your very first point about Ocasio-Cortz being "so fucking stupid"
  25. The Democrat looks pretty solidly ahead of the Incumbent Republican in the Nevada Senate race??????????????????? Really? 73% reporting? And the only precincts left is Las Vegas, which can't possibly go Republican, so it seems like the Democrat pulled a bit of an upset there???? Wasn't expecting that.
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