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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Holy shit.............they finally released some numbers in a certain Wisconsin county, and Tony Evers just got a separation of about 37k votes from Scott Walker. That may stick a fork in Scott Walker. EDIT: It was from the county where the city of Milwaukee is at. So obviously it was going to be a big number coming out.
  2. Good thing I returned back to the main argument. Let's do that again.............and see if you finally answer the question. You said that Ocasio-Cortez was "so fucking stupid" ............but because of her insinuating about packing the court. So, a simple yes or no question.............is FDR stupid? Or are the GOP stupid in that WaPo article I posted? Explain the logic, please? Because it doesn't fit.
  3. And now he's trying to talk about me and Trump. Another attempt at a topic change. Reminds me of jonb, at this point.
  4. Trying to run away from the same repeated question I've been asking you, again and again. Yup noticed this one, as well.
  5. Amazing how I just said that you put more effort to AVOID explaining me your VERY FIRST post, and what your thoughts were. ...............and then you proceed to avoid it, again, right after I pointed it out. Good thing I noticed it..........like I have been noticing it each and every single time you attempt it.
  6. It'll make a cool logo. ..................on the app when I open it from my Switch.
  7. Wow........he's even running away from that now. Its amazing how............if I'm wrong..........you seem to be putting alot of effort in avoiding explaining your OWN thoughts. I posted a very simple question. You saying that Ocasio-Cortez "packing the courts"...........is "so fucking stupid" and were clearly questioning her intelligence in understanding fundamental things. Explain how its an indication of her intelligence? Guess FDR was really stupid as well????? Guess Republicans in that WaPo article I post are "really stupid" as well (I not
  8. Stacey Abrams is giving a speech, and not conceding. Good. Brian Kemp and his State Secretary office needs to be taken to court to find for every ballot that they are trying to dismiss.
  9. No...........you know it, and I do. That makes it "we". And you know it because you avoid talking about it, and resort to gimmicks. Like this right now..................trying to change the topic. Not gonna work. You tried to insinuate that Ocasio-Cortz was "so fucking stupid" and you were clearly trying to talk about her not understanding how Supreme Court justices are appointed bythinking they only needed "just the Congress." Its also "we" because TWO different people, me and Teh-Diplo arrived to the same exactly interpr
  10. Tony Evers and Scott Walker are going back and forth with just a few more precincts remaining. Evers is barely clinging to a 150 vote lead. I suppose that is going to a recount, which doesn't favor Evers, I imagine.
  11. Another attempt to change the subject. Sorry buddy. You tried to make fun of her for the "just control Congress" remark..........and we know it because you avoid talking about it at all costs. And that's not going to work, either.
  12. Guess I gave you too much credit with the 30 minutes remark.
  13. Of course I am......because I wasn't I would have you attempting to change your story multiple times, and even getting you to go back and try and change your source. Notice how one of us keeps their argument simple and consistent. And the other one doesn't. Notice how one of us is getting mad every 30 minutes, and the other one isn't.
  14. right.................because in that fox and friend clip............they tried to promote the idea of her being "so fucking stupid" Oh wait, they didn't. Which means it doesn't line up with your first post. You literally cannot ret-con your original claim to save your life, I can poke the exposed flaws all day long.
  15. he just tried to go back and change his source Oh my god, as if he couldn't look any more guiltier.
  16. I have you jumping trying to cover every single thing that I keep exposing. lol And you're trying to say that I'm "hoop jumping" None of this is working for you. Not a single thing.
  17. Brian Kemp is leading the Georgia Governor's race by 111k votes (2.9 percentage points)............in a state where he oversaw the removal of about 340k voters from the rolls because they claimed that their address didn't exactly match. Such bullshit.
  18. Wow.................more ret-conning. This is satisfying. He's now introducing a THIRD claim. She's not "so fucking stupid".............you were apparently saying she's "so fucking crazy." LOL. yeah right.
  19. But, according to Hot Sauce.............Ocasio Cortez having SUFFICIENT KNOWLEDGE to know that you can theoretically increase the number of justices to a Supreme Court completely DEFEATS your theory of her being stupid in the first place. Pick your poison. LOL
  20. Yeah i didn't want to argue further on...........because Vini was trying to change the topic. But, what Hot Sauce pointed out also defeats Vini's retcon, as well You CAN theoretically add more supreme court justices. Its not clean-cut because there is no defined law either way. But we know for a fact that the Supreme Court has increased over time. It was never 9 judges to begin with. Thus Vini's calim of it being "so stupid" makes no sense in that context. IF that was his intended context (which it wasn't).
  21. Yup. Because that would mean that you are trying to insinuate that packing a court is an act of immense stupidity. .........which makes no logical sense to describe it as such. You could argue its HIGHLY UNETHICAL. You could argue that its politically toxic. But your argument centers on Ocasio-Cortez intelligence........that she is "so stupid" like really, really stupid. And one can only interpret that you are saying that she doesn't understand the most fundamental of things. And we know exactly what you were trying to say that s
  22. Ah........another attempt at a topic change. I am surely not keeping track of these. And they definitely do not demonstrate how you seem to be trying to get out of this through gimmicks.
  23. Notice that he starts and stops. Like he's trying to find DIFFERENT gimmicks to get away. I wonder if any of them will work.
  24. You are not changing the subject, sweetie. You are not making fun of her intelligence because of court-packing...........you are making fun of her intelligence because you THOUGHT that Ocasio-Cortez believes that they can control the courts by just having control of Congress. You're not moving away from that.
  25. Little too late for you to start projecting what you are doing onto me.
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