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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. What it means is that the GOP has to pour money into Texas during the presidential election, and that takes money away from Ohio, Florida and the other swing states. And, for the results he obtained, Beto O'Rourke is one of the most effective Democratic campaigners that the party has, and therefore alot of the top Democratic brass want him to go campaign countrywide in 2020.
  2. I like how he tries to slip in this type of bullshit..........but if you asked them to defend their policies, he wouldn't do it.
  3. So Amendment 4 passed in Florida, and that means that 1 million Florida people who are ex-convicts and have served their jail term and are now free have REGAINED their ability to vote. So Florida just got 1 million new voters beginning in 2020. How do you think they're going to vote? In the big swing state?
  4. LOL you're quoting some right-wing dipshit posting something on twitter........hmmmmmmm, I wonder if its exactly as he depicts it. Also love how you keep on coming across right-wing tweets bashing democrats.
  5. Her real election occured back during the Summer. Whoever wins the Democratic primary in that New York congressional district is a deadlock to win the general election..........that's why it got so much press back then, because it was a foregone conclusion. ...................it was forgone conclusion for anybody who wasn't a complete fucking idiot who doesn't know this. Like you, for example. Talking about "uneducated voters" eh?
  6. I still don't know why they would call the Beto vote while a large majority of the precincts have still not reported in Harris county (Houston area). Unless they know which specific precincts haven't reported and if they are in heavy conservative surburban areas. But I was expecting Houston numbers to be similar to Dallas numbers for Beto. And then, on top of that there's Beto's home county of El Paso.
  7. exactly Last time that many seats were moved in the House, they called it the Tea Party and it was a "big movement" Democrats control the committees in the House, and they will investigate everything, subpoena everything. They will be talking about Trump, his tax returns, and be calling back people to give testimony again from here until 2020. And, they also can commission a special counsel to investigate Trump in the event that the DoJ tries to close down the Mueller investigation. The Dems in the House will just re-commission him again to complete it, and
  8. I love how you just dropped the pretense. 35 house seats gained? Yeah, that's fine. If Florida were trending towards Democrat, everything would be much more peachier.
  9. With 84% of Harris county still not reporting yet (Houston). And there's still alot of votes in Dallas county, and still more reporting in El Paso, which is Beto's home county? I'm surprised. One of the highest ranking Republicans in the House, Pete Sessions, just lost in the Dallas area to the Democratic candidate Colin Allred.
  10. Fox News already declared the Dems winning the house........in fact they were the first. Nice attempt at concern trolling. lol
  11. that would be great news. Because they would need 200k-300k more uncounted votes, and Gillum/Nelson would need to take at least 60% of those to make up the gap. Isn't there a rule in florida that if its less than 1% it triggers an automatic recount? Because that's gonna be a shitshow in florida.
  12. Why would there be? They are showing 565 of 577 precints reporting in. They would have to be 12 big-ass precincts with alot of votes.
  13. Florida is going to Florida, I suppose. I think the Democrats are doing fine in the House races, they are currently leading in 31 districts that are up against an incumbent Republican, they only need to get 19 of those. So its enough. I don't, something about how Florida's numbers came in within the past hour doesn't line up with early voting. And early voting should've favored Republicans to begin with.
  14. LOL Fox News is not talking about ANY House races at all, and they are just solely focusing on the Senate in their coverage. Guess we can safely say that the Democrats take control of the House. Which is good, because that means that Democrats take control of the investigative committees regarding Trump and Russia collusion.
  15. With 53% of precincts reporting in Florida, the Democratic candidates, Andrew Gillum and Bill Nelson, are winning by about 3 percentage points. Now what usually happens is that the big counties that have the big population report their numbers last. But those high-population counties are almost definitely going to be leaning democratic, so that will mean more votes for Gillum and Nelson. Usually, when a Democrat wins, the numbers turn in their favor at the very end. Here, we're already seeing them turn HALFWAY through. THat's very good news for Democrats.
  16. At first, the game seems "arrogant" to want to make you play by its rules. This is an open-world game, and its habit for you to feel like you should be able to fuck with just about anything. But what it does is that it makes you want to "role-play", as silly as that sounds. I would say that if you have a one-week vacation during Christmas, then that would be the perfect time to dive in.
  17. That is the type of statistic in which alot of people would vote straight-ticket across the board.
  18. Exit polls conducted on the east coast are coming in. These are surveys conducted at the polls. Trump approval is at -11% , which has historically meant bad news for the GOP. Exit polling is important, because if the states report radically different numbers than the exit polling, it will be noticeable. 16% of people in the exit polls are first-time voters. Back in 2016, it was 10%.
  19. jehurey


    He keeps on going to redbox to see if Gears of war is available to rent on PS4. Never finds it, so he settles on renting Madden. Again.
  20. jehurey


    So this guy's account was banned, and he doesn't know why? Yeah, I don't think I'm worried about my PSN account.
  21. Nah, there are some images of Witcher 3 PC version that just have better textures than any console game, including RDR2. I bet that AssCreed Odyssey running on high specs on a PC probably looks stunning and matches RDR2, as well.
  22. If I lost my legendary bear pelt (which I'm not even going to fucking takl about it)......can I go back to the same area to hunt another legendary bear?
  23. I've been delivering pelts to Pearson, but I don't know how that shit works. I guess I need to look at each Satchel upgrade and see the specific ingredients. In Horizon Zero Dawn they had a menu system where you selected an animal or flower that you needed, and it automatically created a "mini-mission" for you to go and collect it. I wonder if RDR2 could have something similar. Because, the way it seems is that he draws animals on the map to indicate where you can hunt them.
  24. Their main export is rust. Which is also the main thing in their lungs.
  25. You'll probably find alot of seats for Judges in all of these precincts. And alot of them will be just one candidate running un-opposed. I usually do not vote in those. Sometimes I saw a Republican judge running against just a libertarian, no Democrat. And just because I want to punish the Republican, I vote for the Libertarian candidate.
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