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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. LOL I pissed him into going back on the clock again. Didn't see that coming.
  2. Let's see. One, two.....three.........four, five.....six.........seven, eight....NINE. DAMN, I was off by one. I forget that he probably takes that Low-T stuff that they advertise on the radio.
  3. Speaking of backup.............his was smart enough to run away and leave him to dry. Even Dynocrap wasn't this desperate...........think about that for a sec. LOL.
  4. He's actually tired, he's typing less. Looks like the horse is slowing down. Too bad, would've loved talking more about the Xbox One losing one of its only two exclusives. Sunset Overdrive.
  5. He's already repeating himself............I figured he had more creativity left. LOL
  6. Very meta. He's trying to pretend that he's in control of his own meltdown.............even though he's in meltdown. ...........over the fact that Xbox One just lost one of its two exclusives to the PC. Sunset Overdrive. I like that I got him trying to type fast.............more work. LOL
  7. Here comes his backup. Got'em working in shifts.
  8. I like how he tried to find an image on the internet........couldn't find it............so he actually went to a meme generator to make one. I'm actually making him work MORE.
  9. That's getting screenshot'd. LOL Its gonna work.........just type like that, but even harder!!!
  10. The great part is how he attempted to do all this to try and change the thread from the fact that Sunset Overdrive is coming to Steam on the PC
  11. He's melting down bad that he's even pretending to type different. LOL I give him.......8 posts before he gives up. ()
  12. And now I got him so pissed he's trying to mimic me. Little too late for that. LOL
  13. I love that I'm making him work. Ahem.....
  14. No...........unlike the things Alex Jones talks about............we can actually count the number of posts you spend talking about these extremist leftists versus the number of posts you spend talking about concerns from the right (versus the number of posts you spend magically pretending to play stupid and not be concerned about things coming from the right).
  15. Retreat!!!! https://i.gifer.com/DRjH.gif
  16. That isn't what you're doing. There's no point is you trying to act rational at this point. The funny part is how I just got you to admit that the "threat" is a "small minority of gender studiest activists" which completely highlights the point I am trying to make with the time you take in PRETENDING to be concerned..............while playing stupid and with not concerning yourself on other matters. Its noticeable, sweetie. Quite noticeable. You're not fooling anyone.
  17. He's so mad...............that I'm making him work. I love it. More!!! (and he'll do it, too)
  18. Did this guy just admit he bought all three Xbox One versions?????? I can't believe I got him to do that.
  19. Right on time. ................and since he didn't bother to provide any evidence or explanation.....that's basically an admission that I was right. Thank you. Oh man, I'm gonna love seeing him get pissed as I just merely type "yup, I did spend more" over and over. Observe:
  20. Then why fight it? See, that's where your "threat level" rhetoric sounds awfully convenient for FINDING A REASON to want to criticize the democrats. While giving you a reason to just "not have enough time" to concern yourself with what is happening on the other side of the spectrum. I mean.........we've seen enough of you guys do this to notice the obvious pattern of what you are doing.
  21. That's not where he's going with the acknowledgement.
  22. LOL, he's getting even more pissed. I have bought a Switch, a PS4pro, and spent $700 on a new computer build during this gen. I don't mind spending money...........when it comes with actual exclusives. That's not even counting the other handhelds I've bought since 2013. Here comes the midnight meltdown. LOLL
  23. yyyyyyyyyyikes, that's an opening sentence that is probably two beers away from sounding truly embarrassing,
  24. Except for the fact that I've spent more on consoles and updating my PC than you have. Oh boy.......this is just going to start getting easier for me.
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