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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. No, we'll still be here in the same place, just laughing harder than we are now. I love how you keep on trying to assign opinions to people. Its weak men who whine alot that will ACCELERATE women into having more power than they have now. You're providing a distinct "comparison" for people to see.
  2. So..............buying a box twice, at the highest price......is okay because you're also allowed to play the games in many other places? The latter somehow alleviates the former????? LOL Brain is not operating well because of the blood boiling.
  3. Let me ask one very simple question. If Phil Spencer, back in 2013 were to stand on a stage and tell lemmings "exclusive games aren't that important, and don't mean anything anymore." Do you think he'd be able to sell you TWO $500 consoles over 4 years? LOL, that's what I thought.
  4. LOL, we are going to looking back at this in about 5-10 years and think to ourselves "there were men..........well, for lack of a better word, lets use the term "men"...........who were actually talking about this shit as if they were threatened?" And we are going to be laughing our ass off as these people.
  5. You can tell that they are livid pissed in this thread. I'll be honest, at first I really didn't think that lemcels would care at that much........but I think its sinking in that they........have........nothing exclusive. Yet MS tricked them to buy two $500 consoles. That's the only thing they've done that's exclusive. LOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLLLO
  6. Do your own homework. Thinking that you are above the simple responsibilities of being a decent, informed citizen? Shit........that basically makes you nothing more than a different flavor of Saucer, in my eyes. Wouldn't surprise me if my post causes you to not vote, thus proving me right.
  7. It happens the same way. Everytime. BEFORE: "LOL whatever, keep dreamin' loser idiots. It'll never happen. LMAO!!!!" AFTER: "Loser idiots, I don't care............I never said it wouldn't happen, look at you getting an old game, idiotsLFMAO!!!" The funny part is that its the best thing they can think up. Even though its always the SAME thing they think up.
  8. LOL lemcels are now trying to pretend that they don't care about one of their two only exclusive games.
  9. LOL, Insomniac doesn't even trust Microsoft and their platform to make back the money it would've taken them to create a PC version, so they are taking it to a better PC store.
  10. There are "waves" of twitter accounts who are already trying to prepare to claim #voterfraud and spread it around tomorrow. They are not bots, these are actual people, except their twitter activity behaves in the same exact way and they appear to be arriving in certain intervals throughout the day:
  11. The rise of indie developers who could port their game to many platforms is the only, ONLY reason that the Vita survived past 2014. It would have been monumentally embarrassing if they didn't have those games. I'm talking about Limbo, Guacamelee, Hotline Miami, Don't Starve, Super Meatboy, The Binding of Isaac, Steamworld Dig, Undertale. I forgot that they even had Stardew Valley on there, but it failed to get much traction, even though they ported it to Switch last year and immediately sold well. The biggest sign that the Vita didn't do well is that outside
  12. They should've unique franchise alive on the Vita, but they probably couldn't because its hard to develop exclusive IPs to two different platforms at the same time, sometimes they don't have enough studios to handle it all. Pursuit Force and Syphon Filter should have had Vita games. Instead, they just let it die out with PSN 2D platformers.
  13. no, i don't think the console versions offer more than french, polish. You can wait for an inevitable GOG sale around christmas. They should sell that around $15-$20.
  14. I thought people have been saying that Call of Duty was fading amongst gamers. If you're running Activision, and looking at the revenue, I don't see much worth getting worried about. And I am hearing that people are loving the Black Ops 4 beta, so there may be CoD renaissance happening soon. WWII ended up being a solid game. The way Activision handles CoD year-in and year-out makes them like the Pittsburgh Steelers of video games. They compete very well each year.
  15. Katamari Forever? I think that is a collection of the best stages from the previous Katamari games. The problem is that if you already has PS+ for your PS4 these past few years, you should've been collecting the PS3 games that were offered as well. I believe Catherine was given for free, Kingdom Amalur was free. GRID, GRID2, Ohhhh, Motorstorm games, absolutely. The second and third one. The first one is enjoyable, but a little rough, especially with how it portrays shadows.
  16. you can bargain bin Witcher 3 right now, like everything on retail disc, DLC and all, for like $20. I played Witcher 3 main story, but still haven't played the two DLC expansions. But this game doesn't render Witcher 3 unplayable. The giantbomb people said it best. This Red Dead game is not a RPG game. This is like LARP-ing. Like you REALLY do have to "role-play", If you come in there expecting to enjoy it like a Saints Row game, none of this is going to feel fun.
  17. jehurey


    So Dynocrap just made another thread, just so that he can get ass-raped again, huh? Well, maybe he might make a thread about getting ass-raped, he seems to like doing that on this forum and at neogaf. It all makes sense now.
  18. So, I'm trying to think about what this classifies as, in terms of game development. You walked in on an interactive cutscene. But it had A.I. in what the characters were going to do, and they coordinated their NPC A.I. with their voice acting. And Arthur would have had specific voice acting for that scene (had you chosen to speak to them while it was happening). Technically, all you did was walking into a house, shoot somebody, and then loot it. Because you walked into a small area, the developer knows what you may or may not do, and so they develop the int
  19. Except you just said that its a social construct, aka a human made construct. How are you not being something that humans specifically made? Am I talking to a non-human, by any chance? Your punchline sounded clever, I'll give you that.
  20. I bought a light jacket that was from the Marc Anthony collection. And I found a novelty t-shirt that was an Ambiguously Gay Duo t-shirt. Gave that shirt to a friend as a christmas gift, and he fucking gave it away. Fucking pissed me off, and every single time I step into a Kohls, I check to see if they have any Ambiguously Gay Duo t-shirts on the clearance rack.
  21. I can't think of buying anything at Kohls with my Kohls cash..........so I end up buying more pillows. Kind of need to since they turn into flat, deflated sacks after about 2 months.
  22. We got another Dynocrap prediction to add to the wall.
  23. Dynocrap gives the best consumer advice. Buy an Xbox One X and get the hot new game, PUBG, for free! And Kohls cash so that he can buy himself this ultra Big pillow to stick in his recently stretched asshole:
  24. LOL did Dynocrap seriously try to make a dig at PSVR?????? Even though he just talked about having played AstroBoy just a couple of weeks ago???? He rapes himself.
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